Thursday, August 27, 2020
Case analysis statoil IT case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Examination statoil IT - Case Study Example Scandinavian nations are known for their high work assessments and monitoring your workforce costs is one of the key components of fruitful long haul development. The organization likewise needs to keep steady over present day accomplishments in innovation and building. Having said that, it isn't basic to utilize each cutting edge innovation that goes ahead the ordinary bases. The organization activities chiefly rely upon substantial apparatus and huge scope development extends that have a long life. In this manner, the inclinations go to progressively steady and time-demonstrated advancements with regards to penetrating, mining and investigations. Be that as it may, the correspondence between various groups, ways that data can be spread between workers are refreshed more much of the time than oil business related equipment. That is the reason one of the current strategic goals is to adjust your workforce to the current innovative headways that are as of now utilized effectively in d ifferent businesses, however isn't yet know by Statoil staff. Obviously a straightforward presentation of the new innovation would not welcome wanted advantages on the since quite a while ago run. Statoil looks for a key change of the manner in which representatives approach a portion of their day by day exercises. The conviction is that cutting edge innovation, for example, Internet, private PC and so on would give incredible synergistic apparatuses to the entire Statoil’s workforce.... It likewise includes a pleasant advantage top as a free mixed media device that the entire family unit can profit on. In spite of the fact that, the transient target is clear, Statoil needs to set up some achievement measures to abstain from changing a business improving activity in a pleasant unconditional present from the organization that doesn't give any improvement in singular efficiency. In the following area we attempt to characterize precise estimates that would help Statoil to concentrate on their transient objectives and plainly characterize the proportion of the result. It is hard to legitimately associate the efficiency of representatives and the time they would go through with their new toys. Additionally the decision of area of the new media PC has different sides. On one side it degrees the business related issues into the private family space, yet on another it offer better approaches to engage and invest free energy. Statoil needs to likewise remember European demean or towards clear partition among work and private time. It is exceedingly hard to request that your representatives put additional exertion outside of ordinary working hours. There is another method of by implication controlling or estimating changes in the manner the workers approach certain business exercises. One path is to characterize a few measurements that mirror the degree of joint effort accomplished through new availability instruments, for example, conferencing. For instance, one can devise a measurement of what number of gatherings have been done online contrasted with disconnected ones. Disconnected gathering in a worldwide organization with many dispersed office require a ton of time spent in drive, also additional spending that goes with it. The quantity of disconnected gatherings/gatherings that were changed in unadulterated virtual remote cooperation ones will give an unmistakable sign
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Artist manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Craftsman chief - Essay Example At 15 years old years old, he was such a great amount of inspired by the aiding, in the setting of melodies as a collaborator to his father and co-author in his the dads creation firm. His eagerness later earned him a vocation, and he had his first and life changing the appearance on the radio. This significantly helped his administrative abilities as David interfaced with various makers now separated from his dad. The radio appearance too to the morning sport on WNCR radio broadcast additionally allowed him a chance to meet different heroes. All these changed David Spero into a standout amongst other craftsman directors in the entire stone country world. This example of research clarifies what being a craftsman director includes. The paper talks about different reasons, which make these people fruitful. Somewhat, this examination paper looks likewise profoundly into the disappointments of the craftsman supervisors. David Spiro has learnt different masterful administrative aptitudes beginning from his date and later to the next noticeable demigods. Apparently, every one of his specialists somewhat are one of the best craftsmen in the North Ohio state, yet in addition everywhere throughout the world. As their director, he revels into show associations and occasions for his craftsman after the creation of their music. Association of occasions focused at advancement of the artist’s work is one of the center zones where the craftsman administrators ought to be profoundly concerned. Spero, along these lines, has advanced his craftsmen achievement musically through the advancement of different appearances in whatever number as would be prudent shows. He has been the eagles’ chief for right around 10 years, and this band practices normally under him as the administrator for their visits, which he sorts out worldwide into various pieces of the globe. David has sorted out for an awesome music network show, which too has enormously cleared a path for the ac complishment of his specialists. TV programs typically gives the specialists an advantage regarding fans. Awesome music world due to these TVs is these days connected toward the western culture as well as has diffused to the remainder of the word. This has additionally advanced David Spero’s fans overall henceforth the specialists spread wherever on the planet with their shows, exhibitions just as board notices. David Spero and Herman Spero are a portion of the huge names in the stone country most definitely. This naturally advances the accomplishment of David’s specialists for the work created through him is accepted, by each fan, to be perhaps the best creation. His band is one of the strongly suggested for it creates a portion of the enthusiastic awesome music as far as the beats and even the movies. Spero built up his craftsman and band group through different methods. He assembled his craftsmen and first sent them to Cleveland for an ability search. Through the sh ow they facilitated as a portion of the amicable gatherings where they remained at his home during the time the show disclosed, Spero got an opportunity to begin building up his own band. The other way David activated his group was through the gigs he joined in and met different various gifts. These gifts depended on movement, guitarist’s strategies and moving abilities. Spero through this, marked different specialists into his band, which has gotten one of the best groups everywhere throughout the world. His well disposed nature and the experience he has obtained from this field enormously impacted his longing to have
Death of a Salesman Analysis
Demise of a Salesman Analysis The End OF American Dream Demise of a Salesman, by Arthur Miller, recounts to the account of Willy Loman, a sales rep who considers the disappointments and disappointments of his life, which are because of his convictions in the American dream and the experience. The general thought behind the American Dream is that individuals are equipped for succeeding. Achievement expects one to try sincerely and to be devoted to both their expert and family lives. Individuals frequently confound the idea driving the fantasy in feeling that riches characterizes achievement. Neglecting to recognize the significance of difficult work in accomplishing the American Dream is another part of this misguided judgment. Willys mission for the American Dream in the end finishes in disappointment, as he is one who has constantly been pursuing the deception, instead of its truth. His fussbudget mentality toward his fantasy, his fixation on progress, and his consistent memory to the past that add to his destruction at long last. By disregarding the present, Willy neglects to manage reality. He has a propensity of living previously and thinking about what's to come. He generally believes that on the off chance that he had accomplished something uniquely in contrast to this could have occurred, or things will show signs of improvement over the long haul. His propensity for twisting the past, never permits Willy to acknowledge what is happening at that moment in the present. At once, when Willy goes off through a world of fond memories, he says to Biff and Happy, America is loaded with excellent towns and fine, upstanding individuals. What's more, they know me, young men the best individuals therell be open sesame for us all, cause one thing young men: I have companions. I can leave my vehicle in any road and the cops ensure it like their own. Willy causes this bending of the past so as to make he to accept that he has accomplished the American Dream. Now and again while doing this was impractical, Willy looks to the future and figures he can in any case accomplish it at that point. For example, he has this fantasy about having a major, dynamite burial service. At long last when Willy passes on, at his memorial service, Linda says, Why didnt anyone come Where are generally the individuals he knew? . For his entire life, he clutches this dream, yet he never faces the truth of how he could have made it worked out as expected. It is his vision of the individuals of the past that lead Willy to follow a specific way, prompting his end at long last. By dismissing the present, Willy neglects to oversee reality. He has a tendency of living before and thinking about what's to come. He by and large accepts that if he had achieved something extraordinarily rather than this could have occurred, or things will give indications of progress as time goes on. His affinity for contorting the past, never allows Willy to recognize what is happening at that point in the present. At once, when Willy goes off through a universe of affectionate recollections, he says to Biff and Happy, America is stacked with awesome towns and fine, upstanding people. Whats more, they know me, youngsters the best people therell be open sesame for all of us, cause one thing youngsters: I have mates. I can stop my auto in any street and the cops guarantee it like their own. Willy makes this twisting of the past remembering the ultimate objective to make he believe that he has achieved the American Dream. Once in a while doing this was unrealistic, Willy looks to th e future and assumes he can even now achieve it at that point. For instance, he has this