Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Final Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Final Paper - Essay Example As society processes the information regarding the event, the victims are framed by the news media and public officials. The reaction to the event creates another class of victims as the public is penalized through loss of freedoms and privacy. Innocent people are viewed with suspicion and an unrealistic assessment of the risk places a heavy toll on a stressed society. While terrorism has existed for millennia, recent uses of the criminal act and escalated methods have increased the level of societys awareness of the victims of terrorism. There is a Chinese saying that says, "Kill one [to] frighten ten thousand" (as cited in Ewald, 2006, p.4). Where in centuries past the concept of terrorism was to instill fear, modern terrorism seeks to murder on a massive scale. It is the ability of the terrorists to murder thousands of people in a single event that evokes such fear and dread. Exploring a few of the most significant terrorist acts committed against Americans can help to understand the ways that the victims are viewed and why they become victims. They are generally victims of opportunity and symbolism. Direct victims can be viewed through the positivist lens, while the indirect victims are more aptly analyzed through the anti-positivist viewpoint. The direct victims are real and concrete, while the indirect victims are constructed through societies own labels and judgments. Killing one can indeed frighten ten thousand, and killing 3 thousand can frighten 3 million. Americans have lived with various forms of terrorism since the countrys beginning, but only recently has it been viewed as a complex social issue. Table 1 is a partial list of the most noteworthy terrorist acts in modern history. The 1993 truck bomb at the World Trade Center was the first terrorist event that took place on US soil that attracted large scale public attention. Though there had been a number of airplane hijackings throughout the previous
Monday, October 28, 2019
Cross-cultural Training for Expatriate Managers Essay Example for Free
Cross-cultural Training for Expatriate Managers Essay The emergence theories of charismatic and transformational leadership have formed our understanding of these topics in the past decade. While the terms charisma and transformational leadership have often been interchanged, Bass (1990) clarifies that charisma forms a part of transformational leadership. Within Bass’s approach, transformational leadership includes charisma (providing a vision and a sense of mission and raising follower’s self-expectations), intellectual stimulations (assisting employees emphasize rational solutions and challenge old assumptions), and individualized consideration (developing employees and coaching). Furthermore, Bass (1990) emphasized that transformational leadership also goes beyond transactional leadership (or contingent reward such as the exchange of rewards for efforts) in elevating leaders and helping followers achieve higher levels of organizational functioning. Hence with an increased level of interest in conceptual framework of transformational leadership, several studies have documented the benefits and importance of changing leadership styles. Koh et al. (1995) study show that there is a significant correlation between transformational leadership facets and organizational functioning. In fact, the study shows that subordinates’ satisfaction with their supervisors is associated with the extent which supervisors manifest transformational leadership. In addition, several researches suggest the importance of transformational leadership as a precursor to some aspects of financial performance (Howell and Frost 1989, Howell and Avolio 1993). Ultimately, the significance of transformational leadership in an organization cannot be adequately understood without comprehending how changing leadership styles is both possible and likely to result in changes in subordinates’ perceptions, attitudes, or performance. Barling et al.’s (1996) research suggests that an effective training program on developing transformational leadership at different organizational levels can increase an employee’s morale, commitment, and overall performance. Barling et al.’s (1996) study also extends prior researches (Kirkpatrick and Locke 1996, Howell and Frost 1989) suggesting that there is strong positive correlation between transformational leadership, commitment, and financial performance. In line with this, the case of United Motors Company (UMC) suggests developing the company culture to better respond to the market needs. As such, one of the goals of H. Arthur Grommet was to develop and to hone leadership skills at different managerial levels. Because Mr. Grommet had inherited the most conservative and bureaucratic management in the industry, he organized a management traineeship program wherein management trainees were recruited from top business schools in the US, and selection from internal management to participate in the training program was also done. The program, â€Å"LeaderMex†was then developed with the mission to identify, train, and monitor UMC’s managers who have strong performance records and the desire to work for their new subsidiary in Mexico. The high-profile program indicates that participants will assume positions with high responsibility and is a â€Å"fast-track†program in identifying potential leaders within the company. Individuals who qualify for the program are expatriated to Mexico and undergo rotations within at least two corporate divisions from three to five years. After which, the employees are promoted to higher positions after two years upon return to the US. While the LeaderMex program is aimed at identifying internal leaders within the company, Human Resources has noted numerous problems that have faced by expatriate managers. At the start, there was no human relations program in place. Managers undergo a three day seminar on labor law and complete a language course before going to Mexico. However, as human relations realize that language alone is not a barrier, the organization recognized the need for a specific training on cultural awareness and the effect of cultural differences on employee attitudes and performance. In response to the problems, a â€Å"cultural awareness†training program has been developed for managers prior to their relocation and assignment to Mexico. A series of trainings were developed for managers to understand how to work in different cultural environment and in how to handle human relations problems that may arise in the course of operations in Mexico. Top management has recommended the following goals for the training program design: (1) introducing managers to the cultural differences between the United States and Mexico, (2) presenting some typical problems American managers face in that company as well as solutions to the problems, and (3) reducing the amount of time needed to adapt to managing in Mexico. Top management has assigned the Human Resources staff members, and possibly using the services of external consultant, in conducting the training program. The value of the â€Å"cultural awareness†program in this case cannot be overemphasized. UMC’s move to set-up a subsidiary in Mexico only presents the increased internationalization and interpersonal cross-cultural contact within the company. In an effort to regain competitiveness in the global automotive industry, the need for UMC to develop the requisite skills in its employees to work within diverse cultures has become an important component in its strategy. Moreover, as UMC has created the LeaderMex program to expatriate leaders in order to build and integrate the technology and culture of the new subsidiary, UMC must provide support functions for expatriate leaders in the new subsidiary. As such, a number of studies advocate cross-cultural training as a means of facilitating the expatriate’s ability to adjust to the new environment (Brislin 1981; Landis and Brislin 1983; Mendenhall and Oddou 1986; Tung, 1987). The need for the support structures in training for the expatriate program can be seen in the cost of an expatriate assignment. According to the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC) survey in 2002, a three year expatriate assignment for an employee with a $75,000 to $100,000 base salary costs an employer $1 million total. Moreover, the cost of a poor staffing decision could range from $200,000 to $1.2 million (the figure only includes identifiable costs associated with compensation, training, development, etc.), and the rate of expatriate failures[1] ranges from 10% to 45%. The cost of an expatriate assignment, therefore, demonstrates how measurement and evaluation of the assignments are crucial for companies. Ultimately, the lack of necessary preparation, HR assistance and appropriate support for repatriation is the culprit for expatriates’ failure. In fact, the lack of understanding on the different dimensions of national culture in Mexico can lead to expatriates failures. Hostede (1993) identified the five dimensions of national culture as follows: (1) individualism-collectivism[2], (2) uncertainty avoidance[3], (3) masculinity-feminity[4], (4) power distance[5], and (5) time orientation[6]. Awareness of these dimensions will help develop cross-cultural preparation programs that include meaningful information regarding the culture the expatriates will find themselves working in. In addition, Minehan (2004) suggests that US expatriates in Mexico should understand cultural dimensions in four aspects. First, American assignees need a real understanding of the relationship between the two nations, Mexico and the U.S. In most cases Mexican colleagues will have a lot more knowledge of the U.S. than vice versa. Second, Americans are perceived to be arrogant and inflexible. For Mexicans, relationships are paramount. People in Mexico obey people, not rules. In the US, people obey rules, not people. Third, language proficiency may not necessarily be a requirement in conducting business; nevertheless, proficiency in Spanish can help assignees forge and develop interpersonal relationships. Speaking the language goes a long way in helping the expatriate gain respect among colleagues. Fourth, crime rates is a serious issue in Mexico, and expatriates must be willing to adapt to whatever security measures are required to keep them safe. Understanding these key aspects of Mexico’s culture and history can go a long way in establishing good working relationships in the new environment. While the content of the training program should highlight and assess the US expatriates understanding of Mexican culture and history, the training program should undergo different phases in the process. Noe (2002) suggest that the training program should have three phases: Phase 1 involves the pre-departure training, Phase 2 involves the on-site training, and Phase 3 is on the repatriation training. The pre-departure training should involve employees learning the language and an orientation in the new country’s culture and customs. Noe (2002) suggest that the type of training most suitable would be language training, cultural awareness and sensitivity training, and daily living training. Language training can be conducted in a classroom type setting, videos, or an interactive learning through conversations. Cultural awareness and sensitivity training aims to familiarize expatriates with cultural attitudes, communication styles, and cultural assumptions of the community. It also introduces the expatriates on the core cultural values, bias, and stereotypes that visitors need to be aware of. Daily living training includes providing expatriates with information about schools, housing, recreation and sports, shopping, transportation, utilities, banking, and health care facilities in the country. The on-site training involves continued orientation to the host country and its customs and cultures through formal programs or through a mentoring relationship. The type of training suggested by the Bureau of National Affairs’ Human Resources Library includes continued language training, orientation, and mentoring. It is advisable that every employee sent overseas for training has a person who is responsible for well-being and is two levels above them in the corporation. That person is tasked with ensuring that the offshore employee is kept in the loop and comes home