Thursday, August 1, 2019
Into the wild
Into the wild Imagine this, giving away absolutely all the money that you have in savings away to charity leaving everything behind†¦ Absolutely everything, and then Just going away Into the wilderness to live off the land. That, to many people, may sound completely Insane, but to Chris Mishandles It was completely reasonable. Chris Mishandles, a twenty-four year old left to Alaska to live In the wilderness for a couple of months, but what he didn't know was that he wasn't going to be able to make it out alive.John Krause the author of the book into the wild follows all of Chris Uncleanness's steps and his journey from the moment that he left home to his death. Christopher Mishandles had just graduated from Emory university when he decided to leave everything behind. He left his home, family, everything he owned, and only taking what he would be able to carry on his back. Chris had $24,000 in his savings and his father had planned for him to go to law school with that money, but instead Chris gave it all away to charity.Chrism's plans were to go to on a Journey to Alaska and eve In the wild for a couple of months, however Chris TLD tell any of his family members about his plans, and didn't keep In touch with any of them during any part of his Journey. This left Chrism's parents extremely worried about what had happened to their son. Chris left absolutely everything he had and went out in look for nature and peace. He wanted to get away from society, all the rules, and everyone that he felt had control over him.During his trip to Alaska Chris meets many different kinds of people that have and impact on his life as well as they do on him. Throughout this story Chris proves how he doesn't like authority, in fact, he hates it. Chris dislikes anyone who he feels has authority over him. One of the themes is freedom. Chris basically does everything he does to find the ultimate freedom. He wants to escape from all the rules. While talking to Jim, the guy that drov e Chris to Alaska, Chris exclaims, â€Å"How I feed myself is none of the government's business.Buck their stupid rules. †proving how much Chris hated authority and how he disliked the government, he felt as the government had authority over him. Another proof that Chris was looking to free himself from authority Is how Chris leaves his home because he felt as his father had authority over him. This leads to the conclusion that one of the themes for the book is ultimate freedom. Krause had never meet Chris in person he had never actually socialized with Chris, but realized that much of what motivated Chris is what motivated him as well.The speaker and the subject both had a connection with nature. Krause had been introduced to a mountain by his father and that's when e began to be interested in nature. Mishandles and Krause had both climbed the Devils Thumb, but their goals were different. Squeaker's goal was to complete the journey of being able to write the biography of Mi shandles. Krause had planned ahead to remain alive. The reason why Chris had gone to Devils Thumb was to feel free and get away from everything. Chris had not packed or planned ahead he In a way Just went and let faith decide for him.Chris and Krause had the same views but their own ways of Interpreting them. Krause makes many assumptions throughout the book. Everything Chris does is an assumption that Krause made Alaska. The way Chris is and how he acts are assumptions we make because of the way that Krause describes Chris. The way Chris is described as the ways that he views life are assumptions made by Krause. No one will ever really know how and why Chris did what he did, but what Krause assumes assumes is pretty close. The reason for writing the novel is because people are easy to Judge.The story of Mishandles got to people as soon as he died. People Judged Mishandles because they didn't see things from his perspective. They began to think that Mishandles was selfish for leavin g his family and insane for going into the wilderness without being prepared. The story provided reasoning to what Mishandles had done, to prove to people that Mishandles wasn't completely insane. Krause wanted people to remember Chris as someone that had an impact on people because of what he did, and not as someone that was Just completely insane. Into the wild Into the wild 4 Chris Mishandles, a Sophisticated Young Man. Even though Chris wanted to get absolute freedom, his Journey turned out to be a just selfish one, not even getting totally separated from the civilization or society. It Is possible that he went out on a Journey to get everlasting freedom from strict rules and formats. Even If Chris was an intellectual student, getting all As, well enough to go to Harvard law school, one time, he got F on a Physics. The reason was that Chris id not follow the format that the teacher told to students, regardless of the answers.His father agrees with the teacher, which shows his father, as well as the teacher, was a very strict person, especially on rules. As he realized that his father had another wife, and thought of his father as a immoral man, this young man who was full of energy may wanted to get out the society and get free. As he got out of the society, he earns money by himself and travels by himself. The one contradiction that I fo und was that he needed the money. Nowadays, money Is necessary for trade, economy; It became the basic part of our lives.In this sense, money can represent the excelled world, which Chris was not able to get rid of. If he did not need the money, there Is no reason for him to work In a Macdonald or under Westerners. Chris even mentions In one of his letters that he realized the money was necessary part of his journey, which seems contradictory for pure freedom. Another contradiction could be found with his life in Alaska. The reason why he went there was because he as motivated by his books.One of them is â€Å"Call of the Wild†, by Jack London. The story of this book is about a dog from California, going