Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Toothpaste Market in China
(Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 (Excerpt) Huidian Research Publication Date: May 2012 (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 11. Consumer Market Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industry 11. 2 Target Consumer Group Research of Toothpaste Products 11. 2. 3 Consumer Views to Demanded Suitable Toothpaste Type Fig. 40 Demand of Suitable Toothpaste Type Types of Toothpaste Usage Number ConsumerType of ratio Herbaceous Type 85 35% Whitening Type 109 44% Chinese Herbal Medicine Type 44 18% Other Types 8 3% Source: Huidian Research It can be seen from the table above, the most needed type of toothpaste is the whitening type. This shows that consumers pay great attention to vigorous and graceful. In today’s society, image is a very important project, so teeth whitening became a ho t topic gradually. It is easy to see that with the development of society, people pay more and more attention to their images. Teeth are also a part of image and tooth whiting becomes a concern issue, too.Therefore, the whitening toothpaste has become the pursuit of consumers. Table of Contents Chapter I. Status Quo of Industrial Development 1. Overview of Toothpaste Industry 1. 1 Definition and Classification 1. 1. 1 Definition 1. 1. 2 Characteristic 1. 2 Maturity Grade Analysis of Global Toothpaste Industrial Development 1. 2. 1 Market Maturity Grade Comparison between Home and Abroad 1. 2. 2 Maturity Grade Analysis of Toothpaste Industry and Sub-industries 2. Development of Global Toothpaste Industry 2. 1 Analysis of Global Toothpaste Market 2. 2 Characteristics of Toothpaste Market in Major Countries . Development Status Quo of China’s Toothpaste Industry 3. 1 Development Status Quo of China’s Toothpaste Industry 3. 1. 1 Development Status Quo of Toothpaste Industr ial Brand (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 3. 1. 2 Status Quo of Toothpaste Industrial Consumer Market 3. 1. 3 Consumption Level of Toothpaste Market 3. 2 Development Situation of Toothpaste Industry from 2009 to 2011 3. 3 Operation of Toothpaste Industry from 2009 to 2011 3. 1. 1 Profit of Toothpaste Industry from 2010 to 2011 3. 1. Production and Marketing of Toothpaste Industry from 2010 to 2011 3. 4 Analysis and Thinking about China’s Toothpaste Market 4. Research on China’s Toothpaste Market Development 4. 1 Research on China’s Toothpaste Market Development in 2010 4. 2 Market Situation of China’s Toothpaste Industry in 2011 4. 3 Development Characteristic of China’s Toothpaste Market in 2012 5. Consumer Survey of China’s Toothpaste Market 5. 1 Consumer Survey of China’s Toothpaste Market Consumption in 2010 5. 1. 1 Overall Market Share 5. 1. 2 Marker Share in Key Citi es 5. 1. 3 Used Rate Analysis 5. 1. 4 Toothpaste Types in Use . 1. 5 Toothpaste Using Quantity within Half a Year (150g Pack) 5. 1. 6 Purchasing Place 5. 2 Characteristic Research on China’s Toothpaste Users in 2010 5. 2. 1 Characteristics of Colgate Toothpaste’s Users 5. 2. 2 Characteristics of Crest Toothpaste’s Users 5. 2. 3 Characteristics of Zhonghua Toothpaste’s Users 5. 2. 4 Characteristics of Darlie Toothpaste’s Users 5. 2. 5 Characteristics of Yunnan Baiyao Toothpaste’s Users 5. 2. 6 Characteristics of LG Bamboo Salt Toothpaste’s Users 5. 2. 7 Characteristics of Amway Glister Toothpaste’s Users 6. Economic Operation Analysis of Toothpaste Industry . 1 Analysis of Toothpaste Output from 2010 to 2011 6. 2 Main Economic Indicator Analysis of Toothpaste Industry from 2010 to 2011 6. 3 Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industrial Performance from 2010 to 2011 6. 3. 1 Analysis of Industrial Profitability from 2010 to 201 1 6. 3. 2 Analysis of Industrial Operation Capability from 2010 to 2011 6. 3. 3 Analysis of Industrial Solvency from 2010 to 2011 6. 3. 4 Analysis of Industrial Growth Capability from 2010 to 2011 7. Import and Export of China’s Toothpaste Industry 7. 