Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Asians And Census 2000 Essays - Organization Of Chinese Americans
Asians And Census 2000 Essays - Organization Of Chinese Americans Asians And Census 2000 There are numerous reasons why full participation is in the Census 2000 is important to the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. The estimated undercount of the Asian Pacific Islander community in 1990 was 2.3%. Because census data is the basis for almost all demographic information used by policy makers, educators, and community leaders, undercounted communities miss out on their fair share of federal funding for services, adequate governmental representation, and enforcement of civil rights laws that prevent discrimination. An undercount prevents government and other agencies from planning for and implementing culturally and linguistically appropriate services for the Asian Pacific Islander community. (U.S. Census Bureau) Unfortunately, the Asian Pacific Islander community is at risk for a high undercount in the upcoming census. Undercounts tend to be high in communities in which there are language barriers, resistance to outsiders, suspicion of government, disbelief of census confidentiality, non-traditional household living arrangements, irregular housing, large numbers of children, large proportions of renters, and among people or families who are highly mobile. (U.S. Census Bureau) One important reason for full participation by Asian American and Pacific Islander communities is the need for adequate governmental representation. Reapportionment occurs after every census, which is when political districts are reconfigured to reflect changes in the population. When Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are not counted, they are not assigned the correct number of representatives. It is important that they have a voice in the government. There is a need for political empowerment among the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, and that can happen only when there is accurate representation, which is the result of an accurate census count. Another important reason for the full participation of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities is the need for community funding. Hundreds of billions of dollars in federal, state, and county funding are allocated each year on the basis of census information. This money is used to support schools, employment services, housing assistance, hospital services, programs for the elderly and disabled, child care, substance abuse prevention, battered womans shelters, and transportation. If there is not an accurate count, the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities will lose out on millions of dollars for community funding. Census information is also used to identify areas that require assistance in languages other than English. For example, it is used to determine whether bilingual material is needed during elections. It also helps government agencies serve the needs of limited English proficient people in education, health care, police and emergency services. This is very important for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders that speak a language other than English, especially in terms of bilingual voting documents, which allow them to participate in the political process. Fortunately, many efforts are being made to ensure that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are not undercounted in the next census. An Asian Pacific Islander Census 2000 Task Force was formed to organize community education around Census 2000. Community education materials are being translated into the numerous Asian Pacific Islander languages. Bilingual enumerators are being recruited to reach out to non-responding households. These proactive measures will help ensure a more accurate count for Census 2000, which will greatly benefit the Asian American and Asian Pacific Islander communities.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to get rid of depression
How to get rid of depression Learn the effective ways how to get rid of depression Very often it becomes harder for us to enjoy our lives and be satisfied with the current state of things and the things around us. The thoughts that that we are not satisfied with this or that come into our heads, bringing the feelings that everything is bad and there is no way to solve problem, if any. That is the state of depression and in such a situation it is very important not to let these feelings evolve and become stronger. Below you can find the ways and means how to get rid of depression and enjoy your life. Sports It has been proved a long time before that physical activity helps to keep mental and psychological condition of human’s body. Very often when you feel bad morally or mentally, it is a good means to improve your state by going in for sports. Doing physical exercises requires concentration and dedication, so you need to improve your thinking to do all this. And as a result you can clear up your head of bad thoughts or some irritation and develop your body at the same time. Sport can become your personal psychologist, who will take care of your wellbeing. Food Yes, this is right, food can help you improve your mental state and bring you joy. But at the same time it is very important to have the right approach to it. If you eat unhealthy food or a big amount of it – it will bring you no good. Though, eating something healthy, useful and, of course, tasteful can help you receive those pleasant feelings to conquer the depression and put it off. This can also help you develop new and right approach to nutrition as the means to support your health and physical shape. And this is an effective way to get rid of depression and to enjoy fine food. Travelling Finding out something new in one’s life is very useful to overcome the depression. And in such a situation why not discover some new places around and enjoy visiting them. Changing of surrounding is very effective for improving your mental condition. Also when travelling, you are able to meet new people or new cultures and by interacting with them, you can easily change your life and bring new positive emotions in it. New connections can make your life more interesting and absorbing. Self-education By learning something new we also get things to become better and to change our mindset. New information or skills can improve our thinking and moral condition. No matter if it is reading new books or studying some new disciplines or undergoing particular academic programs – it is very effective for you to become better and more sophisticated. When we conceive new information, we greatly improve our way of thinking and the ability to treat various things in a right manner. The learning process is a good means to obviate depression and make your life better. Right thinking No matter in what conditions we live, we can always be happy. Everything depends on the way we treat this or that thing. Some people have a lot of things in his or her life, or at least a lot more than others, though still thinking that it is not enough or all this is not so good. But pessimistic attitude will never result in anything good for you. The way how we treat everything around us greatly depends on the way of our thinking, so if you want to live a happy life, you should think in a positive way. Engaging in positive course of conduct will help in dealing your problems and bring you optimistic outcome. The above stated things can direct you in the right way to make your life more interesting and full of bright colors. When comprehending something new we evolve and improve ourselves. We hope that these clues will help you get rid of depressive thoughts once and for all.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Job Opportunities for International Students Assignment