dream of having a significant, phenomenal entombment administration. Finally when Willy fails horrendously, at his remembrance administration, Linda says, Why didnt anybody come Where are all of everybody he knew? . For his entire life, he grips this fantasy, anyway he never goes up against reality of how he could have made it work out. It is his vision of everyone of the past that lead Willy to take after a particular way, provoking to his devastation finally. The achievement accomplished by Willys good examples, Dave Singleman, and Ben, is the thing that he imagines to be the American Dream. He just pictures the final result, being effective, and not the procedure they may have experienced to make that progress. Willys father sold woodwinds and made that his living. In an experience with his memories, Willy tunes in to Ben, his sibling, who alludes to Dave Singleman by saying, Great Inventor, Father. With one contraption he made more in seven days than a man like you could make in a lifetime. Willy expect that by being a sales rep, as Dave Singleman is that he will consequently be ensured achievement, and that it was not something that he would need to work for. Material achievement, for example, cash, extravagance, and riches, and fame are his objectives and his meaning of progress. Then again, self-satisfaction and joy through difficult work isn't. By just concentrating on the external appearance of the American Dream, Willy overlooks t he truth of the difficult work and devotion required to acquire it. His steady distraction with being effective, being popular, and achieving that Dream with the ideal occupation, the ideal family, and the ideal life, never leaves his brain. The out of reach some portion of Willys idea of the American Dream is flawlessness. This hallucination shadows Willy as it takes him through his life. He has this set picture in his psyche of how everything ought to be: a great job, a lucrative compensation, an awesome family with brilliant children and an ideal housewife, being popular, being glad, and having no issues by any stretch of the imagination. Since Willy has this impression of how life ought to be, any element that doesn't accommodate his perspective turns out as this immense trial. This fixation of flawlessness is an explanation behind why, in all actuality, he didn't have a glad family. By attempting to make his family fit the picture of the American Dream, he really caused their despondency. Coming up short at this endeavor of idealizing his family is only one case of Willys numerous errors. Because of the way that he is an alleged stickler, achievement is never clear to Willy. When he arrives at any objective, he neve r observes the positive qualities in it; rather he just observes what he could have improved. Flawlessness is only a fantasy of the creative mind, a slippery figment, similarly as the American Dream is in Willys mind. Willy Loman depicts a typical man, who carries on with an actual existence that is simply a deception. Albeit Willy means well, his awful blemish is that he concentrates just on the presence of the American Dream and never on the truth, the hard working attitude, or how to accomplish it. Willy realizes his own ruin, his destruction, since he attempts to seek after this shallow thought. Mill operator remembers this topic of the American Dream for his social analysis trying to depict the deviation in the estimations of society. For example, realism and innovative advances, makes the American Dream change as times changes. The sales rep is a place that has declining significance at that point. He shows that a people esteems depend on what society has set up. However, as society changes, the qualities one has may not, causing struggle between the general public and the person
Friday, August 21, 2020
Jurlique Marketing Essay
1.0 Executive synopsis The principle motivation behind this business report is to audit the propriety of Jurlique restorative items for the Australian objective market. The key discoveries are: Australia is a tremendous market for restorative and toiletry industry, while it is brimming with rivalry because of the zero obligation on American beauty care products; Jurlique is a settled brand for most Australia clients, in any case, it despite everything needs extraordinary selling directs other than regular fixing toward extend its piece of the overall industry. This is generally founded on the item innovative work. 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Purpose This report embarks to audit the item for an objective section. 2.2 Scope This report initially portrays the general corrective industry, the piece of the overall industry of Jurlique’s healthy skin items and the development pattern. At that point the large scale and small scale natural investigation are directed before the itemized portrayal of the items classification. Following the objective division, a few suggestions will be made. 2.3 Methodology This report is made dependent on the hypotheses from the reading material and the optional information from sites. What's more, charts and tables are utilized to help the particular investigation. 2.4 Assumption and restriction During the examination, some data can not be gotten to, notwithstanding, the data can be found from others as the official site which is formal and perusable to do reference. 3.0 Description of the business 3.1 Market size and piece of the overall industry As per IBIS World (2010), beauty care products and toiletries industry depend on a strong establishment, with a blasting possibility. He additionally conjectures that worldwide corrective industry will grasp a moving development at a normal yearly pace of 3.2%, inside the period to 2012-2013. Diagram 1: Global corrective industry execution and conjecture (Information source: IBIS World 2010) As a key player in the characteristic beautifying agents and skincare industry, Australian-claimed Jurlique Company is a merited market pioneer. It makes and circulates a scope of healthy skin and fragrant healing items just as home grown medications. Through multi-channel appropriation organize, the organization goes into 20 unique nations, where around 60 organization claimed idea stores and 5000 or so Jurlique-marked retail outlets are set up (Official Website, 2012). In addition, retail establishments, drug stores and wellbeing food stores, just as fragrance based treatment centers and magnificence salons are likewise the business channel of the company’s 75% items. The separation in items themselves and enhancement in showcasing channels both add to the company’s overall revenues, which are believed to be about 30%, and yearly deals, which are evaluated to surpass AU$100 million (RAPS, 2011). 3.2 Macro-condition 3.2.1 Overall restorative utilization pattern Graph2: Total market offer of Australian restorative industry Source: Australia Bureau of Statistics The restorative and magnificence industry has encountered a steady development the entire world, and Australia isn't an exemption (see above diagram). The Australia beautifying agents and toiletries showcase esteem is arranged by US$1.5 billion, with imports items possessing about portion of that (U.S Commercial Service). This proposes the household corrective brands are confronting moderately savage rivalry from restorative brands abroad. Regarding piece of the overall industry of corrective industry in Australia, the U.S is as yet keeping up around 30 percent piece of the pie (U.S Commercial Service). There are a few purposes behind this. The U.S is notable for its huge extent of interest in beauty care products innovative work; Owing to the Free Trade Agreement among Australia and the United States, the U.S appreciates zero general import obligation on makeup and toiletries sent out to Australia. 3.2.2 Demographic factor The beautifying agents and toiletries industry in Australia is firmly connected with the people’s giving expanding consideration to individual appearance, both for ladies and men. The rise of a maturing populace in Australia, alongside a brought issues to light of wellbeing and ecological issues, invigorated to a limited degree the cognizance of the significance of items that drag out a young appearance. For person born after WW2 age which is encountering life changes brought by maturing, they have demonstrated expanding interests in beauty care products and toiletries, not exclusively to upgrade their appearance yet additionally for different reasons. A straightforward model is that they use establishment with treatment fixings to secure their skin against unsafe UV beams, and to help an assortment of skin issues. 3.2.3 Cultural changes As the purchaser demeanor bit by bit changes, individuals are more for the regular and safe items in corrective market. Australia shoppers are not special case. They regarded green-included beautifying agents, to be specific, they are progressively in quest for common, contamination free beauty care products without any synthetic substances included. Therefore, the results of concoction through and through freedom increase upper hands in Australian restorative market to meet the consumer’s mental requirements for green, natural healthy skin items. 3.3 Micro-condition 3.3.1 Organization Jurlique is a Sydney-based corrective organization, flaunting its healthy skin items, which are all made in the most regular manner. Financed in 1985 by scientist and furthermore a specialist Jurgen Klein, the excellence organization was portrayed by ranch framework, which makes the reality conceivable that all fixings are developed and prepared in the Adelaide Hills, and afterward circulated in Australia and abroad (Pola Orbis, 2011). The company’s mission is to produce supportability and make common advantage among individuals and nature, with its motto â€Å"Purest Skin Care Products on Earth through Nature, Science and Innovation†. Jurlique, with its home office in Mount Barker in the Adelaide lower regions, has planted great names for its normal and synthetic free items in Australia. On November 30, 2011, Jurlique International reports securing by POLA Orbis, which is the fourth driving corrective organization in Japan and has been building up its plan of action around the beautifying agents industry with a repetitive subject of â€Å"beauty and health†since its establishing in 1929. This procurement makes Jurlique brand very much situated alongside a solid nearness and convincing energy in key markets, with an attention on Asia, the Americas and the home market Australia. Table 1: Changes in Jurlique shares held by POLA because of the Acquisition Source: POLA’s Share Purchase Agreement 3.3.2 Customers Clients of Jurlique are fundamentally female who give a specific consideration to their skin condition and are eager to purchase healthy skin items at a sensible cost. Also, clients of Jurlique should know about the significance of regular element for their skin. As spa bit by bit picks up ubiquity, Jurlique’s target buyer will be extended to whoever appreciates a characteristic and agreeable spa. 3.3.3 Publics Rising concern can be noted by Australian purchasers of any restorative item with respect to wellbeing and security. More prominent consideration is additionally being given to characteristic items in beautifiers. Imaginative excellence salon items that consolidate premium and natural fixings are given warm welcome. This can clarify that deals of Jurlique items utilizing characteristic fixings are demonstrating consistent development. 