Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe
China Achebe, has achieved textual Integrity through a set of core Ideas which are developed through the characters and events In the novel. The novel shows the drastic effect of white missionaries who colonies an African clan of Bib people; bringing with them a new religion as well as laws, punishments and very deferent customs. Events described In the narrative highlight that a community and or an Individual must at some point adapt to change and a new environment or face being marginal's by the society.Awoken also works ere hard to show his strength, as an individuals fear of failure and social humiliation may influence their behavior in society as well as isolate them. Particular characters In the novel manifest how religion and spirituality create a sense of safety and stability In society as well as something to fear. Achebe has portrayed these concepts in the community of the Bib people through the coming of the missionaries and the downfall of the protagonist, Awoken. A commu nity and or individual must at some point adapt to change and a new environment or face being marginal's by the society.When the white missionaries come to the village of Ambulant they eventually build a hospital and a school, and welcome everyone to ]Olin In their beliefs bringing the Isolated and the deserted together and giving them meaning in their lives. This is in harsh contrast to Awoken who wants to resist and bring back the familiar and known ways of the clan. â€Å"Awoken said that ‘until the abominable gang was chased out of the village with whips there would be no peace†. This harsh statement conveys his unbending personality and his narrow view of the way the situation should be dealt with: as he its contrary to his clansmen.This inability to adapt and accept the changes in his community lead to Ginkgo's ultimate downfall. â€Å"That man was one of the greatest men In Mafia. You drove him to kill himself;†The white Commissioner was blamed for the de ath of Awoken; blamed for his seclude. At some point it becomes a necessity to change adapt or even simply accept new arrivals and change or face not being able to live. An individuals fear of failure and social humiliation may influence their behavior in society as well as isolate them. Awoken has worked his whole life to be different to is father and show the strength he has in him.It plays a huge part in his personality and affects how he treats people and how he reacts to things; always trying to be the opposite of his father who in his eyes was a failure. â€Å"Fortunately among these people a man was judged according to his worth and not according to the worth of his father. †Achebe's dramatic irony reveals Awoken has nothing to fear as his people will only Judge him on his individual worth and not his fathers actions. Awoken never showed weakness or any emotion that was not anger. He had no patience for ND a temper, which his family lived in fear of. But his whole lif e was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness†¦ It (his fear) was not external but lay deep within himself†¦ It was the fear of himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father†. This consuming fear of himself dominated his life, made him who he was and influenced his behavior so much so it lead to regrettable mistakes. Religion and spirituality create a sense of safety and stability in society as well as something to fear. â€Å"It (Muffin) was feared by all it's neighbors. It was powerful in war and in magic.The fear of magic is strong and protects Muffle from war, and well as defends it. Their religious beliefs gave them strength when it came to their enemies; no one wishes to wage war with a magic so powerful. This creates a fear driven law abidance. â€Å"She (The Priestess of Cabala) was full of the power of her God, and she was greatly feared†. Spirituality can give an individual power and a revered status. The Priestess of Cabala Juxtaposes other women in this book, differentiating herself from the crowd with her ability to communicate with the spiritual realm and the Goddess Cabala.Spirituality and religious beliefs constitute an unquestionable power and a fear no one can contradict. One must be able to accommodate change and conform to society to a certain extent to allow improvement in oneself and even ones culture which is ever changing, ever improving otherwise one can face being left behind, being marginal's or unable to endure the lasting effects. Awoken could not change or accept the changes in is community, he concentrated on not failing himself and avoiding social humiliation and keeping a stable and respected status in community which can influence ones behavior in society, or lead to isolation.Spirituality creates a sure sense of balance and security and a fear that establishes order in a society which Achebe provokes through the novel and states the idea in many forms as to be accessible by all . Achebe's novel ‘Things Fall Apart' has these core concepts which achieve its textual integrity and are displayed through the Bib people in Africa however can be expanded and applied to the whole. ‘Things Fall Apart', a novel by China Achebe, has achieved textual integrity through a et of core ideas which are developed through the characters and events in the punishments and very different customs.Events described in the narrative highlight in the novel manifest how religion and spirituality create a sense of safety and stability in society as well as something to fear. Achebe has portrayed these concepts welcome everyone to Join in their beliefs bringing the isolated and the deserted personality and his narrow view of the way the situation should be dealt with; as he men in Mafia. You drove him to kill himself;†The white Commissioner was blamed or the death of Awoken; blamed for his suicide.At some point it becomes a a man was Judged according to his worth and n ot according to the worth of his his ‘lazy son Known and always ran his household with a tough and hard set of rules something to fear. â€Å"It (Muffle) was feared by all it's neighbors. It was powerful in that a community and or an individual must at some point adapt to change and a war and in magic. †The fear of magic is strong and protects Muffin from war, and men in Comfit. You drove him to kill himself;†The white Commissioner was blamed
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