periodically for meetings or just to hang out. In addition, the continued orientation to the host country through a mentor both for the expatriate and his/her family is a must during the adjustment process. It is important to maintain an active communication and provide company newsletters to expatriates as well. The repatriation prepares employees for return to the home country. It aims to reduce stress level and anxiety when they return. It is important to continue mentoring in the process and to organize career planning discussions with the expatriate. Repatriation phase is important and valuable to the company as expatriates have been equip with a good understanding of the global marketplace having been immersed in the different market. Expatriates also bring a global vision to day-to-day company practices. More importantly, they can be crucial members of international task forces and if left â€Å"un-valued†, they can become significant assets to competitors. The three phases are important in the overall training-program design and maximizing the return on investment of training-program. Nonetheless, it is important to note that while the LeaderMex program goal is to improve its market position by integrating the new subsidiary to UMC’s, the key of ensuring a sound global business is building a solid infrastructure with local talent. In the end, outstanding global organizations will hire the outstanding local people in every business around the world. LeaderMex will ultimately play an important role in the initial stages of building a company in a foreign location, but in the long run, a qualified, well-trained group of local managers will be the key factor to success. And, the reason for the development local managers can be because of the high costs associated with sending parent country nationals to foreign country with a high failure rate. Other benefits of developing local talents include local manager’s knowledge of the local market and business practices, cultural preferences, and local connections (Hsieh and Lavoie 1999). References Barling, J, Weber, T, and Kelloway K. (1996). Effects of Transformational Leadership Training on Attitudinal and Financial Outcomes: a Field Experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (6): 827-832. Bass, BM (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 18(3): 19-36. Bass, BM and Avolio, BJ (1990). Transformational leadership development: Manual for the multifactor leadership questionnaire. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press. The Bureau of National Affairs’Human Resources Library. (2000). Preparing Expatriates for Global Assignments. Corporate Leadership Council (1999). Effective Repatriation Strategies. Corporate Leadership Council (2001). Cultural Training for Expatriates. Hofstede, G. (1993). Cultural Constraints in Management Theories. Academy of Management Executive, 7, 81-94. Howell, JM and Frost PJ (1989). A laboratory study or charismatic leadership. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 43: 243-269. Hsieh, T. and Lavoie, J. (1999). Think global, hire local. McKinsey Quarterly. Joinson, C. (2002). Save thousands for expatriate. 47, 7. Kirkpatrick, SA, and Locke EA (1996). Direct and indirect effects of three core charismatic leadership components on performance and attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology 81:36-51. Koh, WL, Steers, RM, and Terborg JR (1995). The effects of transformational leadership on teacher attitudes and student performance in Singapore. Journal of Organizational Behavior 16: 319-333. Mercer, W.M. (2000). Expatriates Risk Management Survey. Minehan, M. (2004). Prepping U.S. Employees for Mexican Success. SHRM Global Forum. Noe, R.A. (2002). Employee Training and Development. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. SwaakR.A. Expatriate Failures. Executive Placement International Human Resources. Tarelli, E. (2003). How to Transfer Responsibilities to Local Nationals. SHRM Global Forum. [1] Expatriate failure is defined as â€Å"employees who return home before completing their assignments†[2] Individualism-collectivism describes the degree to which people act as individuals rather than as members of a group. [3] Uncertainty avoidance refers to the degree to which people prefer structure rather than unstructured situations [4] Masculinity-feminity refers to the extent to which the culture values behavior considered traditionally masculine (competitiveness) or feminine (helpfulness) [5] Power distance refers to expectations for unequal distribution of power in a hierarchy [6] Time orientation refers to the degree to which a culture focuses on the future rather than the past and present.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
They say your character is built by life challenges. Esperanza is the perfect example of this. Even though she goes through hard times, she can still find the strength to persevere in her dreams and ambitions. In the book â€Å"The House on Mango Street†Sandra Cisneros tell the tail of a young Latino named Esperanza. In the story she goes through hardships of trying to escape Mango Street or poverty. Throughout the story, characters are introduced by stories of Esperanza’s time on Mango Street. These characters have thought Esperanza to become independent through their good and bad influences in her childhood. To begin, one character that is introduced is Marin. She is someone that Esperanza can look up to and is comfortable around. Esperanza looks up to Marin because she does not make her feel self-conscious or ashamed. She also feels she is learning from some one older and wiser, this is obvious when Esperanza says, â€Å"She is older and knows lots of things. She is the one who told us how Davey the Baby’ sister got pregnant and what cream is best for taking off moustache hair†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Cisneros...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Impact of Climate Change on Food Security
[pic] [pic] CASESTUDY: SOLOMON ISLANDS NAME: LIZZIE IMMACULATE. TEGU ID #: S11053489 Course Code: GE302 DUE DATE: week -13- 2011 Lecturer: Dr. Tamarisi Yabaki INTRODUCTION Agricultural sector was the most important sector for the economy. It accounts for approximately 30% of the GDP. Agricultural export is a major source of export earnings and it is the main source of employment and livelihood in the rural areas. Agriculture consists of three sub-sectors: subsistence smallholder farming, a commercial sub-sector, and large plantations (Central Bank of Solomon Islands, 2006, Annual Report 2005).On the other hand, the climate of the Solomon Islands is changing and people are now experiencing increased in intensity or severity of extreme events like cyclones, storm surges, floods and droughts. These extreme events are causing substantial damage to agriculture and associated infrastructure with negative impact on food production. In which, There is increasing concern over the consequences of climate change on food production amongst the Pacific Island Countries, Solomon Islands for instance.Already, the changing weather patterns is having some effects soil fertility, pests and diseases, increased heat stress on plants, changes in rainfall and soil moisture, salt water incursion from rising sea-levels and increased damage on agriculture and crops from extreme weather events (Baragamu, G. 2008). Well, in this report it will focus on the effects of climate change on the agriculture expansion in Solomon Islands. However, the research will concentrate looked at the food security and land specifically apart from livestock, fisheries, and forestry as a part of agriculture as well.Besides, the research looks at how effects of climate changes affect land , and result in lessen of food crops such as taro, banana, sweet potatoes, Pineapple, coconut, and so on. Statement of the problem Well, this research project will mainly focus on the climate change and its effect on the agr icultural expansion in SIDS. The problem that this research tried to find it out is that, how do the SIDS will cope with drastic effect of climate change if there is no enough land left for agriculture to expand, for example low-lying lands are covered due to sea-level rise Ontong Java for instances.And also what happened if the crops are affected due to increased of temperature, and humidity where it encourage the plants to die out due to lack of underground water, and also encourage of pests to damage the crops, whilst it lessen the agricultural productions in the country. It leads to downfall of the GDP of the economy, poverty that people will experience. In which it is a problem for Solomon Islands, therefore these research will investigate on the problem, and come with a possible solutions to help them to deal with problem.Significance of the study The significance of this research is that, to find out the most problems, and challenges that face by the Solomon Islands in terms of their agricultural expansion as result of climate change, and how it halt the agriculture development at the community basis or level and to provide some possible solutions to help them to cope with the changing climate. BACKGROUND INFROMATION The country had an estimated population of 508,000, there were nine provinces in the country Malaita is the most populous and Renbel the least populous.The population of Solomon Islands is predominantly Melanesian (about 95%) although there are smaller Polynesian, Micronesian, Chinese and European communities ( Solomon Islands national census statistic, 2007). Moreover, the economy is largely dependent on agriculture, forestry, and fishing. For a high proportion of the population (mainly village-based), the Solomon Islands economy involves the production of subsistence foods and other items for personal consumption.The main item of production for cash at the village level is copra (the dried flesh of coconut), but also significant in some a reas is cocoa, market vegetables and marine products including fish and shells. Export commodities include gold, copra, wood and fish products, and cocoa (Judith A. Bennett 1978) Solomon Islands is a low-lying coastal country that shares similar sustainable development challenges, including small population, remoteness, susceptibility to natural disasters, vulnerability to external shocks, and excessive dependence on international trade and foreign aid.Besides, Solomon Islands have particular problems and concerns in dealing with the effects of climate change, variability and extreme events, and Climate change will be a major impediment to the achievement of sustainable development in Solomon Islands. As all economic and social sectors are likely to be adversely affected, and the cost of adaptation will be disproportionately high, relative to gross domestic product (GDP) (World Bank, 2000). GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION & INFORMATIONThe Solomon Islands is located between latitudes 5o South and 12o South and longitudes 1520 East and 1630 East in the Pacific Ocean, encompassing a total land area of 28, 785 square kilometres (km-2) and an Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) of 1. 