3.3.4 Competitions Commanded by modern players like Luxus, P&G and Unilever in Australian corrective and toiletry industry, the principle very good quality serious brands in the nation incorporate settled world-acclaimed brands, for example, Lancome, Estee Lauder, Clinique, Shiseido, Christian Dior, Giorgio Armani, Bobbi Brown and Clarins. Center end brands contain Revlon, Max Factor, L’Oreal and Olay (U.S. Business Service). Furthermore, more up to date marks from Japan and Korea are extremely mainstream among Australian little youngsters, for example, DHC, Fancl, HABA, Mioggi, Lanegie, Skin Food. 4.0 Products Jurlique items can be ordered into six classifications by the company’s official site. Table2: Jurlique product offering (from Official Website) Product offering Items nitty gritty by classification Healthy skin line chemicals, profound purging, reviving, recouping, reestablishing, saturating, supporting, exceptional consideration, eye and lip care, apparatuses and adornments Body care hand care, body cream, body oils, shower gels Hair care cleanser, hair conditioners Child care hypo-allergenic and pH adjusted child care items Fundamental oils contains unadulterated basic oils, basic oil mixes, and transporter oils Seasonal offers includes regular arrangements of items containing explicit mixes Inside all these incredible regular items, Herbal Recovery Gel should be referenced more. Having a place with healthy skin class, it is a light gel concentrate for day and night, which contains regular cancer prevention agents and is reasonable for all skin conditions, including slick and issue skin. It works profoundly to fortify and reestablish hydration, which can help keep up perfect skin dampness balance. 4.1 Three degrees of the items 4.1.1 Core level Center degree of an item speaks to the essential utilization advantage purchasers can get from the item. Specifically, it is the capacity or productivity of the item. For healthy skin items made by Jurlique, they can not just meet the essential necessities of target crowd for better their skin conditionâ with its normal fixings, yet they likewise can understand the procedure in a practical way. 4.1.2 Actual level Aside from the regular and top notch qualities, Jurlique items additionally have a full grown bundling chain, which contains three arrangements of procedures: essential bundling, auxiliary bundling and tertiary bundling (Jurlique International, 2011). All items delivered are stuffed into tertiary bundling for shipment from creation to coordinations, and from coordinations to merchants or direct to shoppers. The tertiary bundling used is regular all through the gracefully chain where conceivable. Much the same as the bundling, lab
Tips on How to Start With an Essay About Writing Paper
Tips on How to Start With an Essay About Writing PaperAs an English teacher, I am often asked about the steps to take when starting off with an essay about writing paper. This article offers some useful information about essay writing and its first step - how to begin. I hope you will find this useful.There are actually several steps that are required to begin with a paper about writing paper. A thesis statement is something that is the base of the paper, which needs to be supported by supporting details. This is also the foundation for the content of the paper. The thesis statement should always be studied carefully, as it contains significant aspects in your essay that you will need to properly express yourself.Another important step to take, to start with a paper about writing paper, is to collect the data you will need for the essay. You can gather these data from a variety of resources, such as research papers, textbooks, magazines, or academic journals. The collection of releva nt data is just as important as the writing of the thesis statement.Reading and analyzing your material is the next step to take. You should read your thesis statement carefully and try to identify its main point. Reading your material thoroughly will allow you to highlight any issues you find with the thesis statement. When reviewing your writing, ensure that you do not ignore any particular ideas or facts that are not directly related to the thesis statement. This is because they may be major factors that could complicate your writing further down the line.It is also the most important thing to do before writing the paper. It is a must to prepare a list of possible topics to cover in your essay. Once you have done this, you can now start searching for sources to support your topic, which should include articles, journals, and books.Writing the paper is not easy, though. Not only is it difficult but also you need to be patient. It takes time to learn how to write a paper, and so a lot of patience is required to not rush through the writing process. As the teacher of a course on English composition, I know how difficult it is to write a paper about writing paper; it is definitely one of the hardest parts.There are several resources that provide free papers online. There are also sites that offer good teaching materials for writing and this is a great way to start. There are also some guides and sample papers available, which you can refer to in order to see how a paper should be written.Writing an essay about writing paper is a rewarding experience, because you will be able to express your thoughts clearly and effectively. Once you begin the process, there is no turning back, and there will always be a pile of papers awaiting your completion.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Non-Traditional Parenting How These Relate To Child Outcomes - 825 Words
Describe Two ‘Non-Traditional' Parenting Set-Ups And Discuss How These Relate To Child Outcomes (Essay Sample) Content: Non-Traditional Parenting Set UpsStudents NameInstitutionCourseDateNon-Traditional Parenting Set-UpsIntroductionTo shed light on the issue of non-traditional setups, it is important to first define the prevailing notion of customary child raising (Dines Humez, 2003). Hence, families termed as being traditional comprise of a man, woman and their offspring. This is regardless of whether the children in question are either attained through birth or legal adoption methods. Nevertheless, Dines Humez (2003) postulate that in most contemporary societies there has been an alteration to this kind of setting on the agenda thus characterizing a more enlarged variety of family options. For this reason, it is possible to refer to numerous modern communities as being non-traditional. Ideally, the latter parenting frameworks, also commonly known as substitute techniques, include polygamy, single paternity, same sex families and living together (Dines Humez, 2003). As such, this p aper mainly provides an in depth analysis on the non-traditional parenting setups with an insight on the ways in which the structures under discussion relate to the outcomes of children.Same Sex FamiliesIn essence, akin gender couples are referred to as people of the same sex dwelling concurrently in one home and publicizing an actual and existent relationship. This kind of marriage was legalized in the fall of 2015 in most states in America (Johnson, 2016). Over the years, the union between two men or two women has been a heated area of international dispute. This is mainly due to the controversy involved in the issue under discussion. Nevertheless, Christine (2012) asserts that even after being made legal, most lesbian and gay families still face a lot of negativity especially in countries where it is termed as a taboo.According to Christine (2012), recent research indicates that children brought up in such a setup indicate no difference with those born and bred into heterogeneous settings. As a result, this argument has been used in court rulings pertaining to the nature of perfect union to raise up children. In the same way, case studies report that children of same sex couples possess high potentials of making normal progress in school, just like those from other marital frameworks. Nevertheless, other scholars are of the view that the kind of family setups in question could lead to confusion in the childrens gender identity. This is due to the inevitable early juvenile acquaintance with the gay or lesbian archetype.CohabitationFundamentally, this aspect of cohabitation refers to the element whereby an unmarried couple lives together in a given home (Johnson, 2016). Statistics from the United States head count in the fall of 2012 indicated that such families inclusive of children constituted up to 15 million homes of the entire population (Johnson, 2016). Additionally, this type of union can also classify as a substitute to marriage where those seeking to test their compatibility or those prohibited by the law could seek refuge in marital concerns. Nevertheless, such relationships do not obtain the consistent official acknowledgment or permissible profits associated with matrimony. For this reason, individuals living together could face societal censure from other family members or conviction groups where customary marriage is regarded as the epitome of any relationship.Here, recent studies indicate that nurturing children in cohabiting backgrounds tends to be more difficult than in a matrimonial setting. More specifically, case studied conducted in America show that most of such relationships exist for a maximum of only five years (Johnson, 2016). In turn, this type of shaky union leads to detrimental issues on the children. This is usually primarily in their behavioral and intellectual aspects. To this effect, a study conducted in early 2008 indicated that in cohabiting relationships, children have a high probability of engaging i n early sexual undertakings than those from normal marriages (Johnson, 2016). However, this conduct is usually brought about by minimal attention and care offered to the children on the agenda by their parents as opposed to the insecure union.Single ParenthoodIdeally, single parenthood pertains to a person who bears the responsibility of bringing up the children with minimal or without help from another individual (Marnie, 2015). Some of the main causes of this kind of paternity include the death of ...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Progressivism Between The Ideals Of Social Justice And The...