1 Import Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industry from 2010 to 2011 7. Export Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industry from 2010 to 2011 8. Development Analysis of Toothpaste Market Segment (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 8. 1 Traditional Chinese Medicine Toothpaste 8. 1. 1 Analysis of Industrial Development Status Quo from 2010 to 2011 8. 1. 2 Analysis of Market Scale from 2010 to 2011 8. 1. 3 Analysis of Industrial Development Strategy from 2010 to 2011 8. 2 Fluoride Toothpaste 8. 2. 1 Introduction 8. 2. 2 New Standards 8. 2. 3 Limit of Fluorine Content in Children’s Toothpaste 8. 3 Salty Toothpaste 8. 3. 1 Development Status . 3. 2 Salty Toothpa ste became the First Choice of Consumers 9. Development Analysis of Relevant Industries 9. 1 Toothbrush 9. 1. 1 Analysis of Toothbrush Market 9. 1. 2 Analysis of Electric Toothbrush Market Opportunity 9. 1. 3 Development Trend of Toothbrush Industry 9. 2 Mouthwash 9. 2. 1 Introduction 9. 2. 2 Mouthwash Brand 9. 2. 3 Introduction of Consumption Status 10. Regional Market Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industry 10. 1 North China 10. 2 Northeast Region 10. 3 Eastern China 10. 4 South China 10. 5 Central China 10. 6 Western China 11. Consumer Market Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industry 11. Income Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Consumer 11. 1. 1 Analysis of China’s Population and People’s Livelihood 11. 1. 2 Analysis of Consumer Income Level from 2010 to 2011 11. 1. 3 Analysis of Consumer Confidence Index in 2011 11. 2 Research on Target Consumer Group of Toothpaste Products 11. 2. 1 Consumer Views to Toothpaste Prices 11. 2. 2 Consumer Views to Toot hpaste Demanded Functions 11. 2. 3 Consumer Views to Demanded Suitable Toothpaste Type 11. 3 Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior 11. 3. 1 Social Productive Force 11. 3. 2 Consumers’ Income and Commodity Price 11. 3. 3 Personal Preference 1. 3. 4 National Tradition (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 11. 3. 5 Individual Character and Self-concept Chapter II. Industrial Competitive Structure 12. Competitive Structure Analysis of Toothpaste Industry 12. 1 Analysis of Industrial Competitive Structure 12. 2 Analysis of Industrial Concentration Degree 12. 2. 1 Analysis of Market Concentration Degree 12. 2. 2 Analysis of Enterprise Concentration Degree 12. 3 Overview of Competitive Structure in China’s Toothpaste Industry 12. 4 Research of Toothpaste Brands in 2010 12. Competitive Structure Analysis of Toothpaste Industry from 2010 to 2011 13. Competitive Strategy Analysis of Toothpaste Enterprises 13. 1 Competitive S trategy Analysis of Toothpaste Market 13. 1. 1 Product Upgrade 13. 1. 2 Focus on Channel Construction 13. 1. 3 Brand Construction 13. 2 Competitive Strategy Analysis of Toothpaste Enterprises 13. 2. 1 Foreign Capital 13. 2. 2 Native Capital 13. 2. 3 Other Kinds of Capital 14. Competitive Analysis of Foreign Key Toothpaste Enterprises 14. 1 Colgate-Palmolive Company 14. 1. 1 Company Profile 14. 1. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 14. 1. Operation Situation 14. 1. 4 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 14. 2 Procter & Gamble (P&G) 14. 2. 1 Company Profile 14. 2. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 14. 2. 3 Operation Situation from 2012 to 2015 14. 2. 4 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 14. 3 Unilever 14. 3. 1 Company Profile 14. 3. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 14. 3. 3 Operation Situation from 2012 to 2015 14. 3. 4 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 14. 4 LG Household & Health Care 14. 4. 1 Company Profile 14. 4. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 14. 4. 3 Op eration Situation from 2012 to 2015 14. 4. Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 15. Competitive Analysis of Key Toothpaste Enterprises 15. 1 Guangzhou Masson Share Co. Ltd. 15. 1. 1 Company Profile 15. 1. 2 Analysis of Competitive Situation 15. 1. 3 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 15. 