34 million km-2. The land area of the Solomon Islands consists of a double chain of six large islands that make up total 997 islands. The double chain of islands is described as a fragmented island arc situated along the boundary between the Ontong Java Plateau-Central Pacific Basin and the Solomon Sea-Woodlark-Torres Basins.A composite basin separates the double chain of islands that make up the main archipelago of the Solomon Islands and is the segment of the Melanesian Island arch complex that separates the Pacific Ocean from the Coral Sea and Solomon Sea (Geography. about Solomon 2005). Map of Solomon Islands [pic] Source:http://maps. google. com/maps? hl=en&biw=1276&bih=820&bav=on. 2,or. r_gc. r_pw. &wrapid=tlif130062192869311&q=google+map+of+solomon) OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH †¢ To find out the effects of climate change on the agricultural production specifically on the food security. To find out whether the halt of agricultural expansion affect the livelihood and nation as a whole. †¢ To find out the challenges or problems that Solomon Islanders or farmers were facing due to climate change. †¢ To determine adaptation and mitigation strategies to cope with the effect of climate change, local and national level. LITERATURE REVIEW According to Kenneth M, and Joel S (1995), they highlighted that agricultural production could decrease in many countries, low-lying land; particularly in deltas could inundated by sea-level rise.Thus, they said that, climate change could cause developing countries to fall farther behind developed countries. In which they provide examples, that agricultural output in many developing may be reduced by climate change compared to what it would be without it, while many developed nations could have increased output, because high dependen ce on climate sensitive systems, and rapid population growth, cause developing countries will be more vulnerable to climate change than developed countries.Besides that, he mention that, countries with large agricultural productions in deltas, such as Egypt, Bangladesh, and China are particularly vulnerable for a 1m sea level rise, in which he people will be at risk because they depend on agriculture for food and monetary purposes. In which Solomon Islands experience the similar problems as stated by the two authors. Well, in addition to that, in the coming decades, many low-lying areas, and plain areas in Solomon Islands will almost certainly suffer from more frequent and intense droughts and floods, which will reduce yields and potentially fuel forest clearance.Moreover, according to Aalbersberg, W. , Nun, P. D. , and Ravuvu, A. D. (1993), stated that climate change has the great effect on agriculture in a sense that increased temperatures will cause heat stress on many plants, an d increased evaporation may lead to increased drought, especially in drier areas during the dry season. Besides that, increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will increase plant growth; faster growth will also lessen time maturity. This could decrease yields and perhaps food values. Weeds will also grow faster, competing with plants for water and soil nutrients, and areas of agriculture would shift.Due to warming upland area could be planted with crops that previously could not be grown there. Sea-level rise will claim coastal land that is currently for agriculture through inundation or salination where it affect the expansion of agriculture whilst it cause the price to accelerate, and the economy of the SIDS will be drop. To more extent, other factors affecting agricultural output may change in a warmer, more humid south-west Pacific. The occurrence of agricultural pests may increase causing lower yields and increased loss during storage.His sum up with one statement which is,†Farmers are likely to be less productive as temperature and humidity increase†. Well, there are ways that the authors highlight to mitigate climate change in terms of agriculture, for example Network internationally, it was global research to find out cultivars that are less sensitive to heat, salt and drought stress, and it required technological developments that help us the pacific to address these problems. However, it is not applicable for the Solomon Islands for instance, because it was very expensive in sense that it required professionals to deal with this kind of experiment and very demand.And also, they didn’t seen the underlying issues of resistance to heat, salt because pacific islands are surrounded by oceans, and even though they find those cultivars but they do not suite the climate conditions in the pacific. The gap of this research is the way forward to achieve the sustainable agriculture where it not cause climate change on the other hand whilst it wil l adapt to the changing environment rather than emphasis on the sophisticated technology with the solutions that cannot applicable for theSIDS, Solomon Islands for instance. Nevertheless, look carefully on the simple methods that agriculture could expand but does not create any green house gases as well. METHODOLOGY The completion of this report was extracting from a wide Variety of sources, which included quantitative and qualitative data. They highlight below under each sub-heading. In addition, the sample size of the population that interviewed are fifteen (15) both students and working staff for supporting ideas for substantiate some ideas gathered from the secondary sources.Quantitative Method Quantitative is a numerical data in which it is gathered and collected from the interviewees and from the secondary sources; for example, collected data from the internet about the total agricultural production that damaged due to effects of climate change. Besides, collected trend of tem perature, and also the amount of rainfall from each meteorological station in Solomon Islands. Hence, the information gathered, and the sources of information will be summaries in the table below. Sources |Types of information |Primary data |Secondary data | |Internet |Total agricultural production that damaged | | | | |Trend of temperature | | | | |Amount of rainfalls | | | | |Rate of change in sea level height | | | However, there were difficulties and challenges faced during the collections of figures, in which the figures collected from the internet and books were general to understand and analysed in order to pick out the relevant figures. Besides, the sample size of the research did not achieve the accurate results because the sample size was very small. QUALITATIVE METHOD Qualitative is normally non-numeric data in which it gathered during data collection. There were many sources of information collected through websites, books, Library, interviews, observation and so forth. Below summaries the types of information gathered and their source. Sources |Types of information |Primary data |Secondary data | |Internet & Grounded theory |Information for the literature review | | | | |Google pictures of the site | | | | |Effects of climate changes | | | | |Impact of climate change | | | | |Geographical information for Solomon Islands | | | | |Relevant information on the effects of climate change | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Library books |Literature review | | | | |addition information on the topic | | | |Interviews& questionnaires |Effect of climate changes in Solomon Islands | | | | |In terms of the agricultural productions specifically on food| | | | |security | | | |Suggestions of new strategies adaptations for development | | | | |sustainability | | | |Observation |Damaged of crop productions | | | |Lecture handouts |Report format | | | However, there were difficulties and challenges faced while searching for the information because there was very general information gathered for the literature review. Besides, the questionnaire are not properly answered due to some students did not understand what climate change is. To more extent, the questionnaires are delay to give it back, thus it delayed to complete my report in time. Despite of the challenges and difficult faced, the information was accessible and available. RESULTS AND FINDINGSSolomon Islands has a climate humid and warm with mean daily maximum temperature of about 300 ? C and a mean daily minimum of about 230 ? C. Rainfall distribution is quite varied with annual average rainfall normally ranges from3000mm to 5000mm. Often drought in the country is associated with the El Nino Southern Oscillation phenomenon (ENSO). From about December to March, a period of west to north-westerly monsoonal winds and abundant rainfall can expected as well as a period where tropical cyclones form and affect the islands. The south-east trade winds (SE trades) blows from around May to October an d trigger higher rainfall particularly on the windward side of the islands (http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com).Figure 1. 0. Shows The annual mean temperature trends for two locations indicate a warming trend since the 1950s. This is consistent with warming trend elsewhere in the Pacific islands region. [pic] [pic] Source: http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com The above two figures obviously indicated the warming trend of two main stations in Solomon Islands since 1950. The best fit maximum temperature approximately starting from 29. 0 C and gradually upward, while the minimum temperature approximately from 22. 0 C and upward. So by telling that because of the mean, it seen the temperature was gradually increasing with respects to the number of years.Therefore, because of the positive changing in temperature it would actually decreased yields of agriculture crops especially taro, potatoes and so forth on the coastal lowlands, and fires can also result from burning of debris in shifting agriculture systems. Moreover, The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR4) estimates that sea-level rise over the last century was 1. 7+ 0. 5mm/yr. However, from 1961-2003, the average rate of sea level rise is estimated at 1. 8+ 0. 5mm/yr. Global projection of sea level rise estimated by AR4 ranges from 0. 18m to 0. 59m (IPCC 2007). Thermal expansion accounts for about 75% of the total sea level rise (http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com). Figure 2. 0.Shows the rate of sea level rise in the last 10 years up to 2006 from satellite records. In the southwest Pacific (Melanesia region), the rate of change of sea level height as measured by satellites over the 10 years was at 8-10mm/yr, approximately three times the global average. In more recent measurements of sea level in Solomon Islands from 1994 up to June 2008, indicates the net relative sea level trend at 7. 6mm/yr, which two-time average of the trend up to June 2007. [pic] Source: http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com It clearly, shown above in the global map with respects to scale and colour signify the raising sea level due to the climate change. Moreover focuses ainly on Pacific Ocean especially Solomon islands, and from the map, Solomon Islands is located between latitudes 50 South and 120 South and longitudes 1520 East and 1630 East in the Pacific Ocean. So the color that represent the region is somewhere between the scales reading of 3-9 mm per years. So evidently, Solomon Islands facing the sea level rising which causes salt-water intrusion, storm surge and flooding in low-lying coastal areas of the main islands and the atolls such as Ontong Java are already threatening food crops and livelihoods. Figure 3. 0. While temperature records show a generally warming trend, rainfall records show a downward trend.Rainfall trend for seven meteorological stations in Solomon Islands. [pic] Source: http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com From the grap hs above shows the rainfall trend for the seven meteorological stations in Solomon Islands from each year. Likewise, it showed the amount of rainfall from each provinces in Solomon Islands as well, where in some provinces the amount of rainfall were increasing from1960s , Auki for instance as shown in the map. Therefore, the above station evidently had shown the downward trend of rainfall due to the changing of climate. As compare to the pass years from 1950 the amount of rainfall increase, while in the current years the amount of rainfall going downward.The trend of best-fit line is downward, which indicate the decrease in amount of rainfall, and raise the temperature, where could change the pattern of the environment system. So this may result in high intensity storm events, increased evaporation and more pronounced dry seasons, could have severe impacts on agriculture crop production and intense rainfall during planting seasons could damage seedlings, reduce growth and provide co nditions that promote plant pests and diseases. Moreover, below were the responses from the 15 interviewees on the effect of climate changes and its impact on the agricultural productions in Solomon Islands. Table 1. Show the number of the interviewees’ views on the objectives of the research topic. |Temperature |4 | |The effect of climate change on |Sea level Rise | | |agricultural expansion in Solomon Islands |Rainfall | | | |Cyclone |9 | | |Drought | | | |Flood | | | |Tsunami | | | |Storm surge |2 | |What will happen if the agricultural |National level |8 | |expansion decline? Less production to export | | | |Decreased in GDP of the economy | | | |Price of the production increase due to less supply | | | |Local level |7 | | |Less income earning | | | |Less production in the domestic market | | | |Decrease in food supply leading to the increase of prices, thus | | | |creating poverty to low ncome earners | | | |Rural villagers won’t make profit or money leading to the | | | |increase in poverty rate | | |Determine the challenges