1. Discuss the tensions within progressivism between the ideals of social justice and the urge for social control. What concrete achievements are associated with each wing of the movement? What were the driving forces behind them? Progressives not only focused on improving quality of life for its citizens, but also on controlling certain aspects of the legal system. For instance, educated middle class women fought for better recognitions of women’s achievement, and they focused on improving health, education, ending child labor, and fixing working conditions. Florence Kelly, who pushed for an 8-hour workday for women and restricted child labor for children less than 14 years of age, made progress in Illinois. Other institutions, like the Hull House Settlement and Henry Street Settlement, were established to help the less fortune move up and improve conditions. On the contrary, Progressives focused on social control as well. They believed in regulating immigration with a tighte r national security and supported more business like methods. Despite the fact that Progressivism occurred across all classes, regions, and races, it was united by several themes. Some of the unifying sources were the anger created by urban growth and capitalism, hatred for social Darwinism, and the idea that everyone should cooperate in order to generate improvements and movements. 2. Describe the different manifestations of progressivism at the local, state, and national levels. To what extent did
Monday, May 18, 2020
Economic Liberalization Of China s Fiscal System
During its economic liberalization in the late 1990s, China restructured its fiscal system, shifting the civic spending burden from the central government to provincial authorities. By 2015, 85 percent of national expenditures occurred at the local level. As China’s economic emergence sped modernization, the central government asked provincial leaders to grow their localities, maintain social stability, and provide for workers, all while taking on the spending onus themselves. This implausible list of demands forced local leaders to choose between emphasizing rapid growth through business investment or growing at a pace that did not leave any citizens behind. The subject of The Transition Period, Gushi County Party Secretary Guo Yongchang,†¦show more content†¦Local government debts amounted to $3.1 trillion in 2013, â€Å"more than a third of the size of the entire economy.†This increased spending created a positive feedback loop by pitting local officials ag ainst each other: Municipalities sought to outspend their neighbors, willingly accruing debt in order to compete in the modernization race. This system clearly influenced Guo’s Gushi where â€Å"working hard to develop and catch up†is the goal. While elements of this system are problematic, spending on development is positive on the whole. Due to development, â€Å"sleepy rural towns†have â€Å"transformed into major cities,†leading to a â€Å"growing Chinese middle class†of white-collar urban workers. Although economic growth has widened income inequality, it has â€Å"raised the living standards of most of the population dramatically†and lifted more than 500 million Chinese citizens out of poverty. Additionally, some economists believe that development may lead to equality in the long term. They propose that China’s development follows a Kuznets curve whereby â€Å"growth results in relatively more inequality in the initial st ages of economic development, and greater equality at advanced stages.†Accordingly, Guo is not purely seeking personal renown in promoting development, but following an economic plan with the potential to help all sects of society in the long term. While Guo personally boasts â€Å"that he constructedShow MoreRelatedChinas Economy And Its Worst Economic Slow Down1093 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction The article I chose describes how the Chinese economy copes with its worst economic slow down in 25 years. 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There can be various definitions of globalization according to different aspects like economic activities, political, technological, cultural interactions. It brings the countries closer to each other and make them more interrelated through providing unrestrained trade and financial exchange. The process of globalisation not only includesRead MoreBrics ( Brazil, Russia, India, China, And South Africa1546 Words  | 7 PagesBRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) nations are emerging as global powers in international business. The term BRICS was first coined by Wilson Purushothaman (2003) in a paper published by Goldman Sachs. This paper was the first to forecast the economic potential of the BRICS nations. Today these BRICS nations are referred as emerging economies or emerging markets despite most of these nations already ranking in the world’s top 10 economies. Economic forecasting projects that theseRead MoreThe Global Political Economy : A Washington Consensus A New Paradigm For Development1354 Words  | 6 Pagesare most likely to promote the development of the poorest countries in the world, it is this: there is no consensus except that the Washington Consensus did not provide the answer. (Stiglitz 2004, 2) Introduction (250) Within the Global Political economic, there have been a number of considerations about whether or not the Washington consensus and the â€Å"Post-Washington Consensus†(Stiglitz, 1998; 2004) approach to development are fundamentally different. Critics within the International Monitory FundRead MoreThe Reasons for Global Inequality1428 Words  | 6 Pagesconcern across many subjects and specifically that of economics. The industrial revolution and globalization are great catalysts to why some nations are so rich and others so poor as they allowed for competition and specialization. There are many other factors as to why certain nations are poor and others rich, arguably historical reasons, structural reasons, abundance of resources and fops, lack of diversification, political issues and systems, geographical issues and topology and the controversy
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Four Major Types of Firm in the U.S. - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1647 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? What are the four major types of firm in the U.S, how are they defined, and what are the key differences between them? In sole proprietorships, the business is owned by a single owner. In partnerships, business is owned and run by more than one owner. In a limited liability company, partners own the company but have limited liability. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Four Major Types of Firm in the U.S." essay for you Create order Apart from these three firms, the corporation is a legal entity, separate from the owners, and is solely responsible for the ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s own obligations but not the employees or the customers whereas in the other three organizational forms, owners are not different from the business and for any other obligations, they themselves are responsible. Ch. 1 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1P Corportations Advantages: In corporation, there is no limitation on owning the shares of the stock The Corporation provides free and anonymous trading system Corporation gives rising capital very easily than other firm types Sole Proprietorships Partnerships Limited Liability Companies: A limited liability company is the form of corporate structure which has the element of partnership with limited liability. Limitited liability to the owners to the extent of their share in the business, if anything happens which is not expected then the owners liability will not pass to their own assets. The limited liability company is a limited partnership without general partner. The members have limited liability, but the business can run by them as managing members. It is a business organization that has some of the apects of a corporation with those of a sole proprietorship. The meaning of Limited Liability in a corporate context is that the liability faced by the owners is limited. That means, in a limited liability partnership, the firm could not have a right to use the ownerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s personal property to pay off outstanding debts. The owners have limited liablility based on their investment and the maximum liability owners have is their investment in the company. How can corporate bankruptcy be viewed as a change in firm ownership? Describe why a corporation would want to file for bankruptcy as well as the benefits and drawbacks of such a decision. Ch1.2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 3CC A corporation gathers its preliminary funds by selling its stocks. The owners who aquire these shares are called the shareholders or equity holders. In the porecess of expansion or acquisitions, a corporation often borrows funds from outsiders. In such cases, the debtors become the investors in the firm. However, the ownership of the corporation rests with the equity holders. In case of its inability to pay back the funds to its debtors, a firm may file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy does not necessarily bring about a closure to the existing businesses of a corporation. It reflects the inability of the firm to satisfy the claims of the people from whom the funds were borrowed. Upon being declared as bankrupt, the ownership and control of the corporation passes on from the equity holders to the debt holders who become the decision makers of its future course of action. List the four major financial statements required by the SEC for publicly traded firms, define each and explain why they are valuable. Four basic financial statement: 1. Balance Sheet. 2. Income statement. 3. Satement of retained earnings. 4. Statement of cash flows. Praimary purpose of preparinf the basic financial statement: 1. Balance Sheet: It shows the financial health of an entity. The praimary purpose of preparing Balance Sheet is to report the financial position of an entity at the end of a particular period. It includes the assets, liability, and equity of the company. 2.Income statement: The praimary purpose of income statement is to report the net income or the net loss of the entity. The net income or net loss is calculated by matching the expenses with the revenue. 3. Statement of retained earnings: The purpose of preparing retained earnings statement is to identify the effect of net income and distribution of dividend on the financial position of the company. 