Job Opportunities for International Students - Assignment Example We need to improve this problem for international students in order to protect their professional lives. Problem The problem is that a huge number of International students come to the US to get educated in various fields, but when it comes to getting jobs in the US, they face huge problems, ranging from Visa issues to nationality. Putting it in easy words; to get job in the US, one has to have the green card. If International students don’t have the citizenship, they will most probably go back home and get on with their lives, against their will. This paper is an effort to highlight these issues and propose solution to it. Who knows, this effort might ring a bell in someone somewhere and easy visa policy or some immigration law would change the fate of thousands of international students and million more to come in the future. Purpose The main purpose is to highlight the issue of job opportunities for international students in the US, the other purpose is to convince the OCS officials to take appropriate action in this matter. Primary Audience Officials of the Office Career Services constitute the primary audience of this paper, although anyone that has a stake in the matter stated above is in the audience. But OCS officials are certainly in a position to take action and can contribute immensely to the solution of the problem. Secondary Audience; People/Organizations that can play a part US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is the one that makes rules that govern hiring in the US of non-US citizens (, and that makes them the other party that needs to be included in the paper. Whatever decision the authorities make regarding employment of international students in the US, USCIS will play a crucial role in it. EducationUSA is also another party that can impact the outcome to this problem. As the U.S. higher education community works together with EducationUSA to draw qualified international students to U.S. campuses ( , they can help develop such study programs that are more feasible to authorities such as USCIS when giving work permit or giving slack in visa restrictions. The other party will be the students. It only makes sense that whatever the OCS authorities will come up with, international students need to cooperate to make it work, and that makes them the secondary audience. Directly Affected The International students studying in the US and planning to hunt down job opportunities and avail them here in the United States will be directly affected by the ideas. The students who want to stay in North America and apply the knowledge they have been learning in the Universities. It won’t be stretching the notion too far, if I have to say that society on the whole will benefit from policy amendments. Many economists believe that the resources need to be put to the best of their use, and that is precisely what I am striving for in this reflection. What makes me suitable for this research? I cannot think of a more suited word than ‘victim’ for the position I find myself in, which puts me in the position to research and propose in this matter. I am a senior at UMD and I do not see any major job opportunity for me
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Chief Bill Bratton Leadership Essay
When one thinks of a leader, what type of person do we think of? Is that individual a hero that we see on television, a cartoon character, a family member, or is that person a public servant? Regardless of occupation and title, a leader is a person who inspires others and they know how to motivate people. â€Å"When they arrive, you see something about them that stands out. The inner strength of their leadership ability emerges†. (Gonzalez, 2007, February 1). Leaders are individuals in your area of work who are focused on the tasks at hand and they have a clear and concise vision on what their respective organizations are set out to do. How do you know if you are being an effective leader? A leader is a person who is looked up to and has a plan to get things accomplished. Within groups, a leader is the person who makes the final decision for the group and it is a person who is motivated to see success for their organization. â€Å"A leader is on a quest and you can see itâ₠¬ . (Gonzalez, 2007, February 1). In the area of law enforcement, Bob Vernon states that there are six questions that every law enforcement officer leader should ask to see if they are being effective leaders. Vernon states that each law enforcement leader should look in the mirror and ask themselves if their organization has the following: a.) Direction, b.) Teamwork, c.) Staff development, d.) Principles, values, and policies, e.) Communication, and f.) controls (Vernon 60-62). Few officers were more of a leader than William Joseph â€Å"Bill†Bratton was. Bratton was born on October 6, 1947 in Dorchester, Massachusetts which is a suburb of Boston. He attended Boston Technical High School and graduated in 1965. Bratton went on to serve in the military and he served in the Vietnam War during the 1960’s. Bratton began his police career with the Boston Police Department in 1970. Within ten years he rose to the rank of Superintendent. During Bratton’s police career he held the position of Superintendent with three of the largest police agencies in the world. Bratton served with the Boston Police Department from 1991-1993, the New York City Police Department from 1994-1996, and lastly with the Los Angeles Police Department from 2002-2009. During Bratton’s tenure with the New York Police Department, the work he did resulted in dramatic change in the level of crime in the city. For example, murder rates dropped from 2,500 per year to just less than 1,000 per year. Shootings fell from 6,000 to 3,000 a year and robberies from 85,000 to approximately 50,000 per year. (Blair, 2002, September, 23).