or problems |Decrease in food supply |5 | | |Increase in food prices | | | |Decrease in employment rate | | | |Poverty |3 | | |Diseases | | | |Hinder standard of living | | | |Water shortage for irrigation |1 | | |Decrease in GDP of the economy due to less agricultural |6 | | |production | | | |Decline in household purchasing power | | | |Decline in income basis for household | | |Determine adaptation and mitigation |Adaptation strategies |3 | |strategies to cope with the effect of |Diversify root crops. | | |climate change, local and national level. |Select crops and cultivars that tolerate stresses | | | |Increase support for plant breeding programs. | | | |Broaden genetic base of traditional food crops. | | | |Develop locally adapted crops. | | |Adopt agro-forestry practises. |5 | | |Promote low tillage and permanent soil cover on agricultural | | | |lands. | | | |Construct safe food storage facilities. | | | |Identify alternative food sources including imports. | | | |Research on farming systems including soil/land husbandry. | | | | | | | |3 | | |Mitigation strategies | | | |Promote adaptive management approaches. | | | |Increase public awareness about potential impacts on agriculture | | | |and food security. | | |Review breeding strategies and regulations concerning varieties |4 | | |release and seed distribution | | | |Support agriculture research especially on traditional food | | | |crops. | | | |Encourage and support local processing of food crops | |The table had shown clearly the views of the interviewee about the climate change in Solomon Islands. There a maximum of 15 people, response to the questions and their views a arranged above in the table. More over most of them their views a similar, because of the reality that occur now in the country Solomon islands. Thus, they grouped according to their similarities on the responses. Besides, you can see that many interviewees answer some of the questions and few students answer some of the questions, but it based on what they experience that they see in the Solomon Islands about the effects of climate change, some of their perceptions on the mitigations and adaptations as indicated above.Hence, some of their responses shown above are clearly stated that they really experience the severe effects of climate change in their homes in Solomon Islands, and suffered extensively from the impacts, western Solomon for instance where they heated by the Tsunami in 2007, in which they lived in poverty for a long period before they recovered. By saying this because, they lost their farms both subsistence and commercial farming, and the entire valuable belongings, house, and stuffs inside are damaged due to the drastic event. Figure 4. Shows the summary of the table into graph in percentage [pic] The pie chart showed the percentage of the responses, and by looking at the graph, it showed that, 75 percentages of the res ponses were strongly agreed that effect of climate change had a great impacts on food security, 20 % of the responses were fair in weighing the effects of climate change and other factors.And 5 % they did not sure of the effects of climate change on food security. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION AND EXPANSION IN SOLOMON ISLANDS Table 2 a. Table shows the effect of climate change on agricultural productions that collected from the interviewees’ views and from other research findings in Solomon Islands. |Direct effect of climate change |Impacts | |Cyclone |Increased intensity/frequency of cyclones could have dramatic effects on agriculture and food | | |production that often lasts for many years. | |Also, after the immediate effects, pests and diseases could come in later damaging the newly grow | | |crops. | | |For examples, Cyclone Namu in 1986 had dramatic effects on commercial agriculture (palm oil and rice)| | |in Solomon Islands, particularl y rice production has not recovered, and there is now a heavy reliance| | |on imported rice. | | |Rural people experienced downfall of food security due to the event. |Drought |Drought in different localised parts of the country, as influenced by ElNino and La Nina in 1987 | | |people experienced a long period of droughts , had a great impacts on food production | | |cause crops to die due to less underground water for the crop to absorb | | |Agricultural systems were seriously affected by drought conditions, and increased air temperature. | | |Coconut trees and pandanus trees, which are most resilient to dry conditions, wither away during | | |prolonged droughts.Other crops breadfruit, banana and Giant swamp taro are in a worse state | | | | | | | |Floods |Cyclone Namu in 1986, flooding the crops both subsistence and commercial crops, decreased in food | | |security for the people, and export commodities as well. | | |Damaged the entire farm, e. g. the crops are underg round. | | |Cause the root crops to rotten, e. g. cassava, sweet potatoes, taro, vegetables and so on. | | |Flooding low-lying coastal areas of the main islands and the atolls such as Ontong Java are already | | |threatening food crops and livelihoods. | |It lessen the production , and it affect the local markets in urban areas because less production | | |they sold in the market, and it cause the price of the crops to accelerated, where even the goods in | | |the shop are cheap as compared to the cultivated crops. | | |Storm surge and flooding in low-lying coastal areas of the main islands and the atolls such as Ontong| |Storm surge |Java, Tikopia, Anuta are already threatening food crops and livelihoods. |Tsunami | | | |Washed away crops, such as coconut, sweet potatoes, and vegetables and so on in the western part of | | |Solomon Islands in 2007. | Table 1b. Shows the indirect effects of climate change |Indirect Impact of Climate Change |Impacts | |Temperature |Increased temperatures – A correlation has been found between rising temperatures and decreased | | |yields of taro on the coastal lowlands of Makira (Legu 2006). Fires can also result from burning of | | |debris in shifting agriculture systems, Malaita, Solomon Islands. | | | | | | | |Changes in rainfall, high intensity storm events, increased evaporation and more pronounced dry | |Rainfall |seasons, could have severe impacts on agriculture crop production | | |Intense rainfall during planting seasons could damage seedlings, reduce growth and provide | | |conditions that promote plant pests and diseases | | |More pronounced dry seasons, warmer temperature and greater evaporation on the other hand could | | |induce plant stress reducing productivity and harvest and subsequently, affect food security. The | | |alternate scenario of increased rainfall could have equally severe impacts with waterlogged soils | | |decreasing agricultural production, while increased humidity an d rainfall could provide ideal | | |conditions for the proliferation of a number of plant pathogens. E. g.Malaita province in Solomon | | |Islands | | |These conditions could lead to declining agricultural production and this would adversely affect | | |both the country’s economy and food security | | |Plants flowering earlier than usual while others are fruiting much later than normal during the past| | |3-4 years Pineable for instance. Southeast trade winds that were still blowing at end October when | | |traditionally this would have ended in August/September each year. Whilst these people agree that | | climate change may have something to do with these changes, it was difficult for them to determine | | |the extent such changes were influenced by climatic conditions and variations. | |Sea level rise |Sea Level Rise and Coastal Erosion is becoming more evident, reducing the area of land available for| | |agriculture either directly through loss of agricultural l and or indirectly due to families moving | | |further from the coast and taking up agricultural land, E. g. western Solomon Islands, and artificial| | |Islands. | |This erosion also increases vulnerability of agricultural land to rapid onset disasters such as | | |cyclones and storm surges due to the reduction in the natural barrier functions from changes in | | |coastal profiles | | |Salt-water intrusion, storm surge and flooding in low-lying coastal areas of the main islands and | | |the atolls such as Ontong Java are already threatening food crops and livelihoods. | | | | The above tables summarize the results collected from the interviewees on the effects of climate change on the agricultural expansion, to the extent, food security. Well there were two tables above which is figure 1a and b, and they were categorize in two different sub headings which is direct effects and indirect effects of climate change as shown clearly.Seeing that they affected the food security in b oth ways, which is the Solomon Islanders are experience food insecurity and less production for export especially, cocoa, copra, and oil palm for instance. Take for example climate change affect our food security directly as shown above, where by the crops were damaged instantly at the spot when the event strike, and lessen the foods for the household and as well as the productions at the national level in the Solomon Islands. While indirectly effects happened in another way around, where as a result of the sea level rise, it cause salt intrusion and coastal erosion, which lead to less land along the coast for crops and cash crops, cocoa for instance to grow. Table 2: shows the crops that are vulnerable to climate change as stated by the interviewees. crops |Effects | |Taro |Easily destroyed by cyclone | |Sweet Potatoes |Damaged by flooding | |Cassava |Damaged by High intensity of rainfall and cyclone | |Cocoa |Damaged by flooding | |Coconut |Destroyed by sea level rise | |Pinea ble |High intensity of rainfalls where it delay the flowering , and as well as the harvesting | |Cabbage |Spoiled the leaves to rotten | |Giant swamp Taro |Cause to turn yellow colour due to salt intrusion, less underground water | |Yam |High rainfalls, and cyclone cause the crop to rotten, and damaged | |Pana |High rainfalls and cyclone | |Palm Oil |Flooding due to intensity rainfalls | This table showed the type of crops that are vulnerable to climate change, for example Taro, Cassava in which they can easily destroyed by the cyclones and high intensity of rainfall. During cyclones, there always be a strong wind and associate with heavy rain falls, whereby it totally damaged the taro leaves into pieces, and the breeze from the sea can cause the taro leaves to turn yellow due to the high intensity of salt, Thus, it cause the Taro corm to rotten.Besides, the strong wind also damaged the Cassava stalk. If the cassava is premature in which it affect the root crops to small in size for the stage of maturity or if not it cannot yield or have no root crops anymore, because it disturbed the growth. Moreover, cocoa, oil palm and coconut are the major cash crops in Solomon Islands; and, they highly vulnerable to sea level rise and flooding result from eroding of coastal land or coastal erosion where it dug the coconuts out, and flooding could wiped the cocoa and oil palm out due to the great force of the current. Along the same line, it digs the riverbanks and causes the cocoa along the rivers to wash down along the river.Figure 4: shows the percentages of agricultural productions that affected due to the effects of climate change from 2004 to 2007. [pic] Source: Central Bank of Solomon Islands, 2006, Annual Report 2005 The figure above obviously had shown the outcomes of agriculture production that was affects by the climate change as from 2004 to 2007 both subsistence and commercial. Well the output affects product was increases accordingly, like in 2004, the affect ed products percentage was 21%, 24% for 2005, followed by 25% for 2006 and 30% for 2007 and as it continues the percentage will increases accordingly. This is because of the changes in temperature and rainfall and the occurrence of tropical cyclones in Solomon Islands.Now day families and communities experience inadequate supply of food from their garden, which leads to the limited products supply due to the following experiences: †¢ Yield from staple fruits trees is not sufficient to meet the food needs of the population and this problem is exacerbated by natural cycle and weather pattern changes. †¢ Yield from roots crops is not sufficient to meet the food needs of the population because of declining soil fertility and poor choice of root crop varieties. †¢ Yield from supplementary sources of food (bush, and gardens) have declined because of climate change and sea level rise. †¢ Less production export in which it decrease the GDP of the economyIn addition, coas tal garden areas (mainly taro patches) were flooded by seawater for long period, and caused the swamp taro tubers to turn yellow and bitter rendering them not suitable for Consumption. Hence, Seawater flooding also affected the quantity and quality of potable water supply that could be exacerbated by drought conditions. Thus for Ontong Java sea-level change and its concomitant consequences are already being experienced. DISCUSSION Well agriculture sector was the backbone of the pacific islands countries, particularly Solomon Islands because it accounts and contributes in to the economic sector with higher percentage of the GDP.Not only that but it was also accommodated the daily and sustainability of earning for the rural people (Legu, M. 2006). Therefore, it is a concern for every people and well as government to take action, adaption and mitigation strategies on this issue of growing climate changes on the food security and agriculture production. Refer to figure 1. 