4. Satement of cash flows: The purpose of preparing satement of cash flows is to identify the inflow and outflow of cash for a partcular period. It catagorises the total activity in to operating, financing, and investing activities. It shows the net cash generated or used in each activitirs. Important financial statement: All the four basisc financial stsement is important for an enterprise, because all the four statement reflects the financial highlights of the company. But as the investment is concerned the income statement, and Balance sheet are the most important financial statement of the company. Because, the income statement shows the profitability of the entity, and the Balance Sheet shows the financial health of the company. An investor while investing in a company praimarily wants to know the profitabilty and the financial stability of the commpany. On itsbalance sheet,Maxidrive overstated the economic resources it owned and understated its debts to others. On itsincome statement,Maxidrive overstated its ability to sell goods for more than the cost to produce and sell them. On itsstatement of retained earnings,Maxidrive overstated the amount of income it reinvested in the company for future growth. On itsstatement of cash flows,Maxidrive overstated its ability to generate from sales of disk drives the cash necessary to meet its current debts. Define what is included in a management discussion and analysis section of a financial statement (that cannot be found elsewhere) Ch2.7 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2CC Financial Statements (issued by a firm usually quarterly and annually) are accounting reports that present past performance information to provide a snapshot of a firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s assets. In the US the public companies are required to file their financial statements with the US securities and Exchanges. Companies provide extensive notes with additional details on the information provided in the statements in addition to the four financial statements i.e. Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Income Statement, and Income Statement. The information that the notes to the financial statements are: They provide information related to a firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s subsidiaries or its separate product lines. They show the detail of different types of debt the firm has outstanding and firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s stock-based compensation plans for the employees. The notes are also contain the details of acquisitions, spin-offs, leases, taxes, and risk management activities. Off-balance sheet transactions do not appear on the balance sheet or the transactions or arrangements but they can have a material impact on a firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s future performance. The off-balance sheet transactions are disclosed as part of the managerial decision and analysis (MDA). Managerial Decision and Analysis is a state of the financial statement in which the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s management discusses about the recent year or quarter, taking into consideration about the significant events that have occurred and the company. Management must also discuss the coming year, and outline goals and new projects Thus, the off-balance sheet transactions appear in Management Decision and Analysis in a firmà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial statement and cannot be found elsewhere. 5 Discuss the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in wake of the financial reporting misdeeds of Enron and WorldCom. Compare and contrast the two companies, why they were caught, and how policies have changed for companies today. You can use examples of other companies to help in your discussion. Ch2.8 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1CC 2CC Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) legislation was passed by congress in 2002, intended to improve the accuracy of financial information provided to both boards and to shareholders. This act was passed because of the numbers of scandals faced before. For Example: Problems at Enron and elsewhere kept hidden from boards and shareholders. After all these scandals many people felt that accounting statement of these companies, did not present an accurate picture of the financial health of a company, while often remaining true to the letter of GAAP. WorldCom executives effectively fudged the companys accounting numbers, inflating the companys assets by around $12 billion dollars. The swift bankruptcy that followed led to massive losses for investors The mark-to-market practice led to schemes that were designed to hide the losses and make the company appear to be more profitable than it really was. In order to cope with the mounting losses, Andrew Fa stow, a rising star who was promoted to CFO in 1998, came up with a devious plan to make the company appear to be in great shape, despite the fact that many of its subsidiaries were losing money. That scheme was achieved through the use of special purpose entities (SPE). An SPE could be used to hide any assets that were losing money or business ventures that had gone under; this would keep the failed assets off of the companys books. In return, the company would issue to the investors of the SPE, shares of Enrons common stock, to compensate them for the losses. Sarbanes-Oxley Act attempted to do this in three ways: By offering incentives and independence in the auditing process: The duty of the accounting firm is to ensure that the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial statements accurately reflect the financial state of the firm but if an audit team refuses to accommodate the request by a clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s management than that client will not choose the same accounting firm again for its next contract. SOX addresses this concern by placing strict limits on the amount of non-audit fees (consulting or otherwise) that an accounting firm can earn from the same firm that it audits. By suffering penalties for providing false information: Sox also put the criminal penalties on providing the false information to the shareholders i.e. $5 million and inprisionment of a maximum of 20 year. So, it is for both the CEO and CFO to personally attest to the accuracy of the financial statements presented to the shareholders and to sign a statement to that effect. Finally, Section 404 of SOX requires senior management and the boards of public companies to attest to the effectiveness and validity with the process through which functions are allocated and controlled, and outcomes monitored through the firm.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Steven Spielberg Essay - 726 Words
Steven Spielberg nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;As a kid in Phoenix, Steven Spielberg charged admission to his home movies while his sister sold popcorn. Although Spielberg excelled at making movies he was not a good student. He hated school and was one of the most unathletic students there. His movie making career began at the age of twelve when his father bought a movie camera that Spielberg used all the time. Instead of doing his school work he was using the camera. While he was working with his mom and sister on his projects, his father helped him make miniature sets out of paper mache.He turned out his first production, with script and actors, when he was thirteen, and a year later he won a prize for a forty minute war movie titled†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;However, he followed Close Encounters with the disastrous Movie, 1941, which was his first attempt at comedy and his first true failure. He didnt take long to regain his form, both commercially and artistically. Teaming up with his pal George Lucas (whose Star Wars came out the same year as Close Encounters, and made even more money), Spielberg created an action-adventure picture based on the old continuing stories, better known as serials, that they both loved as kids. Called Raiders of the Lost Ark and detailing the adventures of an archaeologist named Indiana Jones, it earned him another Best Director nomination and made a ton of money at the box office. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A year later, Spielberg surpassed not only himself but Lucass Star Wars--his E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial was one of the biggest domestic moneymakers of all time. Further profiting as a producer of other directors hits (including Poltergeist and Back to the Future), Spielberg became one of the richest men in Hollywood. In 1984, he created his own independent company, Amblin Entertainment, and the following year, reacting to criticism that he couldnt make an adult picture, he attempted The Color Purple. 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However, in Jaws the animal finds himself trapped in an unnatural environment, an inlet where humans swim. In Jurassic Park, animals that became extinct millions of years ago, dinosaurs, also find themselves in unnatural environment occupied by humans. I want to compare these two movi es because I
The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Human Behavior
Video Games are a form of media that continues to grow throughout society. As it grows and becomes fully adopted by adults and children alike, it seems as though a shroud of controversy follows suit. Many parents and those alike seem very afraid or reluctant to let their children play video games in today’s age. They fear for the long term affects such games might have on their children or even the short term effects. Many people see a correlation between aggressive behavior, violent moods, and bullying, when violent video games are in the equation. It seems as though it’s popular in today’s media to try and find a scapegoat or a specific target to point the finger and say, â€Å"it’s their fault!†video games have become that target. The following four literature reviews will explore research conducted on the effects of violent video games on human behavior, and try to reveal more light on the controversial topic. In a research article done by Christopher J. Ferguson, Cheryl K. Olson, Lawrence A. Kutner and Dorothy E. titled Crime Delinquency it’s stated that â€Å"Put simply, many measures used in video game studies claiming to represent â€Å"aggression†in fact do not correlate well with actual real-life aggressive acts†meaning, most studies that suggest playing video games and aggression are linked aren’t properly measured, which leaves room for invalid information (p. 766). The research article goes on to provide a diagram that shows while video game sales increased over a periodShow MoreRelatedDo Video Games Inspire Violent Behavior?1713 Words  | 7 Pagesregarding the effects of violent video games and the development of today’s youth. Many people believe that the violence in video games promotes aggression. According to Doctor Brad Bushman’s article, Do Violent Video Games Increase Aggression? he claims that violent video games leads to a ggression because it is interactive process that teaches and rewards violent behavior. Yet others believe that this not the case. Gregg Toppo of the Scientific American, writes in his article, â€Å"Do Video Games InspireRead MoreVideo Game Violence And Its Effects On Gamers1205 Words  | 5 PagesVideo Game Violence and its effects on Gamers In recent years there has been a significant increase of shooting incidents, specifically in America. When there is a shooting event the media is quick to question if the suspect had a history of playing violent video games. There is already the initial connection between video game violence and aggression; but is this connection scientifically correct? This topic interests me because