back to Alaska undergoing lots of sufferings. It seems that the dog got absolute freedom, but the author himself never went to Alaska, not even into the wilds. Chris also thought that Alaska was a pure nature. He thought that this purity and isolation would enable him to find out who he truly is, by feeling the nature and working by himself. Well, reality was different. Chris lacked In food.If he had enough time for this kind of self-learning, his diary would not be full of foods, rather what he observed on that day or what he realized should be written. Furthermore, even If he tried to get out of the world full of structures, his journey and its consequence (his deathly shows that this was for his own good. A death of one's child is one of the most tragic occurrences for parents. Chris not coming back home, and death made his parents worry such that his mother ,Bible, would mistakenly think any hitchhiker passing by as her son. ChrisMishandles is truly a sophisticated young man, with desire for freedom, who had to rely on money, trying to find out who he truly was, being a selfish one at the end. Just selfish one, not even getting totally separated from the civilization or society. It is and formats. Even if Chris was an intellectual student, getting a ll As, well enough to I found was that he needed the money. Nowadays, money is necessary for trade, economy; it became the basic part of our lives. In this sense, money can represent the civilized world, which Chris was not able to get rid of.If he did not need the money, there is no reason for him to work in a Macdonald or under Westerners. Chris even mentions in one of his letters that he realized the money was necessary part of his Journey, which seems contradictory for pure freedom. Another contradiction different. Chris lacked in food. If he had enough time for this kind of self-learning, his realized should be written. Furthermore, even if he tried to get out of the world full of structures, his Journey and its consequence. Into the Wild The Unforgiven â€Å"In April 1992 a young man from a well-to-do family hitchhiked to Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. His name was Christopher Johnson McCandless. He had given $25,000 in savings to charity, abandoned his car and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet, and invented a new life for himself. Four months later, his decomposed body was found by a moose hunter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Krakauer, 1) But, what lead him to do all of these and eventually die alone in the coldest place on earth, Alaska? For some, the society leads him to do these, and for some his parents lead him to die in this way.But in my opinion, it was all his fault. Chris’ inability to forgive; lead him to isolate himself from his friends, lead him to hate his parents and, most importantly, lead him to die. Chris was a boy who did not know to forgive anyone or anything, which caused him to lose friends in the college. Whatever happens between people, they should always forgive each other to continue their relationships or friendships. But the inability of Chris to forgive anyone caused him to isolate himself in the college and in the society. As a result of this isolation Chris chose to go into the wilderness alone.Even though it doesn’t mention clearly in the book that whether Chris had strong relationships with his friends or not, it is clear that he wasn’t the type of person who used to have so many friends. He was an introverted type of person. And his relationships with his friends seem to be shallow. This isolation was caused by his inability to forgive and his characteristic of being an introverted type of person. These two facts affected his life directly because whoever isolates himself from his friends and society may do dangerous things. And the dangerous thing that he has done appeared to be escaping into the wilderness.Even though he tried to isolate himself from the society, it wasn’t possible to d o it while living in the society, and that’s why he escaped into the wilderness. So, the most affective fact for him to isolate himself from the society and therefore escaping into the wild, was his inability to forgive. His inability to forgive didn’t cause him to just lose his friends and isolate from the society but also hate his parents and disgust their manners. â€Å"Their fraudulent marriage and our father’s denial of his other son was for Chris a murder of every day’s truth. †from this quote, it can be said that his father was married with nother woman when his mother was pregnant to him. And after learning that, Chris loses all the respect and all the love he had towards his parents. But if he could’ve just forgive them and accept them as they are, he wouldn’t die alone. It is perfectly normal for him to show some anger to his parents but after some time he should’ve forgive them. It is wrong to judge people for the t hings they’ve done in the past. Everyone needs a second chance and therefore everyone deserves to be forgiven. You can’t change the past by escaping into the wilderness, but you may change your relationship with people by forgiving them.And forgiving just doesn’t cause any harm to you, but escaping into the wilderness may. As he forgave neither his parents, nor the society he used to live in, he also didn’t accept them in the way they are. It is hard to change people’s minds after they grow up, but it is easier to change your mind when you are younger. The society that Chris used to live was composed of people who had different ideas with Chris. They were materialistic, but Chris was not; they liked rules but Chris hated rules; they think that joy emanates from human relationships, but Chris thinks that joy emanates from the nature.However, if the person wants to be happy, he can be happy in any condition. But to be able to do that and be happy eve rywhere, that person must accept the people with their characteristics and should not try to change them, that person should be optimistic and most importantly that