0. It depict o ut the increasing minimum and maximum temperature of two main islands, Malaita and Guadalcanal of Solomon islands since the 1950s. Besides, the best fit maximum temperature approximately from 29. 0 ? C and gradually upward, while the minimum temperature approximately from 22. 0 ? C and upward.From that, you can see that best fit is continuously increasing from 1950s to 2007, likewise from 2007 to 2011 in which the temperature might 30. 0 ? C from the estimation from the figure. Besides, the figure 1. 0 was true because it back up the evidence from the interviewees, where they said that they experienced droughts, and hot session not like before. Where, some of the grasslands in Guadalcanal province were in flame, due to the friction between the grasses itself and the hot weather. These lead to the massive destruction on the crops due to the burning, and diminish the growth of the agricultural crops because of inadequate nutrients and ground water to the support the growth of the crop s.Increased temperatures resulted in a correlation has been found between rising temperatures and decreased yields of taro on the coastal lowlands of Makira (Legu 2006). Fires can also result from burning of debris in shifting agriculture systems. For example, in 1997 and 1998 ENSO, people experienced a long period of drought , result in hunger due to poor quality of crops because they are affected by disease because they breed in dry session, sweet potatoes for instance, and so on, where only few crops have left, in which it reduced in food supply for the household consumption (Legu 2006). Besides, swamp water for the Giant swamp Taros were dried up, and they are dead due to no water for them to keep alive and as well rice farms.Whilst, it reduced in food security and even the production, rice for instance for both daily consumption and export were affected. Along the same line, in 2002, they experienced the long sunshine period due to effects of climate change, and it has the grea t effect on food security in a sense that increased temperatures will cause heat stress on many plants, and increased evaporation may lead to increased drought, especially in drier areas during the dry season, (Personal Interview of Dr. Morgan). Hence, it affected the food production to be less in the central market in Honiara, where it causes the price of the crops too expensive for the urban dwellers especially for the low-income earners. Moreover, according to figure 2. 0.It shows the rate of sea level rise in the last 10 years up to 2006 from satellite records. In the southwest Pacific (Melanesia region), and Solomon Islands is one of them. Likewise, the record indicates that from 1994 to 2008 the relative trend of sea level rise is 7. 6 mm per year for Solomon Islands (http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com). Well, estimated from 2008 to 2011 where the global trend of the seal level rise is 1. 1 mm per year, in which absolutely it rise to 11 mm according to the record from th e estimation. In addition, sea level rise spoil the swamp Taros and cause intrusion to the leaves to turn yellow because it resist to salination, and even the corm of the swamp Taros (Kakake) are perished.Hence it affect the food security to reduce and some household experienced hunger during flooding, and diseases, because this food can substituted instead of high land taro, and sweet potatoes and so on for their survival. besides, it signifies that coastal land are eroding, where it reduced the size of the land to plant coconut and cocoa Plantations where they used to reside along the coast in which they found land areas to plant. To more extent, from the responses of the interviewees, it shows that sea level rise and Cyclones and storm surges was a major problem especially the low-lying coast in Solomon Islands especially, Ontong Java, Tikopia, Anuta, western Solomon, and northern Solomon. For example, a storm in early 2006 coinciding with high tides caused extensive floods on th e two permanently inhabited islands, Luaniua and Pelau.And Ontong Java considered highly vulnerable to cyclones due to the high exposure and sensitivity to impacts from flooding, dependence on few crops (mainly coconuts and taro) and wind-sensitive house constructions. In addition, from the interviewees, especially the students from western part of Solomon Islands, they said that, they experienced the great massive of destruction on the agricultural productions and as well taking life of human. For example, in 2007, the Tsunami heats the coastal area in western Solomon and split the villages into half, and washed away the crops along the coast, and they experienced great hunger ever in their lives that they did not experienced in life before. (Personal Interview with students). Below is the picture of the Tsunami in 2007. [pic][pic] Source: by Calwin, 2007As you can see from the picture above, the Tsunami split the Coconut Plantation, and all the coconut trees along the coast were w ashed away, and with their homes. The impacts result in coastal erosion, and eroded of the large area of land that planted by coconut and cocoa trees, and the sea come through the inner part of the land and washed ? part of the plantation away. Likewise, it results in shortage of supplies to the main centre for exporting, because less coconut and cocoa ripe fruits collected for dryer. Hence, it reduced the revenue coming into the country for increased the economy in terms of the GDP, this is because coconut and cocoa are primary products and main source of export from Solomon Islands.Well, it affected the household income basis because less income received from the selling of the dryer coconut flesh and dry and wet cocoa beans, result in hindrance for their livelihood in terms of living standard. Likewise, they suffered from the drastic event until today. Furthermore, agricultural productivity in PICs is heavily dependent on the seasonal rainfall. About 70% of the gross cropped area in the Pacific Islands is geographically located to benefit from rains in the summer season (November – April). Well, most of the rural population in Solomon Islands lived and cultivated crops in areas where annual rainfall was in the range 1800–3500 mm.In mountainous locations where clouds formed early in the day and reduced sunlight, human settlement and agriculture was generally absent. Localities where the annual rainfall was more than 4000 mm tend to be wet and have too much cloud covered for good agricultural production. The variation of the normal rainfall can have many impacts to the agriculture products like shift of rainfall patterns affect planting time, growing stages, harvest periods, post harvesting storage and drastically reduced the total yield (World Bank, 2000). Cocoa production is widely distributed throughout Solomon Islands, grown in all provinces except Rennel/Bellona, which makes cocoa the second most important cash crop after coconut.The high r ainfall in production areas led to severe outbreaks of the Black-pod disease having devastating effects on production ( personal interviews with student). Agriculture and crop productions were under stress from these climatic factors but it remains difficult to predict the likely outcomes with certainty because of limited empirical data for the Solomon Islands. These can affected the local food consumption and the total exports of products per year, which also contributed to the decline in country GDP. Hence, by observation the most destructive impacts of excessive rainfall on agriculture infrastructure and crops are flooding and water logging.For example, Cyclone Namu in 1986 had dramatic effects on commercial agriculture (palm oil and rice), and in Solomon Islands, particularly rice production has not recovered, and there is now a heavy reliance on Imported rice (personal interviewed with Dr. Morgan, 2011). Another example, flooding in 2009-caused damage to gardens and the oil pal m and other outdoor crops, these in fact lead to lose in output oil palm and other farmers loses. And affected the livelihood of the people both rural and urban dwellers, and even at the national level GDP for instance reduced because less merchandise to export (Lizzie Tegu, 2009). Below show some pictures in 2009 flooding in Solomon Islands and affected the outskirts of the Town Honiara, even further away from the City in Guadalcanal province. [pic][pic]Source: shot by Lizzie Tegu, 2009 These pictures have taken during the flood in 2009 but just outskirt of the cities, and only few but not all pictures. Moreover, from the analysis of the interviewees’ views or responses from the tables, it come with the summary that, absolutely the food security was rapidly reduced due to the effects of climate change that discussed above. Well, it shown that, Solomon Islanders facing a great challenges and problems but they do not realized the real effects on the food security, in which the y experienced less food for household consumption, and some urban dwellers experienced the price of the crops were increasing so fast from year to year.Imagine that even the crops were very expensive than the proceed food in the shops in Solomon Islands, where the price should decrease because there was no Taxes, labour cost on the crops, but it shown that the productions is reduced but they do not know the exact causes. In addition, from some findings shows that there are great percentage lose from the agricultural production especially food security both in rural areas and outskirt of the city of Honiara. Where figure 4, give the actual data, each year the percentage of the crops were decreased due to cyclones, flooding, seal level rise, drought, and so on as indicate from the table above. As you can see below was the picture taken during the Cyclone that affected Tikopia, and Lordhowe (http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. com). [pic] Source: http://www. SolomonIslandsNapa. pdf. o m). From the responses, highlighted that, flooding was a major problem in Solomon Islands, Guadalcanal province where Honiara city is located, it have a great massive destruction on the Oil palm plantation, where it washed away the new seedlings and even dig out the big Oil palm trees and through the river to the seas. Where it results in low export of Oil palm to the global market and it really affected the GDP of the economy to fall and experience devalued in currency. Besides, the sweet potatoes, melons, vegetables were damaged and covered with ground, and it happen every year in Solomon Islands during heavy rains associate with cyclones.Where it affected the food security to reduce, and daily income of the people halt and it affected the purchasing power of the rural people for other necessities from the shops. The interviewees’ responses gave me clear picture that some of their places where they plant their crops covered with seas, Makira province in Solomon Islands for instance. Besides, the coconut and cocoa plantation really affected by the sea level rise because it would erode the coconut and cocoa trees into the sea and covered with seas today especially my home village, and it seen that the half bottom coconut was standing in the beach, but before there was a land mass that occupied with coconut plantations.Thus, it affect the owner of the plantations because their plantation size already