of the increase in school shootings and violence. I have personallyRead MorePositive Effects Of Violent Video Games1161 Words  | 5 PagesViolent video games have been a popular pass time for American teenagers ever since the first ones were released. The most popular of these games are Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat, and Doom. It has become a popular belief that these games are directly linked to violent behaviors in our youth. Numerous scholars have set out to determine the validity of these assumptions through vast surveys and studies in America. All of these scholars share the belief that violent video gamesRead MoreViolent Behavior : The Contributors1706 Words  | 7 PagesTriggering Violent Behavior: the Contributors Violence can be everywhere but what may actually trigger violent behaviors is difficult to figure out. Many believe violent behavior is triggered by a certain outcome. Although this may be true, violent behavior can be triggered by a combination of factors. Media, Chemicals, and even society are all known as factors that can influence one to become violent. Forms of violent behavior include aggression, aggravation, and/or frustration. Aggression isRead MoreAdolescent Aggression Based on Violent Videogames1645 Words  | 7 PagesAggression Based on Violent Videogames Violent video games played by millions of people every day results in animated characters having hearts ripped out, heads decapitated, and blood squirting across the screen as their mutilated bodies are erased from the screen. Most players play these games to pass the time, increase hand eye coordination, and create harmless competitions amongst those playing. However, some who play these games are entranced by the violent aggressive behaviors demonstratedRead MoreAlbert Bandura Social Learning Theory1060 Words  | 5 Pagesviolence, and anti-social behaviors have caused society to point their finger at video games. Video game reformists claim that video game violence causes aggressive behavior which result in violent acts. The best way to approach society’s claim is with Albert Bandura’s cognitive-behavioral â€Å"Modeling†approach. This research shows that although video game violence may condone aggressive behavior, it is not the only factor triggering individuals to act aggressively or perform violent acts. The â€Å"Modeling†Read More Violent Video Games and The Human Psyche Essay1343 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The effects of violent video game exposure, both positive and negative, on various behaviors are still highly contested within academia and the general public†(p. 608). Violence in video games is often wrongfully perused as a topic of extreme criticism pertaining to an individual’s act of violence in today society. Examples of such would include the shooting that occurred in April 2007 at Virginia Technical College; where Jack Thompson and Philip McGraw asserted that violent video games were theRead MoreThe True Cause Of Violent Behaviors1613 Words  | 7 PagesThe True Cause of Violent Behaviors in Today s Society There are volumes of media that are starting to harm the world in which we live. They have been linked to fourteen mass murders (Fletcher). Nine out of the top ten selling games have been labeled as violent and 42% of adolescents play them (â€Å"Children and Video Games†). These violent video games are a major problem in the United States and across the globe. Violent video games have a direct correlation with negative behaviors because they increaseRead MoreGame over: the Effects of Violent Video Games on Children Essay1416 Words  | 6 PagesGame Over: The effects of Violent Video Games on Children Seven hours. That is the amount of hours a day the average American child plays a video games (Anderson 354), and with technology advancing and games becoming more graphic, the concern over a violent game’s effect over a child’s development is growing. What does playing video games for seven hours do to a child’s development? Violent, role-playing video games adversely affects a child’s development and causes aggression in children and adolescents;Read MoreThis Article Provides A Brief Overview Of Existing Research1248 Words  | 5 Pagesoverview of existing research on the effects of exposure to violent video games. An updated meta-analysis reveals that exposure to violent video games is significantly linked to increases in aggressive behavior, cognition, affect, and cardiovascular arousal, and to decreases in helping behavior. Experimental studies reveal the linkage is causal. Correlational studies reveal a links to serious, real types of violence. Me thodologically weaker studies yielded smaller effect sizes than methodologically stronger
Taxation - Theory and Practice and Law
Question: Discuss about the Taxation, Theory and Practice and Law. Answer: The government of Australia uses income tax as one of its primary method of earning it revenues. In particular, the government imposes three kinds of income tax. Namely, there is a tax from individuals salaries and wages, income tax from business, plus tax from capital gains (Reinhardt and Steel1, 2006). This paper will study analyze the case where a citizen works outside Australia, but his family resides within Australian. From the study, the paper will be able to determine whether the citizen is supposed to pay his tax to the Australian government or not. The first question here is deciding where specifically Kit residence is. Of course, before any government imposes tax liabilities to someone, it has to be determining whether the person resides in such country or not. If not that, it has to assess the source of your income (Clark and Miller, 2000). Even though, to some extent, the way the Australian government carries out its tax regulations seems different from other countries. In analyzing their residency for tax, you may find that someone is not its resident due to immigration demands, but when it comes to tax liabilities, the government includes that person as a resident, and therefore the person is charged the income tax (CCH Editors, 2009). With that, it would be necessary for this paper to determine the kit residence. In determining someones residence and citizenship, Australia adopts the use of nationality test. The objective of this test as centered in helping migrants to integrate and also maximize their opportunities (Bacc hi, 2009). For participation in this test, an applicant would be required to be permanently residing in Australia. Also, a person needs to present the identity confirmation at the time of enrollment. Plus, the department would take require a photo from someone (Braithwaite, 2009). The law of taxation in Australian covers all the details in determining whether an individual is an Australian resident or not so as to impose tax duties. In our concerned case, Kit is a permanent resident in Australia only that he spends most of his time outside Australia, and that is just because of his job's demands. If someone stays outside Australia in the most of the year, such a person would be considered a non-resident as far as tax duties are concerned (IBP, Inc., 2015). Even though, Kit case is different. He is working in Indonesia, but he signed the contract in Australia. In (Vrellis, 2011), the work states that a contract is governed in the country where it was finalized. So it means that Kit's contract was concluded with the laws of Australia. So that part alone gives a presumption that Kit would want his family to live in Australia. The next presumption of Kits residence in Australia is his Bank Account. Kits Bank Account is in Australia, and its the same bank where his salary is credited. In short, the taxation law can conclude that Kit is conducting some economic liveliness in Australia, and in doing that he has an Australian residence. Thus, this piece of information again favors Australian Residency for tax purposes. Another thing, during work-offs and holidays, were are told that Kit finds the time to come and be with his family. This fact can also be used to imply that he wants to stay in Australia. To clarify on that, citizenship is available to any applicant with an intention to reside in Australia if he or she visits Australia regularly. Having this and the fact that his family is in Australia, it also give a presumption that he is an Australian resident. So, from the information given, it's worth concluding that Kit is an Australian residence. Even though he doesn't spend much of his time in Australian, he his investments is not within Australian, his conducts portray an intention to remain in Australia. Now that he is an Australian Resident, he is eligible to pay his income tax and other taxes as stipulated by the law of Australia. For example, in (Fisher, 2012) the work states that the house owner submits charges of fire service levy to the government. Similarly, Kit has to pay for these. At the same time, the government won't charge him any tax on the income that he receives as dividends from those countries mentioned to his dual citizenship (Ashby et al. 2009). Accordingly, Kit would not need to pay any tax from the money he receives from Chile as a dividend. Additionally, in the concern for the income that he is earning from his investment in Chile, that one would be treated as income coming from foreign investments. Therefore, that would be taxed accordingly. If he wants, he can raise a claim over his foreign assets tax offsets. However, this would only apply if he has applicable offsets. Furthermore, he would have to present his capital gains or losses that he faces from his sales. So they would all appear in the tax returns and would be taxed as other regular Australian Resident. The question in the law concerning this case was whether taxation should extend to the profits the taxpayer earned from the disposition of land. The taxpayer had bought this land for mining, but he decided to sell it due to lack of capital to carry out the mining and hence he started disposing of the land. The taxpayer gained some profit from the sale, and it claimed that the government should not assess such income for the purpose of the tax. However, the court held that such profit should be evaluated for taxation (Taxation Of Gains From Banking and Insurance Businesses In New Zealand, 2017). Scottish Australian Mining Co Ltd v FC of T (1950) 81 CLR 188 The Taxpayer acquired had acquired for coal mining. The business worked until 1924 when the coal exhausted from the ground. As a result, the taxpayer partitioned the land, constructed roads, and buildings incorporating railway stations with the plan of selling the property at a profit. When it came to payments of tax demands, the taxpayer contested what the commissioner argued that the profit earned from the subdivision should be included as assessable income (Gaal, 2010). It argued that the business operations were not in line with their actual business. They were undertaking such action to only dispose of their assets which were not helpful to their business. To their side, the court ruled that the profit was not assessable for taxation purposes. FC of T v Whitfords Beach Pty Ltd (1982) 150 CLR Initially, the taxpayer had acquired the land for domestic use and for the fishermen who had their shares