person must forget and forgive the other people that live in the society. Ron Franz says: â€Å"From the bits and pieces I put together, you know, from what you told me about your family, your mother and your dad. And I know you've got your problems with the church too.But there's some kind of bigger thing we can all appreciate, and it sounds like you don't mind calling it God. But when you forgive, you love. And when you love, God's light shines on you. †And this quote shows that Ron also noticed Chris’ inability to forgive; because he recommends Chris to forgive anyone no matter what happened in between and he also mentions that he will find the way to get in contact with God if he learns to forgive. Ron Franz notices his inability to forgive and feels like he has to give him this speech where he put emp hasis on â€Å"forgiving†.Because from his experiences he knows that forgiving is important and he also knows that Chris will be happy if he learns to forgive. To sum up, I think that Chris’ inability to forgive people lead him to die, where he could’ve just chosen to forgive everyone and be happy. But Chris chose the easy way which is to escape from the society rather than trying to be a part of that society by learning to forgive and to forget. If he had found a way to forgive his parents and the society for their mistakes would he have gone such extremes to find himself? Into the Wild Although Chris McCandless’s life ended abruptly, he successfully found meaning in himself and confirmed his belief in the value of living to the fullest when he listened to his inner self as he survived in the Alaskan wild. Into the Wild by Jon Krakaur tells the story of Chris’s bold decision to separate himself from society. He had a good life going for him, but yet McCandless felt as if he wasn’t really living. He said, â€Å"If you want to get more out of life, you must lose your inclination for monotonous security and adopt a helter-skelter style of life that will at first appear to you to be crazy†(89). In order for him to develop life’s true value, he felt as though needed to get away, despite what everyone else thought. He proved his long journey successful through his pleasure at the end, fulfilled by its life changing effect on him. He had completed his emotional journey of finding himself and arranged to return to society, before the surprise of his unexpected downfall. He proclaims, â€Å"I am reborn. This is my dawn. Real life has just begun†(168). McCandless had learned contentment and gained the will to go back to his old environment with a new perspective. His independence and stronghold on life proves the importance of self-realization and knowing oneself, showing the reader that every person has his own aspirations and needs they need to fulfill. Later on, when Chris realizes he has no more hope of living, he writes yet an inspiring and gratifying tribute. He said, â€Å"I have had a happy life and thank the Lord. Goodbye and may God bless all! †(199). Chris was a real-life example of a person’s morals being pursued and put into action. He shows readers the importance of self-realization and identity, even if others aren’t accepting. One should set standards for himself, and not let others influence them. Chris McCandless lived past his mistakes and accomplished what he needed to do in order to become the best and happiest person he was capable of. Into the Wild Into the wild Into the wild Imagine this, giving away absolutely all the money that you have in savings away to charity leaving everything behind†¦ Absolutely everything, and then Just going away Into the wilderness to live off the land. That, to many people, may sound completely Insane, but to Chris Mishandles It was completely reasonable. Chris Mishandles, a twenty-four year old left to Alaska to live In the wilderness for a couple of months, but what he didn't know was that he wasn't going to be able to make it out alive.John Krause the author of the book into the wild follows all of Chris Uncleanness's steps and his journey from the moment that he left home to his death. Christopher Mishandles had just graduated from Emory university when he decided to leave everything behind. He left his home, family, everything he owned, and only taking what he would be able to carry on his back. Chris had $24,000 in his savings and his father had planned for him to go to law school with that money, but instead Chris gave it all away to charity.Chrism's plans were to go to on a Journey to Alaska and eve In the wild for a couple of months, however Chris TLD tell any of his family members about his plans, and didn't keep In touch with any of them during any part of his Journey. This left Chrism's parents extremely worried about what had happened to their son. Chris left absolutely everything he had and went out in look for nature and peace. He wanted to get away from society, all the rules, and everyone that he felt had control over him.During his trip to Alaska Chris meets many different kinds of people that have and impact on his life as well as they do on him. Throughout this story Chris proves how he doesn't like authority, in fact, he hates it. Chris dislikes anyone who he feels has authority over him. One of the themes is freedom. Chris basically does everything he does to find the ultimate freedom. He wants to escape from all the rules. While talking to Jim, the guy that drov e Chris to Alaska, Chris exclaims, â€Å"How I feed myself is none of the government's business.Buck their stupid rules. †proving how much Chris hated authority and how he disliked the government, he felt as the government had authority over him. Another proof that Chris was looking to free himself from authority Is how Chris leaves his home because he felt as his father had authority over him. This leads to the conclusion that one of the themes for the book is ultimate freedom. Krause had never meet Chris in person he had never actually socialized with Chris, but realized that much of what motivated Chris is what motivated him as well.The speaker and the