reduce, and it can lessen the mature coconut fruits during their maturity stage to fall, where they can make 10 bags of coconut drier only to sell it for the Liver Company Limited for exporting. While before he can make 30 bags out of the plantation during one harvest. Likewise, it really shown the great changes on his output, and even the income he received also reduced as he expected for his family survival. Therefore, climate change was really a challenge to hinder the living of people in terms of the income they received from their productions, and to th e extent, the production for exporting also reduced and it cause the GDP of the economy to fall. The adverse impacts on agriculture and food security are a major concern for many communities and/or villages.Evidence from changes in temperature and rainfall and the occurrence of tropical cyclones in Solomon Islands will have long-term effects on food production systems. MITIGATION AND ADAPTATION STRATEGIES Below are the suggestions from the interviewees and from other findings in Solomon Islands. a) National Food Security programme, food security issue is common to all service providers in the agriculture sector. b) Provincial Food Banks – To mitigate and prepare against the effects of climate change such as cyclones, tsunamis, floods, and pest outbreaks, provincial food banks must be established at strategic sites. c) Crop diversification – The introduction of various crops to boost food production and economic development in the country must continue. This activity ca n be one by all players in agriculture development. d) Tolerant crop species – salt, drought, high rainfall, etc. – Crop varieties that are tolerant to extreme effects of climate change must be identified and rapidly propagated and distributed to hot spots. e) Rapid Response to disasters – exotic pests and diseases outbreaks, floods – An agriculture rapid response center must be established to prepare for any disasters such as pest and disease outbreaks. f) Weather forecasting- Predicting outbreaks of pest and diseases on crops -Developing capacity and capability to predict weather patterns such as weather simulations and pest and disease outbreaks would reduce crop loses. ) Weather stations establishment at agriculture production areas – The establishment of weather stations at agriculture field stations would ensure that data on rainfall, sunlight, and temperature are kept. This information is critical for crop production. h) National Urban Fruit Tree Planting – Planting fruit trees in urban centers such as Honiara, Auki, Gizo, Kirakira, Buala, Lata, Taro, Tulagi, and Tingoa. This will serve two purposes; as a source of fresh fruits and as beautification of the towns. It is vital for everyone in Solomon Islands to practices this adaptation and mitigation to improve their food security and even safe side during those drastic events happening in our country.Besides, Government must work hard by giving out people to give awareness or workshops on the type of system in order to implement in the communities in the provinces in Solomon Islands. CONCLUSION From the findings, it shown clearly that Climate change is a threat to Solomon Islands as it affected the livelihood of people both directly and indirectly in rural and urban areas in terms of hunger, decreased in household income, and affected their purchasing power because agriculture is the source of living in Solomon Islands. And, to the extent it affected the nationa l level in the country as well due to decreased in GDP result from less merchandize export.Hence, Government and individuals should act on by looking for possible adaptation and mitigation strategies or adapt to the highlighted ones above to help each other, in order to minimize the impacts on the food security, and as well as the welfare of the nation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aalbersberg, W. , Nun, P. D. , and Ravuvu, A. D. 1993. Climate and agriculture in the Pacific islands: future perspectives. Institute of Pacific Studies, Suva, Fiji. Strzepek, K. M and Smith, J. B. 1995. As climate changes: International impacts and Implications. Cambridge University Press. New York, USA. FAO. 2010. Collaborative Changes: A communication framework for Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security. Rome, Italy. Judith A. Bennett, 1978, Culture of Solomon Islands. Solomon printed limited, Honiara. Legu, M. 006, NCSA UNFCCC Stocktaking Report, Honiara, Solomon Islands. World Bank, 2000. Adapting to Climate Ch ange. Vol. IV in Cities, Seas and Storms, Managing Change in Pacific Island Economies. Papua New Guinea and Pacific Island Country Unit, The World Bank. IPCC (2001). Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis, available on line at http://www. grida. no/ climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/. Accessed 6th August from: http://sustainableagriculture. net/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/nsac_climatechangepolicypaper_final_2009_07_16. pdf Accessed 6th August from: http://www. ceepa. co. za/Climate_Change/index. html Accessed 7th August from: http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2007/11/16/DI2007111601638. tm Accessed 7th from: http://www. faopacific. ws/Portals/167/publications/Current%20Updates/SAP%20publications/Vanuatu%20FAO%20climate%20change%20study. final. pdf Accessed 11th August from: http/siteresources. worldbank. org/INTPACIFICISLANDS/Resources/summary_Voulme_IV_test. pdf. APPENDICES Questionnaires 1. What are the effects of climate change on the agricultural production in your country? 2. Do you think that agriculture sector in your country seriously affect by the effect of climate change? (Yes or No). If yes, then in what way. 3. What are some challenges or problems that SIDS were face due to the halt of agricultural expansion? 4.How do your people cope with the challenges or problems face by climate change on the agricultural development? 5. Do you think that halt of agricultural expansion affects life and nation as a whole? Give your reason. 6. Does your country have some possible ways to deal with these issues? Yes or No 7. What are some possible ways or solutions to address the challenges or problems in your country? 8. Do you think that Agriculture contributes a lot in the economic growth of the country? State your reason. 9. Do you think that climate change is the major problem on Agricultural expansion in SIDS? 10. What do you think if the agriculture did not expand? 11.What are some ways to improve or increase the country is GDP if Agriculture is not progress well? 12. What are some suggestions that government need to implement in order to reduce the effect of climate change on agricultural expansion? 13. What are some of the effective methods that SIDS need to pursue in order to maintain their sustainability? 14. What are the effects on the livelihood of the people? 15. What is your advice for your Government as Citizen to address the issue? List of the Interviewees 1. Dr. Morgan 2. Simeon 3. Mike 4. John 5. Peter 6. Angela 7. Rodley 8. Calwin 9. Lavinia 10. Fred 11. Sau 12. Agnes 13. Emily 14. Matilda 15. Robert
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Da Vinci Code PROLOGUE
Louvre Museum, Paris 10:46 P. M. Renowned curator Jacques Sauniere staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum's Grand Gallery. He lunged for the nearest painting he could see, a Caravaggio. Grabbing the gilded frame, the seventy-six-year-old man heaved the masterpiece toward himself until it tore from the wall and Sauniere collapsed backward in a heap beneath the canvas. As he had anticipated, a thundering iron gate fell nearby, barricading the entrance to the suite. The parquet floor shook. Far off, an alarm began to ring. The curator lay a moment, gasping for breath, taking stock. I am still alive.He crawled out from under the canvas and scanned the cavernous space for someplace to hide. A voice spoke, chillingly close. â€Å"Do not move.†On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly. Only fifteen feet away, outside the sealed gate, the mountainous silhouette of his attacker stared through the iron bars. He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils. The albino drew a pistol from his coat and aimed the barrel through the bars, directly at the curator. â€Å"You should not have run.†His accent was not easy to place. â€Å"Now tell me where it is.†â€Å"I told you already,†the curator stammered, kneeling defenseless on the floor of the gallery. â€Å"I have no idea what you are talking about!†â€Å"You are lying.†The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes. â€Å"You and your brethren possess something that is not yours.†The curator felt a surge of adrenaline. How could he possibly know this? â€Å"Tonight the rightful guardians will be restored. Tell me where it is hidden, and you will live.†The man leveled his gun at the curator's head. â€Å"Is it a secret you will die for?†Sauniere could not breathe. The man tilted his head, peering down the barrel of his gun. Sauniere held up his hands in defense. â€Å"Wait,†he said slowly. â€Å"I will tell you what you need to know.†The curator spoke his next words carefully. The lie he told was one he had rehearsed many times†¦ each time praying he would never have to use it. When the curator had finished speaking, his assailant smiled smugly. â€Å"Yes. This is exactly what the others told me.†Sauniere recoiled. The others? â€Å"I found them, too,†the huge man taunted. â€Å"All three of them. They confirmed what you have just said.†It cannot be! The curator's true identity, along with the identities of his three senechaux, was almost as sacred as the ancient secret they protected. Sauniere now realized his senechaux, following strict procedure, had told the same lie before their own deaths. It was part of the protocol. The attacker aimed his gun again. â€Å"When you are gone, I will be the only one who knows the truth.†The truth.In an instant, the curator grasped the true horror of the situation. If I die, the truth will be lost forever.Instinctively, he tried to scramble for cover. The gun roared, and the curator felt a searing heat as the bullet lodged in his stomach. He fell forward†¦ struggling against the pain. Slowly, Sauniere rolled over and stared back through the bars at his attacker. The man was now taking dead aim at Sauniere's head. Sauniere closed his eyes, his thoughts a swirling tempest of fear and regret. The click of an empty chamber echoed through the corridor. The curator's eyes flew open. The man glanced down at his weapon, looking almost amused. He reached for a second clip, but then seemed to reconsider, smirking calmly at Sauniere's gut. â€Å"My work here is done.†The curator looked down and saw the bullet hole in his white linen shirt. It was framed by a small circle of blood a few inches below his breastbone. My stomach.Almost cruelly, the bullet had missed his heart. As a veteran of la Guerre d'Algerie, the curator had witnessed this horribly drawn-out death before. For fifteen minutes, he would survive as his stomach acids seeped into his chest cavity, slowly poisoning him from within. â€Å"Pain is good, monsieur,†the man said. Then he was gone. Alone now, Jacques Sauniere turned his gaze again to the iron gate. He was trapped, and the doors could not be reopened for at least twenty minutes. By the time anyone got to him, he would be dead. Even so, the fear that now gripped him was a fear far greater than that of his own death. I must pass on the secret. Staggering to his feet, he pictured his three murdered brethren. He thought of the generations who had come before them†¦ of the mission with which they had all been entrusted. An unbroken chain of knowledge. Suddenly, now, despite all the precautions†¦ despite all the fail-safes†¦ Jacques Sauniere was the only remaining link, the sole guardian of one of the most powerful secrets ever kept. Shivering, he pulled himself to his feet. I must find some way†¦ . He was trapped inside the Grand Gallery, and there existed only one person on earth to whom he could pass the torch. Sauniere gazed up at the walls of his opulent prison. A collection of the world's most famous paintings seemed to smile down on him like old friends. Wincing in pain, he summoned all of his faculties and strength. The desperate task before him, he knew, would require every remaining second of his life.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Kyoto Accord essays