2 Liuzhou LMZ Co. , Ltd. 15. 2. 1 Company Profile 15. 2. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 15. 2. 3 Operation Situation from 2010 to 2011 15. 2. 4 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 15. 3 Yunnan Baiyao Group Co. , Ltd. 15. 3. 1 Company Profile 15. . 2 Sales Mode 15. 3. 3 Operation Situation from 2010 to 2011 15. 3. 4 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 15. 4 Nice Group 15. 4. 1 Company Profile 15. 4. 2 Operation Situation from 2010 to 2011 15. 4. 3 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 15. 5 Dencare (Chongqing) Oral Care Co. , Ltd. 15. 5. 1 Company Profile 15. 5. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 15. 5. 3 Shortage of Dencare 15. 6 Haolai Chemical (zhongshan) Co. , Ltd. 15. 6. 1 Company Profile 15. 6. 2 Analysis of Competitive Advantages 15. 6. 3 Development Strategy from 2012 to 2015 Chapter III. Forecast of Industrial Prospect 6. Analysis of Toothpaste Industrial Development Trend 16. 1 Prospect and Opportunity Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Industry 16. 2 Development Trend Analysis of China’s Toothpaste Market from 2012 to 2015 16. 2. 1 Product Aspect 16. 2. 2 Price Aspect 16. 2. 3 Channel Aspect 16. 2. 4 Promotion Aspect 16. 2. 5 Packaging Aspect 16. 2. 6 Spread Aspect 17. Forecast of Toothpaste Industrial Development 17. 1 Forecast of Demand and Consumption (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forecast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 17. 1. 1 Forecast of Market Scale from 2012 to 2015 17. 1. Forecast of Industrial Gross Output Value from 2012 to 2015 17. 1. 3 Forecast of Industrial Sales Revenue from 2012 to 2015 17. 1. 4 Forecas t of Industrial Total Assets from 2012 to 2015 17. 2 Demand and Supply Forecast of China’s Toothpaste Industry 17. 2. 1 Supply Forecast from 2010 to 2015 17. 2. 2 Demand Forecast from 2012 to 2015 17. 2. 3 Supply and Demand Balance Forecast from 2012 to 2015 Chapter IV. Research of Investment Strategy 18. Investment Status Quo Analysis of Toothpaste Industry 18. 1 Investment Status Analysis of Toothpaste Industry in 2010 18. 1. 1 Investment Status by Registration in 2010 18. 1. Investment Status of Small-sized, Medium-sized and Large-sized Enterprises in 2010 18. 1. 3 Investment Status by Holding Type in 2010 18. 2 Investment Status Analysis of Toothpaste Industry in 2011 18. 2. 1 Investment Status by Registration in 2011 18. 2. 2 Investment Status of Small-sized, Medium-sized and Large-sized Enterprises in 2011 18. 2. 3 Investment Status by Holding Type in 2011 19. Investment Environment Analysis of Toothpaste Industry 19. 1 Analysis of Economic Development Environment 19. 2 Analysis of Policy, Laws and Regulations Environment 20. Investment Opportunity and Risk of Toothpaste Industry 0. 1 Comparison and Analysis of Industrial Activity Coefficient 20. 2 Comparison and Analysis of the Rate of Return on Investment 20. 3 Return on Investment Forecast of Toothpaste Industry from 2012 to2015 20. 4 Analysis of Investment Risk and Control Strategy 21. Research of Toothpaste Industrial Investment Strategy 21. 1 Research of Development Strategy 21. 2 Strategic Thinking of China’s Toothpaste Brands 21. 1. 1 Significance of Enterprise Brands 21. 1. 2 Meaning of Brand Strategy Implement 21. 1. 3 Status Quo Analysis of Toothpaste Brands 21. 1. 4 Brand Strategy of China’s Toothpaste Enterprises 1. 1. 5 Strategic Management Strategy of Toothpaste Brands 21. 3 Operation and Management Strategies of Toothpaste Enterprises 21. 3. 1 Grasp the Market Demand 21. 3. 2 Establish a Wide Network and Convenience for Purchase (Excerpt) Research and Investment Forec ast Evaluation of Toothpaste Market in China, 2011-2015 21. 3. 3 Stimulate Consumption and Create Demand 21. 3. 4 Focus on Product Brands 21. 3. 5 Control Product Quality 21. 3. 6 Strengthen Management and Controlling Force 21. 3. 7 Strengthen the Advertising Promotion 21. 4 Research of Toothpaste Industry Investment Strategy
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