The meaning of Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The meaning of - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that when studying at high school levels, it was evident that most of the academic papers were referred to as essays even when some of them appeared as mere articles. In addition, most United States educators refer articles or essays as term or research papers. This forms the basis of my title the â€Å"meaning of the term essay†, where I tend to explore the distinction of the term essay and other literally works such as articles. This is mostly true in the French history by essayist such as Montaigne in his pronounced use of the word essay in his literary work. The word essay has also been used to mean to examine, try, and to attempt to explain something with being sure of succeeding. The association of essay with experiments also gets its root from the same idea of attempting to explain something. Francis Bacon also attempted to emphasize the lack of empirical support of essay while attempting to establish its application in social sciences or arts. The key characteristic that draws a line or creates a distinction between essays an article depends exclusively on the writer’s assumptions, objectives, personal ideas, and style or structure of the literally material. A typical essay is not based on fixed place or a given time limit but unlike an article, it thrives on the ground of its original content. Also unlike pale articles, essays insist on good and fluent language, in fact in the most excellent essays good language is not narrowly a medium of communication, but communication on its own.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hazardous material managment and HAZMAT teams Case Study
Hazardous material managment and HAZMAT teams - Case Study Example Proper management of hazardous materials entails minimization of the risks associated with such materials to the entire society while at the same time avoiding shifting of the risks to other sectors. This paper explores the issues of hazardous management and the Hazmat team. Hazardous materials encompass all materials classified as having the potential to cause harm or affect the wellbeing of people, the environment as well as property (Raven, Hassenzahi & Berge, 2011). Such materials fall into different categories including radiological and nuclear particles, biological and chemical materials. Threats of bioterrorism have seen classification of various microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsial agents among other toxins as potential hazardous biological materials (Public Safety Canada, 2011). Classification of these microbes as hazardous materials lies in their ability to be dispersed in aerosols and the health risks they pose on the people and the environment. Health complications associated with these biological agents pose lethal and disabling threats to humankind. Radiological and nuclear materials on the other hand pose great health risks on exposure to people, animals and other components of the ecosystem due to their ability to react and damage living cells as well as induction of changes in the genome. Chemical substances with the potential to influence the normal functioning of the human body and the ecosystem also fall under the category of hazardous chemicals or materials. Hazardous material incidences refer emergencies or incidents that pose great risks of infections, contamination and potentials long-term effects on the wellbeing of people and the environment (Raven, Hassenzahi & Berge, 2011). The scope of hazardous materials incidents entails fires, explosions, chemical leakages and spills, and hazardous material transportation accidents among other incidences such as bioterrorism attacks.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effect of Intoxication on Generosity | Article Analysis
Effect of Intoxication on Generosity | Article Analysis In their 50th volume, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology published an article named â€Å"Focused On Fairness: Alcohol Intoxication Increases the Costly Rejection of Inequitable Rewards†in which they explored the effects of alcohol regarding an individuals propensity to accept a deal in with there exists unfair rewards. In the first study, participants were recruited from outside of bars in Pittsburg, PA between 9pm and 3am to play a modified ultimatum game with economical rewards. This type of field experiment was chosen in order to both find a pool of subjects that were unfamiliar with psychological studies and experimental economic games, as well as allow for participants to drink to their preferred level of intoxication, which may differ from what they would have been subjected to in a lab setting. Subjects had their BAC tested and then proceeded to be isolated in cubicles where they would complete the experiment. Subjects were led to believe they were playi ng against another live human, but in actuality they were playing against a computer program. Subjects were given 100 cents to play with in each round, deciding how much to offer their partner and how much to keep for themselves, and then would submit their offers to their partner who would either accept or reject the offer and then proceed to begin a new round with the roles having been switched. The computer program that the participants played with would accept any offer >30 cents and refuse any offer The experiment essentially proved that while intoxication may have no effect on generosity or equitability of offers, it did have an effect on a subject’s propensity to reject unfair offers. Higher BAC reflected an increased likelihood of rejecting an unfair proposal, yet it had no bearing on likelihood of proposing or accepting generous and/or fair offers.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Chief Bill Bratton Leadership Essay
