Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Human Behavior
Video Games are a form of media that continues to grow throughout society. As it grows and becomes fully adopted by adults and children alike, it seems as though a shroud of controversy follows suit. Many parents and those alike seem very afraid or reluctant to let their children play video games in today’s age. They fear for the long term affects such games might have on their children or even the short term effects. Many people see a correlation between aggressive behavior, violent moods, and bullying, when violent video games are in the equation. It seems as though it’s popular in today’s media to try and find a scapegoat or a specific target to point the finger and say, â€Å"it’s their fault!†video games have become that target. The following four literature reviews will explore research conducted on the effects of violent video games on human behavior, and try to reveal more light on the controversial topic. In a research article done by Christopher J. Ferguson, Cheryl K. Olson, Lawrence A. Kutner and Dorothy E. titled Crime Delinquency it’s stated that â€Å"Put simply, many measures used in video game studies claiming to represent â€Å"aggression†in fact do not correlate well with actual real-life aggressive acts†meaning, most studies that suggest playing video games and aggression are linked aren’t properly measured, which leaves room for invalid information (p. 766). The research article goes on to provide a diagram that shows while video game sales increased over a periodShow MoreRelatedDo Video Games Inspire Violent Behavior?1713 Words  | 7 Pagesregarding the effects of violent video games and the development of today’s youth. Many people believe that the violence in video games promotes aggression. According to Doctor Brad Bushman’s article, Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression? he claims that violent video games leads to a ggression because it is interactive process that teaches and rewards violent behavior. Yet others believe that this not the case. Gregg Toppo of the Scientific American, writes in his article, â€Å"Do Video Games InspireRead MoreVideo Game Violence And Its Effects On Gamers1205 Words  | 5 PagesVideo Game Violence and its effects on Gamers In recent years there has been a significant increase of shooting incidents, specifically in America. When there is a shooting event the media is quick to question if the suspect had a history of playing violent video games. There is already the initial connection between video game violence and aggression; but is this connection scientifically correct? This topic interests me because of the increase in school shootings and violence. I have personallyRead MorePositive Effects Of Violent Video Games1161 Words  | 5 PagesViolent video games have been a popular pass time for American teenagers ever since the first ones were released. The most popular of these games are Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, and Doom. It has become a popular belief that these games are directly linked to violent behaviors in our youth. Numerous scholars have set out to determine the validity of these assumptions through vast surveys and studies in America. All of these scholars share the belief that violent video gamesRead MoreViolent Behavior : The Contributors1706 Words  | 7 PagesTriggering Violent Behavior: the Contributors Violence can be everywhere but what may actually trigger violent behaviors is difficult to figure out. Many believe violent behavior is triggered by a certain outcome. Although this may be true, violent behavior can be triggered by a combination of factors. Media, Chemicals, and even society are all known as factors that can influence one to become violent. Forms of violent behavior include aggression, aggravation, and/or frustration. Aggression isRead MoreAdolescent Aggression Based on Violent Videogames1645 Words  | 7 PagesAggression Based on Violent Videogames Violent video games played by millions of people every day results in animated characters having hearts ripped out, heads decapitated, and blood squirting across the screen as their mutilated bodies are erased from the screen. Most players play these games to pass the time, increase hand eye coordination, and create harmless competitions amongst those playing. However, some who play these games are entranced by the violent aggressive behaviors demonstratedRead MoreAlbert Bandura Social Learning Theory1060 Words  | 5 Pagesviolence, and anti-social behaviors have caused society to point their finger at video games. Video game reformists claim that video game violence causes aggressive behavior which result in violent acts. The best way to approach society’s claim is with Albert Bandura’s cognitive-behavioral â€Å"Modeling†approach. This research shows that although video game violence may condone aggressive behavior, it is not the only factor triggering individuals to act aggressively or perform violent acts. The â€Å"Modeling†Read More Violent Video Games and The Human Psyche Essay1343 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The effects of violent video game exposure, both positive and negative, on various behaviors are still highly contested within academia and the general public†(p. 608). Violence in video games is often wrongfully perused as a topic of extreme criticism pertaining to an individual’s act of violence in today society. Examples of such would include the shooting that occurred in April 2007 at Virginia Technical College; where Jack Thompson and Philip McGraw asserted that violent video games were theRead MoreThe True Cause Of Violent Behaviors1613 Words  | 7 PagesThe True Cause of Violent Behaviors in Today s Society There are volumes of media that are starting to harm the world in which we live. They have been linked to fourteen mass murders (Fletcher). Nine out of the top ten selling games have been labeled as violent and 42% of adolescents play them (â€Å"Children and Video Games†). These violent video games are a major problem in the United States and across the globe. Violent video games have a direct correlation with negative behaviors because they increaseRead MoreGame over: the Effects of Violent Video Games on Children Essay1416 Words  | 6 PagesGame Over: The effects of Violent Video Games on Children Seven hours. That is the amount of hours a day the average American child plays a video games (Anderson 354), and with technology advancing and games becoming more graphic, the concern over a violent game’s effect over a child’s development is growing. What does playing video games for seven hours do to a child’s development? Violent, role-playing video games adversely affects a child’s development and causes aggression in children and adolescents;Read MoreThis Article Provides A Brief Overview Of Existing Research1248 Words  | 5 Pagesoverview of existing research on the effects of exposure to violent video games. An updated meta-analysis reveals that exposure to violent video games is significantly linked to increases in aggressive behavior, cognition, affect, and cardiovascular arousal, and to decreases in helping behavior. Experimental studies reveal the linkage is causal. Correlational studies reveal a links to serious, real types of violence. Me thodologically weaker studies yielded smaller effect sizes than methodologically stronger
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