Kyoto Accord essays No matter how bright a solution may seem, it may only be drawing near the eye of the storm. A problem cannot be completely resolved without creating more. Such is the effect of the Kyoto accord. At this point in time, the Kyoto treaty should not come to pass because of its overwhelming negative effects. Among the many reasons why it should not be signed, are that jobs will dramatically be decreased in the energy industry, global warming occurs periodically without human induced factors, and the unknown cost of this project could prove fatal to the Canadian economy. Even though the greenhouse gases produced by the energy industries play a role in such global warming effects as cataclysmic storms, floods, and drought worldwide, these disasters would occur naturally anyway and it is still not quite certain as to how much it contributes to them. Without a certain amount of warming, all life on the planet would cease to exist. Furthermore, a reasonable increase in present global temperatures could be beneficial as warming could result in greater precipitation, which would aid in the production of agricultural. The idea that an increase in the climate would cause more violent storms worldwide is untrue also as storms are more closely associated with cold weather than warm weather. Only two of the top twenty deadliest storms occurred during extreme heat conditions. As for the decrease in the emissions to cool down the planet, this is merely a speculation since forty million years ago the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was ten times greater than today yet the temperature was substantially cooler. Too many facts are still unknown about the overall effect of the Kyoto project for it to come to pass. Although gas emissions would be reduced considerably, many jobs would be lost in the process. Hundreds of thousands of workers jobs would be put at stake just for the slight chance of a decrease in the climate, whi ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Were the Atomic Bombs Necessar essays
Were the Atomic Bombs Necessar essays Every act of war directed to the indiscriminate destruction of whole cities or vast areas with their inhabitants is a crime against God and man. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Since June 1940 tension had been mounting between America and Japan. The Axis Power, Germany and Italy, made strides into Europe while Japan had military interests in East Asia. As the Japanese army marched into China and then into Vietnam, the United States grew increasingly uncomfortable. In retaliation, the United States. clamped a trade embargo (including one regarding oil-shipment) on Japan in July 1941. Besides, all Japanese assets in the United States were frozen. Japan and the United States tried to come to an agreement. On November 5, 1941, Japan offered a plan to solve the crisis, but the American Secretary of State, Hull rejected the plan. The Americans would only accept an unconditional surrender under American terms. This frightened Japanese leaders because their biggest fear was losing their Emperor. As a result of the rejection, the Japanese responded in December 1941, when they attacked United States base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and launched other surprise attacks against Allied territories in the Pacific. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor claimed over 5000 American lives. Thus began a wider conflict marked by extreme bitterness. For most Americans this war was fundamentally different than the one waged against Italy and Germany. It was a war of vengeance. As the end of the war approached it was clear to both sides that it was going to be a fight to the finish. The Japanese would not surrender, they would fight until the death of all their people. They would die, in honor of their country. The Americans would not relent until they had conquered Japan. Therefore, on August 6, 1945, with no forewarning, the United States used their massive, secret weapon, the atomic bomb, a...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Sue Hendrickson - A Profile of the Famous Fossil Hunter
Sue Hendrickson - A Profile of the Famous Fossil Hunter Name: Sue Hendrickson Born: 1949 Nationality: American Dinosaurs Discovered: Tyrannosaurus Sue About Sue Hendrickson Until her discovery of an intact skeleton of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Sue Hendrickson was hardly a household name among paleontologistsin fact, she wasnt (and isnt) a full-time paleontologist at all, but a diver, adventurer, and collector of insects encased in amber (which have found their way into the collections of natural history museums and universities around the world). In 1990, Hendrickson participated in a fossil expedition in South Dakota led by the Black Hills Institute of Geologic Research; temporarily separated from the rest of the team, she discovered a trail of small bones that led to the almost complete skeleton of an adult T. Rex, later dubbed Tyrannosaurus Sue, that catapulted her to instant fame. After this thrilling discovery, the story becomes much more complicated. The T. Rex specimen was excavated by the Black Hills Institute, but the U.S. government (prompted by Maurice Williams, the owner of the property on which Tyrannosaurus Sue was found) took it into custody, and when ownership was finally awarded to Williams after a protracted legal battle he put the skeleton up for auction. In 1997, Tyrannosaurus Sue was purchased by the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago for a little over $8 million, where it now resides (happily, the museum later invited Hendrickson to give a lecture about her adventures). In the two-plus decades since her discovery of Tyrannosaurus Sue, Sue Hendrickson hasnt been much in the news. In the early 1990s, she participated in some high-profile salvage expeditions in Egypt, searching (unsuccessfully) for the royal residence of Cleopatra and the sunken ships of Napoleon Bonapartes invasion fleet. She wound up moving out of the U.S.she now lives on an island off the coast of Hondurasbut continues to belong to various prestigious organizations, including the Paleontological Society and the Society for Historical Archaeology. Hendrickson published her autobiography (Hunt for My Past: My Life as an Explorer) in 2010, a decade after receiving an honorary PhD degree from the University of Illinois in Chicago.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Torsion Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Torsion - Lab Report Example Fenner and other (1984) indicated that the modulus of rigidity is given by the ratio of stress to shear strain often represented mathematically as ?/?. As widely cited, modulus of rigidity is essential in measuring the material’s shear stiffness and it is known to be analogous to Young’s modulus for any elastic behaviour in compression or tension (Benham, Crawford & Armstrong, 1996). Given that a ductile material component useful in providing shear, an individual need to note that the maximum shear stress is safety, which is less than the materials yield shear stress (?y). However, a brittle material the criterion of failure is based upon its tensile stress (Gere &Timoshenko, 1984). Research indicate that the theory of torsion often give the torque in form of rotation as (1) The equation 1 above is often derived from Hooke’s law and it is also valid for the shear stresses though somewhat lower than shearing proportional limit (Case, Chilver & Ross, 1993). In a so lid circular section, it has been outlined mathematically that the polar second moment of the area of cross section is given by equation (2) (Ryder, 1969) (2) This implies that from (1), it can be shown that the maximum shear stress, that occurs at r = d/2, is provided by equation (3) (3) This experiment deals with determining yield shear stress along with the modulus of rigidity for the specimen of brass and mild steel of a circular cross section. Apparatus In this experimental set up, there were various sets of apparatus used. Among them were the torsion machine, a torsion bar, a gearbox, a torque meter, two protractors, a counter, and a hand-wheel. This way, a torsion machine was used for carrying out a test involving a specimen that was accommodated within the socket at each end. The 60:1 reduction gearbox served the purpose of manually applying the angular displacement at the left- hand side. The torsion bar was essential in this experiment given that it was used for measuring the torque when at right-side with a torque meter being used for reading digital data. The two protractors listed above were vital in this experiment since they were used for purposes of measuring the rotation of the specimen. They were placed at the gearbox, in which case, one was placed at the input hand wheel along side a 6 degrees scale, while the second gearbox was placed at the specimen shaft at 360 degrees scale. The counter, on the other hand, was used in providing the number of revolutions each of which might be zeroed. Last but not least, the hand-wheel placed at the torque meter assembly was used in returning the right-hand of the given specimen back to the original position. Procedure It is worth enlisting that this lab exercise involved 2 experiments: experiment 1 and experiment 2. This implies that there were specific procedures for specific experimental set up. In experiment 1, which involved determining the modulus of rigidity G for brass and mild steel, the procedur e for the experiment involved the following steps. 1. The diameter of the each of the cylindrical portion of the specimen was measured. 2. Using the level, the torque meter hand-wheel was adjusted in ensuring that the torsion bar, as well as the deflection bar is maintained close to and as parallel as possible. 3. The dial gauge was then set to zero through rotating the outer bezel. 4. The specimen was then accommodated in the right hand hexagonal
Friday, October 18, 2019
Thesis Requirements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Thesis Requirements - Essay Example Thesis Requirements A thesis also must have an explanation of the methodology – how was the information gathered to answer the research questions, how many participants, and what is the theory behind the methods? Another section which is a part of a thesis requirements is the research findings, which explain what the data was, and interprets the data so that the research questions are answered. Conclusions and recommendations are another necessary section, in which the thesis is explained in a nutshell, and the recommendations are areas for further study, as well as recommendations on how to apply the information that was gathered in the study. Therefore, if these basic requirements are met, then the thesis is complete. This thesis will be analyzed for these basic requirements, as well as being analyzed for how completely these requirements are met. The first part of the paper is the Introduction. The function of the Introduction is to introduce the problem, outline the promotional strategy, and give an outline of the research objectives, questions, structure, and theory behind the dissertation. Moreover, the introduction also provides a brief chapter overview, in which the introduction chapter is synthesized. The good was that the Introduction was well thought-out and well-organized. The introduction was superior in giving an overview and preview of what was ahead in the rest of the dissertation. What a good introduction does is whet the appetite – it is supposed to give brief synopses of all the different parts of the structure of the paper, and give a brief reason for the dissertation itself. This introduction did this very well, in that it was broken down into discrete parts that explained each of the sections of the thesis that was to come. Moreover, it outlined the research objectives very well – the objectiv es were concise and pinpointed, and gave a good framework for the rest of the dissertation. The reader knows what issues will be presented by looking at the objectives. There were also problems, in that the research questions were not as aligned with the research objectives as they could have been. The research objectives were very specific, and they encompassed much of what the research questions would not answer. Of course, it is possible that, through inquisition by the research questions, the dissertation could still answer and meet the objectives, but the questions should be more pinpointed to answer what the objectives of the research are. Therefore, the research questions probably should have been reworked so that they would more closely answer the issues which were presented in the objectives. Either that, or the objectives should be reworked to fit the research questions. Another section of the Introduction is the theoretical framework. This was a concise statement that gav e the overall dissertation some theoretical heft, but examining in brief the literature that is focused upon the dissertation’s subject. While much of this would also be in the literature review, it is still advisable to put this information also in the introduction so that the reader can have a brief explanation for what the literature is on the subject, and how this literature shows that the question that is presented is a pertinent one. It also gives a rationale for