in the company. Later on, three construction companies bought the fishermen's shares. They all adopted the article of association of the company, but they had an intention to develop and partition land for sale. When it came to tax payment, the Taxpayer contested that their profit shouldnt be taxed as income. However, the court dismissed their claim and concluded that the tax papers dealing didnt constitute a separate dealing from their overall business operations (CCH Australia Ltd, 2011). In this case, the taxpayers held the land in trust for the estate of Charles Aderman. The deceased had obtained the land with the intention of carrying out desultory farming. Later on, the deceased sold half of the shares to his brother-in-law. Both decided to undertake cattle farming in a partnership business. However, the whole plan failed due to the adverse market situation and the proprietor's health (Morse Group Accountants Advisors, n.d.). So with that, the co-owners opted to subdivide the land and sell it. The council of the co-owners procured the subdivisions, and the co-owners presented a bond to the Council through a bank guarantee. They both sold the plots, and they earned a sizable profit the deal. The Taxpayer disputed that the dealing with that land should be taxed, and they argued that they were merely trying to dispose of their capital asset. To their favor, the court ruled that they were not supposed to submit their tax payments from the sale. The Taxpayer purchased the land for farming business. He carried out the farming work for some time but afterward, he found that the property would not be as profitable as it was expected due to severe drought, poor health, etc (Cooper Grace Ward, 2015). So he partitioned the land and disposed of it in 8 different blocks. The Taxpayer objected to pay the tax since profit was earnings from a capital asset. The Court accepted his appeal; it ruled that he should not pay the tax from the partitioned plots. The court reasoned that he had not acquired the land with the intention of subdividing for sale, only that he found that the farming was not as profitable as he thought. Moana Sand Pty Ltd v FC of T 88 ATC 4897 The memorandum stated that the taxpayer's objective was to carry out business in selling the sand that was on the property. Additionally, their intention indicated that they planned to also sell the land after harvesting the sand. So the Taxpayer subdivided the land after exhausting the sand and then sold it at a profit (Prince, 2011). The Taxpayer argued that it wasn't their actual business of selling land, so they should not remit tax as required by the law. However, the court objected to their claim. About this case, Taxpayer bought agricultural land. He subdivided it and sold for a profit. He contended that the profit earned was not supposed to be a tax. However, the court declined his claim and ruled that he was expected to pay tax. It seemed to the court that he was buying and subdividing the land, and then selling it at a profit (Smith, 2003). The Taxpayers bought the land and cleared all the old houses, and then replaced them with three townhouses. Ahead of completion, he decided to search for buyers but he didn't get them (, 2017). Later he started living in the houses while searching for buyers. Finally, the buyers came, and he sold the property making a profit. He then contended that he be exempted from tax obligations which the court dismissed. Conclusion If you're new to Australia intending to live there permanently, it would be good to understand that you'll be an Australian resident for tax purposes (Hill and McCune, 2007). Similarly, if you're an entrepreneur, it is also worth knowing whether a particular scheme is a little realization or you'll be required to remit your income tax. All this would be necessary to avoid huge penalties that can be imposed by the law. References Reinhardt, S. and Steel1 L. (2006). A brief history of Australias tax system. Clark, B. and Miller, L. (2000). Taxation and sport in Australia. 2nd ed. Leichhardt, N.S.W.: Federation Press, p.6. CCH Editors (2009). Australian income tax legislation 2009. 1st ed. North Ryde, N.S.W.: CCH Australia, p.1654. Bacchi, C. (2009). Analysing Policy. 1st ed. Pearson Higher Education AU, p.171. Braithwaite, V.A. (2009). Defiance in taxation and governance: Resisting and dismissing authority in a democracy. Edward Elgar Publishing. Vrellis, S. (2011). Private international law in Greece. 1st ed. Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer law international, p.75. Fisher, R.C. ed. (2012).Intergovernmental fiscal relations(Vol. 56). Springer Science Business Media. Ashby, J.S., Webley, P. and Haslam, A.S. (2009). The role of occupational taxpaying cultures in taxpaying behaviour and attitudes. Journal of Economic Psychology, 30(2), pp.216-227. Taxation Of Gains From Banking and Insurance Businesses In New Zealand. (2017). Revenue Law Journal, 20(1). Gaal, J. (2010). Tax agents manual. 1st ed. Sydney: CCH Australia, p.141. CCH Australia, Ltd (2011). 1st ed. CCH Australia, Limited, p.734. (Morse Group Accountants Advisors (n.d.). Selling The Farm Piecemeal The Tax Issues. Cooper Grace Ward (2015). Tax and GST issues with small property developments. Brisbane; Au. Prince, J. (2011). Property Taxation. 1st ed. Milton: Wiley. Smith, A. (2003). Property Development Land and Property. WA Division. P 11 (2017). Austax. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2017]. Hill, M. and McCune, L. (2007). The actors' handbook. 1st ed. Carlton, Vic.: Artists Technologies, p.379.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Gas Laws Essay free essay sample
Laws Gases exhibit many qualities that are very different from those of liquids or solids. Gases have particles that are farther apart when compared to liquids and solids. The particles in gases move at different speeds in random directions and they are constantly moving. These particles collide with each other and with whatever container or area they are in. Gases are also very easy to compress. They expand to fill their containers and they occupy far more space than the liquids and solids from which they form. An ideal gas follows all of the gas laws. The conditions that allow real gases to behave like ideal ones are high temperatures, low pressure, and weak intermolecular forces. Gases may be measured in newtons/square meter (N/m2), pascals (Pa), atmospheres (atm), millimeters of mercury (mmHg), torrs, and pounds per in2 (PSI). When these units are all equal, they end up being 1. 01 x 105 N/m2, 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Gas Laws Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 01 x 105 Pa, 1. 00 atm, 760. mmHg, 760. torr, and 14. 7 PSI. Gasses at STP, or standard conditions of pressure, are at 1 atm and 0 °C. Gases have certain law formulas that they tend to follow. For these formulas, P=pressure, V=volume, n=moles, and T=temperature. According to Boyle’s law, P1V1=P2V2, and any unit of pressure and volume may be used. This is successful because pressure and volume are inversely related, meaning as one goes up the other goes down, and vise versa. Charles’s law states that V1/T1=V2/T2, where volume may be in any unit but temperature must be in Kelvin (K). Charles’s law works because volume and pressure vary directly, meaning as one goes up or down the other does as well. Gay-Lussac’s law says that P1/T1=P2/T2. This law is applicable because pressure and temperature are directly related as well. Avagadro’s law tells us that n1/V1=n2/V2, and when using this law you may have to go from number of particles or grams to moles. This also works because moles and volume vary directly. As stated in the combined gas law, P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2. The ideal gas law reports that PV=nRT, where P is measure in atmospheres (atm), V in Liters (L), T in Kelvin (K), and R being the universal gas constant, or . 0821 Lxatm/molK. Graham’s law states that the rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular weight. Graham’s Law of effusion, v2/v1=vFm1/vFm2, where Fm is the formula mass and v is the velocity (rate). Daltons law of partial pressures states that the total pressure exerted by the mixture of non-reactive gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of individual gases. The formula for this is PT=P1+P2+P3†¦+Pn. While gases have many laws with corresponding formulas, these may be easily applied in real life situations. Charles law states that if the temperature of a gas increases, then the volume increases. So for example, imagine a balloon filled with helium on a cold winter day. While you are indoors, the balloon is normal. As you step outside the balloon begins to shrivel up. This happens because of the temperature of the helium in the balloon deceases and becomes less dense, because the helium particles lose energy and become more concentrated, decreasing the volume. But when you put the balloon in a warm area, it goes back to its original size. Another example would be a popgun. It follows Boyle’s law that states volume and pressure are inversely related. When the volume decreases, the pressure increases and eventually the tube cant hold the pressure anymore and the cork pops off. In the end, by following the gas laws and properties, we are able to figure out gases.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
A In Depth Look At Malware, Spy-Ware, and Ad-Ware
A In Depth Look At Malware, Spy-Ware, and Ad-Ware This paper is designed to educate the reader on malware, spy-ware, and ad-ware. This paper will provide a definition and have specific examples of these three. This paper will also go in detail how each of them work and how to prevent and control them. If you think you know everything about the programs that run on a computer. Think again!Has a computer froze constantly? How about programs taking long periods of time to respond? Pop-ups constantly showing up or new unusual toolbars on a browser window? If so, these may be caused from malicious malware, spy-ware or ad-ware.First we will look at malware. From a historical perspective, malware started out slowly and rather gently. Different types of malware each have a different definition, but serve the same purpose; to use resources and to slow down the computer. Malware is any form of malicious software or unwanted source code that can run normally without the knowledge and permission of the user, causing unexpected results.Screensho t of ClamTk 3.08 running on Ubuntu 8.04 H...That of which could be system outages, performance problems or opening a back door for hackers.The most common malware is the virus. A virus is usually a computer program hidden within another seemingly harmless program that produces copies of itself and inserts them into other programs or files that performs a malicious action.Viruses fall into six main classes. The first is macro viruses. Over 75% of today's viruses are Macro Viruses. It is a type of computer virus that is encoded as a macro embedded in a document, not a program. Once a macro virus gets onto a machine, it can embed itself in all future documents that are created with an application.Second virus is the boot sector virus. It infects the boot sector or partition table of a disk.