subject both had a connection with nature. Krause had been introduced to a mountain by his father and that's when e began to be interested in nature. Mishandles and Krause had both climbed the Devils Thumb, but their goals were different. Squeaker's goal was to complete the journey of being able to write the biography of Mi shandles. Krause had planned ahead to remain alive. The reason why Chris had gone to Devils Thumb was to feel free and get away from everything. Chris had not packed or planned ahead he In a way Just went and let faith decide for him.Chris and Krause had the same views but their own ways of Interpreting them. Krause makes many assumptions throughout the book. Everything Chris does is an assumption that Krause made Alaska. The way Chris is and how he acts are assumptions we make because of the way that Krause describes Chris. The way Chris is described as the ways that he views life are assumptions made by Krause. No one will ever really know how and why Chris did what he did, but what Krause assumes assumes is pretty close. The reason for writing the novel is because people are easy to Judge.The story of Mishandles got to people as soon as he died. People Judged Mishandles because they didn't see things from his perspective. They began to think that Mishandles was selfish for leavin g his family and insane for going into the wilderness without being prepared. The story provided reasoning to what Mishandles had done, to prove to people that Mishandles wasn't completely insane. Krause wanted people to remember Chris as someone that had an impact on people because of what he did, and not as someone that was Just completely insane. Into the wild Into the wild Imagine this, giving away absolutely all the money that you have in savings away to charity leaving everything behind†¦ Absolutely everything, and then Just going away Into the wilderness to live off the land. That, to many people, may sound completely Insane, but to Chris Mishandles It was completely reasonable. Chris Mishandles, a twenty-four year old left to Alaska to live In the wilderness for a couple of months, but what he didn't know was that he wasn't going to be able to make it out alive.John Krause the author of the book into the wild follows all of Chris Uncleanness's steps and his journey from the moment that he left home to his death. Christopher Mishandles had just graduated from Emory university when he decided to leave everything behind. He left his home, family, everything he owned, and only taking what he would be able to carry on his back. Chris had $24,000 in his savings and his father had planned for him to go to law school with that money, but instead Chris gave it all away to charity.Chrism's plans were to go to on a Journey to Alaska and eve In the wild for a couple of months, however Chris TLD tell any of his family members about his plans, and didn't keep In touch with any of them during any part of his Journey. This left Chrism's parents extremely worried about what had happened to their son. Chris left absolutely everything he had and went out in look for nature and peace. He wanted to get away from society, all the rules, and everyone that he felt had control over him.During his trip to Alaska Chris meets many different kinds of people that have and impact on his life as well as they do on him. Throughout this story Chris proves how he doesn't like authority, in fact, he hates it. Chris dislikes anyone who he feels has authority over him. One of the themes is freedom. Chris basically does everything he does to find the ultimate freedom. He wants to escape from all the rules. While talking to Jim, the guy that drov e Chris to Alaska, Chris exclaims, â€Å"How I feed myself is none of the government's business.Buck their stupid rules. †proving how much Chris hated authority and how he disliked the government, he felt as the government had authority over him. Another proof that Chris was looking to free himself from authority Is how Chris leaves his home because he felt as his father had authority over him. This leads to the conclusion that one of the themes for the book is ultimate freedom. Krause had never meet Chris in person he had never actually socialized with Chris, but realized that much of what motivated Chris is what motivated him as well.The speaker and the subject both had a connection with nature. Krause had been introduced to a mountain by his father and that's when e began to be interested in nature. Mishandles and Krause had both climbed the Devils Thumb, but their goals were different. Squeaker's goal was to complete the journey of being able to write the biography of Mi shandles. Krause had planned ahead to remain alive. The reason why Chris had gone to Devils Thumb was to feel free and get away from everything. Chris had not packed or planned ahead he In a way Just went and let faith decide for him.Chris and Krause had the same views but their own ways of Interpreting them. Krause makes many assumptions throughout the book. Everything Chris does is an assumption that Krause made Alaska. The way Chris is and how he acts are assumptions we make because of the way that Krause describes Chris. The way Chris is described as the ways that he views life are assumptions made by Krause. No one will ever really know how and why Chris did what he did, but what Krause assumes assumes is pretty close. The reason for writing the novel is because people are easy to Judge.The story of Mishandles got to people as soon as he died. People Judged Mishandles because they didn't see things from his perspective. They began to think that Mishandles was selfish for leavin g his family and insane for going into the wilderness without being prepared. The story provided reasoning to what Mishandles had done, to prove to people that Mishandles wasn't completely insane. Krause wanted people to remember Chris as someone that had an impact on people because of what he did, and not as someone that was Just completely insane. Into the Wild
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