When one thinks of a leader, what type of person do we think of? Is that individual a hero that we see on television, a cartoon character, a family member, or is that person a public servant? Regardless of occupation and title, a leader is a person who inspires others and they know how to motivate people. â€Å"When they arrive, you see something about them that stands out. The inner strength of their leadership ability emerges†. (Gonzalez, 2007, February 1). Leaders are individuals in your area of work who are focused on the tasks at hand and they have a clear and concise vision on what their respective organizations are set out to do. How do you know if you are being an effective leader? A leader is a person who is looked up to and has a plan to get things accomplished. Within groups, a leader is the person who makes the final decision for the group and it is a person who is motivated to see success for their organization. â€Å"A leader is on a quest and you can see itâ₠¬ . (Gonzalez, 2007, February 1). In the area of law enforcement, Bob Vernon states that there are six questions that every law enforcement officer leader should ask to see if they are being effective leaders. Vernon states that each law enforcement leader should look in the mirror and ask themselves if their organization has the following: a.) Direction, b.) Teamwork, c.) Staff development, d.) Principles, values, and policies, e.) Communication, and f.) controls (Vernon 60-62). Few officers were more of a leader than William Joseph â€Å"Bill†Bratton was. Bratton was born on October 6, 1947 in Dorchester, Massachusetts which is a suburb of Boston. He attended Boston Technical High School and graduated in 1965. Bratton went on to serve in the military and he served in the Vietnam War during the 1960’s. Bratton began his police career with the Boston Police Department in 1970. Within ten years he rose to the rank of Superintendent. During Bratton’s police career he held the position of Superintendent with three of the largest police agencies in the world. Bratton served with the Boston Police Department from 1991-1993, the New York City Police Department from 1994-1996, and lastly with the Los Angeles Police Department from 2002-2009. During Bratton’s tenure with the New York Police Department, the work he did resulted in dramatic change in the level of crime in the city. For example, murder rates dropped from 2,500 per year to just less than 1,000 per year. Shootings fell from 6,000 to 3,000 a year and robberies from 85,000 to approximately 50,000 per year. (Blair, 2002, September, 23).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Discuss Steinbeck’s presentation of The American dream in Of Mice And Men Essay
George and lennie want to recreate happier time â€Å"I could build a smoke house like the one grandpa had†this shows they want to recreate there childhood when they were safe and cosy A kid of paradise with lots of food – a cosy life â€Å"When we kill a pig we can smoke the bacon and the hams and make sausages†So they can eat some rich fresh succulent meat whenever they want it Better working conditions – not getting canned not working if they didn’t want to â€Å"No one could can us an if we don’t Steinbeck’s language shows the dream won’t come true because he uses alliteration to slow down your reading and by the way curley’s wife neck clicks there is no more sound as if the universe came to a massive stand still As soon as he says â€Å"stop†the first time its like running into a brick wall as if its just like boom dead end no way out to late and no more American dreamland then followed by the second as if that was the rest of the wall boxing him in as to seal his fate as lennie says â€Å"i didn’t want to hurt you but george’ll be mad if you go yelling †and then as it dawns on him of what his actions done â€Å"I done a bad thing I done another bad thing †this leaving the reader feeling sorry for lennie as he is a bit simple as if in his head he is still a kid in a full grown mans body . And as Steinbeck writes the end of chapter five his words showing how distressed / depressed and scared for lennie candy is â€Å"poor bastard†and emphasizing how quiet the barn is as if death himself had walked and lingered in the darkened corners of the barn as the darkness appears in as if a symbolic sign of death hovering the ranch with his scythe waiting to collect his crop. Candy cry’s because when he finds curlys wife dead because he knows that it was lennie and that curly is going to kill lennie when he finds out he will chase down lennie like a hound chasing a rabbit homing in waiting for the death blow and after lennies gone so have George and candies dream and as this starts to hit him he starts to worry about his friends and there future . George talks to lennie about the dream before he shoots him so lennies calm and happy not distressed , panicky and depressed so his last moment is one of his favourite memories George decides to go and to shoot lennie so that he can make lennie happy and calm before he is executed rather than lennie upset and crying at the hand of curly just so that lennie can be happy and glad before he is shot which is really good it must take a lot of courage to shoot a friend It’s a shame really been as they nearly had the finance to buy there dream place with all the three of there money put together had enough to place the deal on the house Steinbeck shows that something will go wrong at the end as he got the title for this novel from a poem by the Scottish writer Mr. Robert burns the poem goes like this The best laid schemes