Saving Chinese gaming addicts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Saving Chinese gaming addicts - Essay Example The advancement in technology has led to the development of technological games that tend to be addictive just like drugs are. In the recent times, the trend has been that these games are not played manually at home. The internet, with its vast and ever increasing modifications has provided an online platform from where gamers can compete with other gamers globally. The result has been an increase in addiction in gaming. It is said that statistics do not lie. In this case, the news are filled with stories of gamers here and there who have become addicted to the games they play and have resulted to may be selling their children or have even died while playing these games for long hours. According to Liu, gaming addiction in China has been identified as a psychiactric condition. As a result, some measures have been effected to aid in curbing this disorder. Various measures and means are being utilised. What medium acan be used to save Chinese online gaming addicts? To complicate matters farther, research shows that games are important in improving certain skills such as making of decisions. Moreover, they are said to improve the health of an individual as they involve the usage of several motor skills. However, the sad thing about gaming is that the person becomes absorbed into the game gradually until he or she finds no meaning in other matters concerning life. It can be noted that apart from the rehabilitation centers set up by the Chinese government to curb online game addiction ad save addicts, magazines provide a meaningful means to save online game addicts. The advantages exceed the limitations by far. Furthermore, the target population, adolescents and teenagers is interested in reading magazines while there are several means to avail it to them.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Sexual Harassment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sexual Harassment - Term Paper Example Review of the Case After reviewing the case of sexual harassment, which went for trial and later on became the law in California, I believe that sexual harassment is a big problem for many of the working women these days. Many women face the problem of sexual harassment when they go to their offices for work. The dilemma is that most of those women do not report sexual advances of their colleagues and managers to anyone because they feel ashamed in front of others. In such cases, offenders get more courage and they continue doing sexual acts with their subordinates. In case of Zurian and Lawicki, Zurian also did not tell anyone about the sexual advances of Zurian, which encouraged Lawicki to continue harassing her sexually. Lawicki harassed Zurian physically and verbally for three years, which is a very awful example of the shameful act of sexual harassment. Lawicki used to grab Zurian’s breasts from behind, pinch her buttocks, touch her crotch, and make sexual inquiries. Zuri an was the subordinate of Lawicki because of which she was afraid that if she told anyone, it would not be good for her professional career. The fact is that there is a limit to everything. A person cannot continue to be victim of a crime for an endless period. That is the reason why Zurian finally decided to contact higher authorities for ending the sexual advances of Lawicki. ... This behavior of higher authorities made Zurian take the decision to resign from job. However, the case did not end here because resignation brought many problems for Zurian. She not only lost a good source of income but also suffered from panic attacks, depression, and sleep disorder. These issues led Zurian file a case against Lawicki because of whom she left the job. The court, after hearing all parties involved in the case, decided to award compensatory damages to Zurian that amounted up to $125000. The court also held Lawicki responsible for the whole situation. It was a good decision by the court as Zurian was compensated for what she had suffered for three years. However, the court did not give her the right for a trial related to punitive damages. Although the court gave compensatory damages to Zurian but did not let her file case for punitive damages. Award of punitive damages was the right of Zurian because she had suffered a great deal from the sexual advances of Lawicki. My Policy at the Workplace The above-mentioned case of sexual harassment will really help me create an effective policy for the prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace. I will develop a policy, which will eradicate all sorts of discrimination against the employees along with the incidents of sexual harassment. I will give proper training and education to all employees regarding exhibition of workplace ethics and good moral. I will try to inject the value of workplace ethics in the minds of the employees in order to prevent them from teasing or harassing any other employee. In the above-mentioned case, I have learned that showing negligence towards complaint of any employee results in creating big problems not
"The Graduate" And "Bonnie and Clyde" Assignment
"The Graduate" And "Bonnie and Clyde" - Assignment Example To make the matter worse, the parents who are funnily involved in infidelity issues are married with children. This production would not have exposed infidelity this much owing to the fact that â€Å"The Graduate†movie targets a larger audience. "Bonnie and Clyde" movie unethically presents a rare reflection of the full range of human life. Movies should ethically be produced as per human nature reflection as in most cases they target human society as the general viewers. "Bonnie and Clyde" movie contemplates human life presentation as a movie revolving around pitiless cruelty, which emerges as an irritant to the audience. This film aimlessly portrays un-forgiveness at this time we are living. Clyde walked into the bank with a major aim of robbery together with the Barrow Gang (Whitehead 23). This movie, through the Borrow Gang, reveals the epitome of violence in American history of exploitation in the mass media production for the first time. The violence and unethical nature of â€Å"Bonnie and Clyde†movie does not make it be grouped as an ideal movie to watch in the contemporary
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Sexual Harassment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sexual Harassment - Term Paper Example Review of the Case After reviewing the case of sexual harassment, which went for trial and later on became the law in California, I believe that sexual harassment is a big problem for many of the working women these days. Many women face the problem of sexual harassment when they go to their offices for work. The dilemma is that most of those women do not report sexual advances of their colleagues and managers to anyone because they feel ashamed in front of others. In such cases, offenders get more courage and they continue doing sexual acts with their subordinates. In case of Zurian and Lawicki, Zurian also did not tell anyone about the sexual advances of Zurian, which encouraged Lawicki to continue harassing her sexually. Lawicki harassed Zurian physically and verbally for three years, which is a very awful example of the shameful act of sexual harassment. Lawicki used to grab Zurian’s breasts from behind, pinch her buttocks, touch her crotch, and make sexual inquiries. Zuri an was the subordinate of Lawicki because of which she was afraid that if she told anyone, it would not be good for her professional career. The fact is that there is a limit to everything. A person cannot continue to be victim of a crime for an endless period. That is the reason why Zurian finally decided to contact higher authorities for ending the sexual advances of Lawicki. ... This behavior of higher authorities made Zurian take the decision to resign from job. However, the case did not end here because resignation brought many problems for Zurian. She not only lost a good source of income but also suffered from panic attacks, depression, and sleep disorder. These issues led Zurian file a case against Lawicki because of whom she left the job. The court, after hearing all parties involved in the case, decided to award compensatory damages to Zurian that amounted up to $125000. The court also held Lawicki responsible for the whole situation. It was a good decision by the court as Zurian was compensated for what she had suffered for three years. However, the court did not give her the right for a trial related to punitive damages. Although the court gave compensatory damages to Zurian but did not let her file case for punitive damages. Award of punitive damages was the right of Zurian because she had suffered a great deal from the sexual advances of Lawicki. My Policy at the Workplace The above-mentioned case of sexual harassment will really help me create an effective policy for the prevention of sexual harassment at the workplace. I will develop a policy, which will eradicate all sorts of discrimination against the employees along with the incidents of sexual harassment. I will give proper training and education to all employees regarding exhibition of workplace ethics and good moral. I will try to inject the value of workplace ethics in the minds of the employees in order to prevent them from teasing or harassing any other employee. In the above-mentioned case, I have learned that showing negligence towards complaint of any employee results in creating big problems not
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Ethical and Moral Business Management (MBA) Essay
Ethical and Moral Business Management (MBA) - Essay Example My approach at decision making therefore applies deontology with the goal of making the right decision regardless of its consequences. Morality has deeply influenced my professional practice, and decision making in the workplace context. Throughout my term as a summer trainee at Zain Telecom, I have demonstrated ethical decision making by doing what was right in each situation. Working in the Finance Department, which was one of the most critical functional units of the firm, I was responsible for sorting records and analyzing financial statements for the company. I had full accessibility to critical company information and financial records but I carried out my duties without tinkering at the information. I did what was ethically right and expected of me given my position and responsibilities for the role. I resorted to the company policy and acted in accordance with the code of conduct while handling the information. As such I displayed full integrity and responsibility with the critical financial information I was entrusted with. Because my career focuses on accounting and finance, auditing is a key component of my work. Auditing is a domain of accounting which demands ethical integrity and accountability in professional practice. During my term as a full-time Assistant Auditor at Delloite, I was exposed to financial information from a wide array of companies and organizations. Not only did I demonstrate integrity while handling information but I also did what was right by carrying out my duties of auditing the financials truly. My conduct was geared towards ensuring accurate and reliable financial information for the various clients. During my practice as an auditor, I ensured compliance with law and the ethical code of each firm. I responsibly explored the accounting system and reported only accurate information thereby reflecting aspects of Kantian ethics
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