Personal Statement Essay Sample
Personal Statement Essay SampleSample essays are the easiest way to get an idea of how to write a personal statement. A sample essay can give you ideas on what you need to include in your personal statement. The sample is like a checklist of everything that you should include when you are writing your personal statement.Your personal statement will be a form of introduction. It will also serve as a call to action. Here are some of the things you should include in your statement:I. Include a goal statement in your statement. The goal statement tells the reader what your purpose is in writing your personal statement. This may also provide your potential employer with some sort of motivation when it comes to hiring you. Your goal statement should have a few main points that you want to accomplish in your life.II. Have at least three paragraphs or so in your statement. Write a brief description of your goals. Give examples and you should try to explain how you will accomplish each point. Then talk about the obstacles and setbacks you are going to encounter in your life.III. End your statement with a few positive statements. This is what the reader is going to see first, before they read your whole essay. So you need to make sure that you have some encouraging words that will get your readers' attention.IV. Make sure that you do not make this sample essay too long. It is not a necessity for you to write a very long statement. Just make sure that you include enough information for your potential employer to be able to see what you can really offer to them.These are some things that you need to include in your personal statement. After you complete this document and you have already hired a job that you are very happy with, you can now go out and start preparing to present yourself to the world.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Overview of the Archaic Age of Ancient Greek History
Overview of the Archaic Age of Ancient Greek History Shortly after the Trojan War, Greece fell into a dark age about which we know little. With the return of literacy at the beginning of the 8th century, BCE came the end of the dark age and the start of what is called the Archaic Age. In addition to the literary work of the composer of the Iliad and the Odyssey (known as Homer, whether or not he actually wrote one or both), there were stories of creation told by Hesiod. Together these two great epic poets created what became the standard religious stories known and told about the ancestors of the Hellenes (Greeks). These were the gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus. Rise of the Polis During the Archaic Age, previously isolated communities came into increased contact with one another. Soon the communities joined to celebrate the panhellenic (all-Greek) games. At this time, the monarchy (celebrated in the Iliad) gave way to aristocracies. In Athens, Draco wrote down what had previously been oral laws, the foundations of democracy emerged, tyrants came to power, and, as some families left the small self-sufficient farms to try their lot in an urban area, the polis (city-state) began. Important developments and major figures connected with the rising polis in the Archaic era inclue: Four Tribes of AthensSolon the Law-Giver of AthensCleisthenes and the 10 TribesOlympic Games Economy While the city had marketplaces, business and trade were considered corrupting. Think: Love of money is the root of all evil. An exchange was necessary to fulfill the needs for family, friends, or community. It was not simply for profit. The ideal was to live self-sufficiently on a farm. Standards for proper behavior for citizens made some tasks degrading. There were slaves to do the work that was beneath the dignity of a citizen. Despite resistance to money-making, by the end of the Archaic Age, coinage had begun, which helped promote trade. Greek Expansion The Archaic Age was a time of expansion. Greeks from the mainland set out to settle the Ionian coast. There they had contact with the novel ideas of native populations in Asia Minor. Certain Milesian colonists began to question the world around them, to look for a pattern in life or cosmos, thereby becoming the first philosophers. New Art Forms When the Greeks found (or invented) the 7-string lyre, they produced a new music to accompany it. We know some of the words they sang in the new ic mode from the fragments written by such poets as Sappho and Alcaeus, both from the island of Lesbos. At the beginning of the Archaic age, statues imitated the Egyptian, appearing rigid and immobile, but by the end of the period and the beginning of the Classical Age, statues looked human and almost lifelike. End of the Archaic Age Following the Archaic Age was the Classical Age. The Archaic Age ended either after the Pisistratid tyrants (Peisistratus [Pisistratus] and his sons) or the Persian Wars. The Word Archaic Archaic comes from the Greek arche beginning (as in In the beginning was the word....). Historians of the Archaic and Classical Period HerodotusPlutarchStraboPausaniasThucydidesDionorus SiculusXenophonDemosthenesAeschinesNeposJustin
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Transportation Before, During & After the Industrial Revolution (if Essay
Transportation Before, During & After the Industrial Revolution (if you have a better idea please feel free to use it) - Essay Example 213) wrote, mankind has used these five machines –lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw – for many years. What happened shortly before and during the industrial revolution was that scientists and inventors found ways to combine these machines, control their use, and improve the efficiency in the way these machines worked. The keys to these (Van Doren, 1991, p. 214-215) were the works of great scientists – Galileo, Descartes, and Newton in the 17th and early 18th centuries – that explained why and how these simple machines did what they did. On top of this radical way of thinking, a process now known as the scientific method, were built the early inventions of Arkwright (water frame), Hargreaves (spinning jenny), Crompton (weaving), Whitney (cotton gin), and others whose machines were powered by the steam engine, developed in England by Newcomen, Watt, and Trevithick and in the United States by Evans (Bergen, 2006). The industrial revolution was marked by changes in several aspects of ordinary life: the way people worked, where and how they lived, the new uses for raw materials mined under the earth, the creation of wealth, and how the money was stored and spent. From the etymology (OED, 2001) of the word â€Å"transport†, which combines the Latin words trans meaning â€Å"across†and portare meaning â€Å"to carry†, we propose a general definition of the transport industry as one that exists and develops to meet the growing needs of people to move themselves and their goods from one place to another. Movement or motion is one of the signs of life, and our human history chronicles the movements of peoples for different reasons: escaping from natural disasters, searching for greener pastures, trading with other people, or invading peoples and territories for enslavement, preservation of territorial peace, or the accumulation of power, among other possible reasons. In each of these examples, people moved their bodies and the things
Friday, February 7, 2020
Observations about the communication skills Movie Review
Observations about the communication skills - Movie Review Example This simply backs up what came out of her mouthâ€â€she doesn’t really want to be having this conversation. This can be seen further on in the conversation when the teacher correctly states that a joint effort is needed between the two of them in order to fix Timmy’s behavioral problems. Mrs. Smith gets all defensive by saying that there are no problems at home and it must only be a problem at school. This is reinforced by the way that she crosses her arms over her front. There is no need for her to act in this way because the teacher is not looking to attack Timmy at all. She only wants to help, but Mrs. Smith is misinterpreting it as an attack on Timmy. Mrs. Smith would do what any parent would do when they felt that their son was under attack. Mrs. Smith then attempts to deflect the focus of the conversation back to teacher by saying that she hates Timmy and is out to get her son. This technique shows that Mrs. Smith is feeling vulnerable and perhaps a little guilty for the behavior of Timmy. By shifting the focus away from Timmy and onto the teacher, Mrs. Smith is able to portray a situation where the teacher is in fact the problem. The teacher deflects this attack, although she is a little hurt by it. This is shown when she folds her hands, again suggesting a defensive position. Both of them do not feel comfortable in the room, although they both argue their points strongly. Mrs. Smith seems to know a lot about Timmy’s performance at school even though she does not get to see it firsthand. The conversation conveniently switches to an argument about Timmy’s learning disabilities and whether or not he should be receiving special attention at school. The teacher then concedes the point by saying that she will see what she can do for him by referring him to the gifted and talented kids program. Mrs. Smith would do well to listen to what the teacher has to say and then coming up with a
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
An inspector calls Essay Example for Free
An inspector calls Essay After reading an Inspector calls, I am certain it is obvious to any one who reads it that the inspector is not what he appears to be at all. At first you have no suspicions of the Inspector, but as the play moves on it slowly dawns on you that the Inspector might be an impostor. The inspector also has major impacts on some of the characters. He is Priestleys vehicle for his views on social responsibility. He represents social conscience. He has moral dimension. The Inspectors name, Goole, has noteworthy significance. Ghoul has the same sound and its meaning has a great bearing on the play. A Ghoul is an evil spirit To Birling, and his upper class peers; this is an exact analysis of the Inspector. The thought of the Inspector being something extraordinary seems to be briefly confronted by Sheila but it is dismissed just as quickly. Another theory might be that the Inspector represents truth and is not a real person at all but just a representative of justice. I think that this is a very plausible idea and probably Priestleys own thought. He could be a spirit representing the future, the Birlings chance of repent, although only Eric and Sheila recognize this. They are the only ones to realise that they have ruined this girls life and it could be their doings that sent her to this horrible end. The Inspector could also be as real as all the other characters in body and can eat and drink and is solid. I think that the inspector may have gone back in time or there might have been a time slip of some sort to make sure that these people new what they had done. I think there is a possibility that the Inspector could be Eva Smith and just goes back to haunt them. This maybe quite far fetched by I would not rule it out completely, because if it were true then it would explain everything. The main role of the inspector is his forcing role, which he uses to overpower the other characters to admit to their secrets. He appears to the characters to be very rude at times, but this rudeness only adds to the factor at which he can interrogate the characters, and also provokes them admit to their wrongdoings, I know. I had her turned out of a job. I started it. Some characters take longer to acknowledge their secrets than others. They try to hide, but cannot escape from the inspector. For example Mr. Birling, a very stubborn man, who, even when he confesses to his concealment, believes that it has nothing to do with the death, and believes that he has nothing to do with it at all. Other characters like Sheila and Eric admit and dont try to hide it, and know that they had added to the tragic death of Eva Smith. They know that the inspector is right, and if they hadnt done what they did, then Eva Smith would still be alive. Sheila in particular is very guilty and gets very emotional. The inspector has trouble with getting them all to admit themselves, Inspector, Ive told you before, I dont like your tone.I dont propose to give you much more rope however he knows they had something to do with it, and he knew exactly what that was as well. This may have helped him. The inspector makes his views on social responsibility clear. He believes that we are all responsible for one another and should act together as a community, helping those of us who are less fortunate. Ironically, Mr Birling has the opposite view to the inspector. When the inspector arrives he is discussing business with Gerald and says that he thinks you are responsible for yourself and your family only. Mr Birling is absolutely against the idea of communism. Priestley expresses his views on communism through the inspector demonstrating to the reader how important it is to care for others in your community. In conclusion I think that the Inspector is as real as every one else in the play but I think that he represents justice or truth and is a form of angel or something along those lines. The play can only be understood after it is closely reviewed. I am sure that there will always be a sense of mystery about this play; who was the inspector? What was the Inspector? Will we ever know? His role in the play is forcing to discover the characters terrible secrets and leave them with a lasting impression as well as a lot to think about. Priestley has very strong views on social responsibility which are expressed through the inspector.
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