o’ mice an men Gang aft agley An’ leare us nought but grief an’ pain For promised joy In other words the plans of mice and men often go ugly and leave nothing but grief and pain when it was promised to give us joy. The story is set back just after the cowboy/bandit era a time were movies were quite and woman were even more so Its set about two friends who travel together and stop off at ranches to do some work before they move on to earn enough money to support there American dream which is that when they have enough money to buy a ranch they saw for 600 American dollars and then they could live of the fat of the land and everything would be perfect â€Å"an if we didn’t like the guy we just say get out and wed have a spare room and if a friend came by we’d say why don’t you stay the night and by god he would†Steinbeck’s idea of the American dream is basically that the dream can only be reached by the wealthy and unavailable to the poor and dreamful
Friday, November 8, 2019
Become a Marketable Medical Transcriptionist
Become a Marketable Medical Transcriptionist Whether you’re just starting along the path to a career in medical transcription or are looking to sharpen your skills, you need to be in top of your game at all times. Here are a few ways you can thrive in this important position. You will likely have to learn how to generate your own clients. Always be in the lookout for opportunities to network. Keep your name active in industry forums and maintain consistent relationships with industry professionals: teachers from your certification program, former classmates and colleagues, and anyone you’ve worked for in the past. You want to remain fresh in the minds of people who might be looking to hire someone.Organization is key, especially because many positions will require that you work from home and maintain your own schedule. First, set up a professional space for yourself–make sure it’s clean, quiet, and equipped with the latest gear. You will definitely need a sturdy set of headphones and a quality sou nd card for your computer. Then, set up (and stick to!) an administration plan that works for you–paper or electronic files are fine, so long as you keep meticulous track of your assignments, due dates, and invoices.Finally, grow and hone your skills regularly. Practice is key to success, especially on real-life medical dictations. In this profession, time is money and efficiency is vital.Aim to stay at the top of your game in all professional and personal avenues and you’ll be primed to become a sought-after and marketable medical transcriptionist!5 Ways to Maximize Your Effectiveness as a Medical TranscriptionistRead More at
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Characters of fear Essays
Characters of fear Essays Characters of fear Essay Characters of fear Essay In Alexander Mackendricks 1957 classic, Sweet Smell of Success, the character of J. J. Hunsecker is extremely powerful, respected and lonely. This is also true of the character Jerry Langford in Scorseses 1983 film, The King of Comedy. Both characters share positions of supremacy and therefore can be easily contrasted with reference to their similarities and differences. J. J. is the most powerful newspaper columnist in New York, thus yielding authority with his command over the press. Jerry is a famous talk show host and comedian (i. e. The King of Comedy) and therefore his power lies ithin the control over the entertainment business. How is this sense of power similar between characters? Both characters have the ability to make or break someone in their respective fields. For example in Sweet Smell of Success, J. J. has the ability to help press agent, Sidney Falco, by his control over The New York Globe and what gets published. J. J. then uses this leverage to his advantage by employing Sidney for his own devices. Similarly, in The King of Comedy, Jerry has the authority to make Rupert Pupkin a successful comedian by allowing him to perform on his show. Jerry denies this of Rupert until the stakes are high and its a matter of life or death. At this time Jerry uses his power to save his own life. Although these men are both in similar hierarchal positions, they are viewed differently by the public and those around them. Both men are respected, however this is shown differently. With J. J. the respect of others stems solely from fear. People are afraid of a king who is manipulative, corrupt and known to play dirty. Thus, he is respected because he demands it. For example when J. J. says; Sidney, this syrup your giving out with you pour over waffles, not J. J. Hunsecker, this shows Sidney that J. J. s not to be messed with and that he will not except any nonsense from those around him. J. J. has also fashioned this only speak when spoken to kind of environment, which demands reverence in its own right. On other end of the spectrum, Jerry is respected out of admiration by the public and those around him. He is a comedian and a friendly personality therefore people love him. This is shown in the film when he is walking down the street and fans approach him to shake his hand. He is still esteemed as the king of New York, however this is on a more ersonal level than J. J. because people do not fear him. Both characters share the glories of wealth, power, fame but also loneliness. J. J. is surrounded by people, however they are solely acquaintances rather than friends. From the scenes at his apartment we see that J. J. is truly alone. The only person he seems to care for is his younger sister. It seems as though his desire for power and wealth has destroyed all friendships or any shot at love. This is true of Jerry as well. When we see his mansion in the Hamptons, he is the only one there besides the hired help. The table is set for ne, hinting to the audience that he has no wife or girlfriend. Therefore both of these characters show Just how lonely it truly is at the top. The characters of J. J. and Jerry have been compared and contrasted with reference to their power, respect and loneliness. These men share the power to manipulate those around them for their own needs. They are both respected but this stems from different places for these characters; one is from fear and the other is from admiration. Finally, although both men have made it to the top of their industry it seems as though they have lost all companionships along the way.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analysis of the US Market from Various Perspectives Essay
Analysis of the US Market from Various Perspectives - Essay Example So, this may be considered a good time to enter the US market by acquiring well managed and under-valued insurance companies. However, the investment decision should be backed up by thorough due diligence. Also, the investment should be done with a long-term perspective. 2. The government is amenable to foreign investment: The present economic recession has forced U.S. banks to tighten their credit standards and the issuances are getting more expensive. With the weakening dollar and depressed domestic and the foreign demands, U.S. businesses are currently facing hard times. In times like these, the administration will welcome any kind of foreign investment, including in the form of acquisitions. New President means changes and changes come from new policies. So the policies formulated by the new President will definitely affect business operations of the firm to an extent. Additionally, the new President has a substantially high acceptance among the US population and it is expected that entering the office will help boost the sagging morale of the US economy. All these factors may result in an earlier than expected recovery of the US economy. For most of the aspects of management and business operations, having a better understanding of a country’s culture is very important, both for a single country and international settings. Cultural backgrounds influence people’s conjectures about the organization and hence have a profound impact on the management and business operations. (IMD, n.d) 2. The decline of the â€Å"family†: Family as a social unit has been increasingly losing its importance in the US, and the percentage of family households out of total households have dipped to 69% from 89%. This trend is critically linked to Insurance Industry as there are more units of society that will look for individual insurance. (Michael T. R.,2003) These are the 6 major trends of the U.S. from three- Economic, Political and Cultural Perspectives.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Carry Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Carry Trade - Essay Example While on the one hand exports are down and production are down, on the other hand a large number of job losses is causing further slide in economy. This raises the curiosity about the importance of carry trade in this scenario. Carry trade, as the name suggests is the trading activity that one indulges by carrying forward the returns or losses of the holdings by an individual or a business entity. Yen has been a popular instrument amongst the trading community as an important tool for holding foreign exchange and dealing in financial transactions. Selling the Yen at lower interest rates and then using the funds for purchasing higher interest currencies like dollar or pounds would yield considerable profits. Such a carry trade prospered, with the hope of sustaining the higher swap ratio and lower interest rates on Yen. But, with western economies reeling under recession, the Yen has considerably become strong, resulting in some loss making propositions for Carry trades. This has broug ht the issue of carry trade in focus. ... Such a carry trade prospered, with the hope of sustaining the higher swap ratio and lower interest rates on Yen. But, with western economies reeling under recession, the Yen has considerably become strong, resulting in some loss making propositions for Carry trades. This has brought the issue of carry trade in focus. This study is an effort towards analyzing the trends in Carry trade over the years and its impact on the economic conditions of different countries. An effort will also be made to foresee the futuristic trends while analysing and comparing the development of the markets. Chapter-1: Introduction Economic activities, financial services, and banking have experienced quite a few changes in the last couple of decades. With the opening up of economies, the industrial activities saw an upsurge on global scale. The financial system around the world also saw need to have a matching regulatory mechanism. The exchange rates became more transparent while investments in one region or country poured in from different corners of the world. The differences in rates of interests, prices indices, exchange rates led to a trading system termed as carry trade. 1.1 Background of the Study For many years the trading in foreign exchange has been a simple process. It basically involved buying the currencies with the highest returns while selling those with the lowest. Such a 'carry trade' helped in creating high returns with low volatility. This trend continued for many years creating bumper returns for some investors. Some analysts considered that Carry Trade violated the fundamental theories explaining the markets like the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP). The UIP states
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